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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2013 in Posts

  1. ORDN when a new female signs up...
    5 points
  2. Considering the skank 'Miley Cyrus's, and the idiotic Kanye West's' in the world of entertainment, we have to lose one of the 'good guys' like Walker. Very sad indeed, makes me think of the verse....only the good die young
    2 points
  3. We elected them, and keep electing them. We have met the enemy and it is us.
    2 points
  4. So every woman who uses her sexuality to get ahead is a skank? What about when your wife or girlfriend gets all gussied up to go out to dinner? The fact that Miley Cyrus has a larger audience and greater success in drawing attention makes her a skank? I just don't see or understand where the line is drawn. Miley plays the part, but I've not seen any evidence that she's actually banging anyone, let alone everyone. If she's such a skank, go bang her and prove it.
    1 point
  5. Explain to me how that is even remotely a genuine comment. There is a big difference between a weatherman who is wrong and an elected official spending my money and knowingly lying about it. And keep in mind, I never said knowingly until you pointed out they had to have known.
    1 point
  6. Also, I did the inhouse financing for Kinetico with a company I worked with out of college, for their Columbus office, they are way overpriced, way. You're paying for their "services" and expertise, but trust me, not worth it. Culligan was way cheaper around Cbus than Kinetico. I will however admit, Kinetico works. Just NEVER under any circumstance let one of the people from HD or whatever run a water test or set an apt at your house. They will NEVER leave, I actually had to threaten the guy and tell him I was going to have my dog attack him because he would not leave when I somehow got roped into one of those. Talk about awkward, dude called his boss 4 times, to get a lower and lower price for their water softner, and I think the lowest was like 2,500, for a city water softner. I explained he was insane and needed to leave, he wouldn't leave. I was getting aggitated, dog was getting aggitated, still wouldn't leave. Finally dog had enough and I had too, told him to get out or I was letting my dog get him and calling the police to press harrasment charges etc.. He left. My dog isn't nice.
    1 point
  7. JohnG pointed out some good info, a softner will not help with drinkability, reverse osmosis, or a whole house filter MAY help with that, depending on the issue. We've run Culligans back home in all 3 houses my parents have owned. 1 was city water, 1 was a private pump house(well for whole subdivision), and now 1 for their private well. For the current setup they have a private well that is super hard(haha) and also contains a ton of sediment. So they also have a whole house water filter right after their pressure tank. It might be before the tank, I forget. But it is before the softner and changes filters monthly. For them Culligan is local to Mansfield, they service everything, install it, and deliver salt. Will even take it downstairs if dad wants them to, but I usually come home and do it, or he does. Price wasn't an issue for them so I doubt they even looked at anything else. It's a super basic system, time and on demand but NOT digital like mine. Just a basic timer setup and on demand. They turned the regen cycle down a lot when I left, since just 2 of them now and they probably use 1 hot water tank a week. Plus they have geothermal so that offsets some of the hot water usage. A lot of the drinkability has to do with the salt used in the softner. Dad uses the natural solar salt, leaves a little salty taste to the water, but 100% drinkable. Also they have no sulfur issues which is what the rotten egg smell is, usually closer to MI, or in the deep country close to fracking, mining, or oil/gas wells. A softner will NOT fix this jsut FYI. I have city water and run a Waterboss from Home Depot, it's based out of a building 2 miles from my house and made in the US so figured why not. It's digital, super easy to install, comes with testing strips, and instructions how to set the thing up. I use Water Saver II salt from Kroger and it reduces the nasty taste I find city water to have big time. Removes rust, chlorine, and all that jazz, and makes tap water very drinkable. I did however buy the Solar Salt last month and it made a huge difference in drinkability, as in I couldn't drink the tap water anymore, only the filtered from the fridge. I paid 400 bucks, and am 100% happy with the results. It made a HUGE difference in the red deposits my water was leaving on the showers, faucets, etc. and made the water super soft. Used to get uber dry skin and itch during the winter, even with city water, with the softner it is no longer. I will say I think I could have set it a tad more active and used a little more softning because the water is good, but I would have liked a little more soap suds running down my buttcrack. Craig likes it when that happens, so it makes him happy. I paid some guy 100 bucks to install it, looking back I could have done it in an hour, just didn't want to. I highly recommend one, and have never had any issues drinking water with them, except at my parents but like i said, it's drinkable, just has a tad of salt taste, but just a tad. FWIW my dad worked in the water industry for 35 years, everything from this stuff to designing sewers for cities and water plants, so I kind of know a lot by default. Not like someone who does it for a living obviously, but I could go on all day about this topic. We are going through this with our cottage in MI right now, private well, sulfur so bad you can't shower, or turn the faucet on. Guess dad has a "guy" that can get what we need at cost and believe it's being taken care of next week or in Jan. I forget. We will however be using bottled water for drinking up there because with a little one I don't trust the water.
