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Tablet or chromebook??!


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So the GF has basically confiscated my laptop for school and she is always on it Ding homework in the evenings. She also stays a couple nights a week in Dayton to cut down on driving. So I'm left to use my iPhone for A computer. Buddy of mine introduced me to his Chromebook and I really like it fast boot up light weight and more than I really need in a computer I have been looking at tablets. Any opinions, real life experience. Good buys bad buys.

I also saw a few used chromebooks on eBay for a decent price.

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I'm still not convinced tablets can replace computers, but I am also a power user and half the stuff I want/need to do can not be done on a tablet easily. If you are only going to do some web surfing you can get away with a tablet. But if you need to do ANYTHING else I would not.

Edited by JStump
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I recently loaded Ubuntu on my netbook I carry with me for the hotels. It boots three times faster than Windows, runs faster, and is a fully functional computer. Everything that worked in in Windows, works in Ubuntu. It was absolutely free and runs Chromium (Chrome on Linux). I'd recommend spending $50 on a Craigslist netbook or even laptop and Ubuntuing it up. My netbook is over two years old and wan't particularly fast when I bought it.

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I really just want it to surf the web and shop online. Maybe play some silly time killer games. Don't need much computing power and won't need office.

Chromebook or an ipad since you are already an iPhone user. Either will meet your needs. Pick the one you like better.

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I really just want it to surf the web and shop online. Maybe play some silly time killer games. Don't need much computing power and won't need office.

Whats your price range?

Based on purpose, you definitely want a tablet if all you're going to do is web surfing and gaming. I would suggest the ipad. You're apps selection in iTunes is far better than the android. Ever since I got mine, i use it religiously and rarely ever break out the laptop. The tablet is a lot more convenient, it's not just about weight, the keyboard does take up a lot of space and bulky.

Combined with an wifi printer and you're pretty much set.

This is based on your sole use of web surfing and games tho. There not a good Office suite, so if you plan to build powerpoints, spreadsheets or dissertations....its not a viable option.

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I won't need office at all. I'd like to keep it under $300. I like the ipad but don't want to settle on a older gen just because of price. This is why i originally started looking else where. Ill start searching for used ones as this seems like my only choice. Ipad that is.

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If you're really nice, I'll sell you my CM-hacked TouchPad ;-)

Seriously though, it's tough to beat a tablet for time-wasting eBrowsing. The confounding factor is that you already own an iPhone, so obviously if you get an iPad all your apps will port over, but, IMO, you can't beat an Android tablet, especially considering price. Nexus 7 or 10 are both excellent devices.

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I've seem to notice that the Ipad isnt any different than any other tablet unless you also have a mac and an Iphone and all that jazz. Don't rule out the other tablets just yet.

Negative ghost rider.

Shade, there's not a huge diff Btwn the last couple of iPad models. The 3 and 4 (unofficial model numbers) have slight perf differences that's about it. You can find many iPad 3s for the 400 range. I happen to love the portability of the iPad minis. The weight and size is perfect if you're considering traveling with the tablet. Check out apple's refurb site. They hold the same warranty, and I've had nothing but great experiences with my refurbs.

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Funny thing, I'm sitting in front of the computer, browsing with my tablet! :lol:

I'm finding more and more uses for the tablet. I've only had it a few days though, I'll see how it is in a few weeks after the "new" wears off!

Haha I'm doing the same thing, I am watching Netflix on the computer which is why I'm using the iPad. That's about all I use it for though, that and on the shitter.

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iPad Mini...I love mine. You can get a 16GB one for less than $300 used or a bit over $300 new. I downsized from a full size 16GB iPad 1 to a 32GB Mini just for the form factor and better processor. If you don't care about that stuff, you can find used iPad 1's on Craigslist all day for $200.

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