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woman wants to tattoo her 2 year old


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Might as well get a bone put through the kids nose while she's at it.


This is tomorrow's style, today. Be the first on your block!


Get your little cutie started off right.


Here's the fella your little cutie will marry.


For just a small additional price, a lip plate will be the envy of all her friends.

Now, where do you draw the line?

I say stop it before it even gets started.


Edited by JackFlash
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Anybody in this thread that has a young daughter with earrings or a son with no foreskin needs to STFU' date=' right the fuck now.[/quote']

When my wife brought up the topic of getting our 10 month old baby girls ears pierced I told her no fucking way in hell. She tried to argue, but I wasn't having it. When she (daughter) gets old enough to understand and wants her ears pierced, then go for it but I don't see the point in causing unneeded pain to an infant just to "look cute". As far as tattoos...no way, that's like damning your kid to a life of ridicule. Not to mention that tattoos can hurt like shit depending on where you get them done, and forget ever getting a job in the business world if they are not easily hidden.

Edited by drew95gt
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I got promoted at my workplace, the bosses have seen my tattoos, they've been visible during the workday. They may not like them but not once have I been asked to cover them. There's been a few drivers with visible tattoos, they've not been asked to cover them either. Even after one driver, white with full sleeves, tatted legs, shaved head delivered to an all black school....the school saw him in the hallways with our product, they got suspicious of him. They put the school on lock down and called our company to verify he was one of our drivers. Funniest damn thing ever!!! I would have thought we would be asked to cover all tattoos after that incident but nope we kept sending him back, in shorts and short sleeved shirts :lol:

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