    1 point
  8. Ahh... Cincy, right? Here's Hamilton County: http://www.hamiltoncountyhealth.org/en/permits_licensing_inspections/water_quality/private_water_systems.html
    1 point
  9. There's four basic softener/treatment companies that you can look into. Hague, Kinetico, Aqua Systems, and Culligan. Last time I did this, Culligan was the most expensive... Our system is an old Hague and it's on it's last legs. Our hardness is 28 and the iron is up there also at 4.5. This means that we not only get a softener system but an Iron filter component is recommended. All together, quotes for our house to replace the Hague are $3000 and up. Yeah, Merry freakin Christmas to me... On a side note, a softener system has little to do with the "drinkability" of your water. Whether or not you drink it will be based on whether or not you like the taste of well water and whether or not your water is safe to drink. As for the later, here's a handy link you may want to spend some time on: http://www.odh.ohio.gov/odhprograms/eh/water/PrivateWaterSystems/quality.aspx Here's another good one: http://epa.ohio.gov/Portals/0/general%20pdfs/HowWellDoYouKnowYourWaterWell.pdf and last but not least, if you're in Franklin County: http://www.myfcph.org/wqw.php Good luck. Reading and comprehending this shit will give you a migraine for sure...
    1 point
  10. Saban is 62, I don't think that's really that old. Les Miles is 60 and no one calls him old
    1 point
  11. I won't fight you on Kanye being an idiot - he's exhibited idiotic behavior on many occassions, but what factual support do you have for Miley Cyrus being a "skank?" I think she's a brilliant manipulator of the media and public perception. She's managed to transition from child-star to a viable adult musical artist, stay in the limelight for "controversial," but ultimately harmless displays of sexuality and/or marijuana use (most notably on stage, in Amsterdam ...where it's 100% legal.), and has put out some damn catchy music along the way. I don't expect everyone to be a fan, but calling her a "skank" is just petty.
    1 point
  12. Still amazed at the overwhelming concensus to use the vehicles recommendation. Never have. Wonder what you do for trailers and lawnmowers.
    1 point
  13. Dust off your vagina's children. It's going to be a long winter.
    1 point
  14. No there hasnt. Somehow this will turn into headlight modulators, how to properly turn a motorcycle or if racing mini's will transfer to big bikes. Possible splash of god and politics. Any whooo......i got 8/15. I could give a shit which car has more speeds, cargo or ground clearance. The tire pressure one also got me.
    1 point
  15. Eh, alright quiz.... not sure why I'm supposed to know how "most people" screw something up...
    1 point
    1 point
  17. consider going scopeless for your muzzleloader hunting. $0.02
    1 point
  18. This may surprise you, but I disagree with pretty much everyone in this tread. Anything you can do to increase your visibility helps. You need to stand out from the background...so bright colors on the bike, on you most certainly help. That said I think the helmet is the least important of the three. A really bright jacket jumps out, a helmet, not so much. It is too small. But I always run a headlight modulator. If visibility is what you want get one of those. And no, they don't blind people, they don't piss people off. But I have had many cagers point at my headlight as I drive by and give me a thumbs up...never a middle finger. Even had one dude follow me into a gas station and thank me for having one. I have not seen anything in two years of running it that made me think it was pissing people off. And you know what, they get the f' out of my way in the left lane as I come up.
    1 point
  19. I edit 90% of my post, because im a retard that dosn't proof read before posting
    1 point
  20. The negative rep I usually get is hilarious.
    -1 points
  21. -1 points
  22. I made a thread asking for neg rep a while ago. Had me laughing for days.
    -1 points
  23. I had already plus repped you...but didn't leave my name.
    -1 points
  24. No one calls Miles old, just bat shit crazy.
    -1 points
  25. Quoted for truth. Les is one broken hip and a bottle of Pedialyte away from being the dirty pantaloon at the "skilled nursing facility" in "Deepindabayou" Louisiana.
    -1 points
  26. To be fair, there were other issues at Auburn.
    -1 points
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