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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2012 in all areas

  1. This kid has no Seoul...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5L2Xig8xF4
    3 points
  2. i wish you luck brown...gen is single and she seams to have her act together!
    2 points
  3. Hey folks, hi there. I got my first bike, an '08 Suzuki GS 500F in April, passed the state safety course, and got my endorsement in June. Now, I'm here, looking to find some folks to ride with. I've been riding all summer, night and day, and have been getting more comfortable in heavier traffic and on freeways. I know I don't heal as fast as I used to and things hurt longer now that I'm a little older, so I'm carefull with safety at the foremost of my thoughts as I go zooming along. It's only so much fun to ride alone, so I found your group online and through YouTube and thought I'd check things out. ~ Jack .
    1 point
  4. Back when i was considering LEDs on my 650 i decided to go to the local LEOs Sidney City Police shift Supervisor, Shelby County Sherrif Rich Wade(my cousin), and Piqua post State Trooper Shift supervisor. I asked all three the same question and even showed them the LEDs on my dads Valkyrie. They all three stated that they can no recall any state code that says accent lighting was illegal. They did say that if i went with red, I was not allowed to have the light source facing forward and under no circumstances are they allowed to flash in a strobe like fashion. I also inquried as to color restrictions and The police and sherrif stated they did not know of any color restriction, the Trooper said there wasnt one, but he advised against using blue since that is the color all the state trooper cars are going with, and if a LEO wanted to be a dick they could issue a ticket for it. They all did agree that with anything that if a LEO wanted they could pull me over because they didnt like what they saw and tell me to turn them off. In the end i have ridden many times with them on solid, and with them on in a fading in and out fashion and have had many cops roll by me and comment on how good they looked. Not once have i been pulled over and told to turn them off. EDIT: I would reccommend turning them off whenever you cross into another state as i have been told on other forums they are illegal for use while moving in Kentucky and in Michigan. I reccommend checking local laws first.
    1 point
  5. Shit, my tounge brings all the girls to the yard. Lets face it, Im not drop dead sexy or rich..... but I can lick that thing like the inside of a peanut butter jar and do tricks with my finger and thumb at the same time and when I finish she has to put the sheets back on the bed and fix all her broken nails. And THAT son, is why I have mad game.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Before accepting a FB friend request, make sure her kids do not look like you.
    1 point
  8. Sorry...please tell me you don't sell these at Best Buy?
    1 point
  9. Just like my pappy told me, "There are those who do it, and those that lie about it!"
    1 point
  10. Not many go down or know what to do once there...finding a guy willing to please us is very difficult. Whores will do it all for the fellas so yes you have it easy just need cash....
    1 point
  11. What about punching someone in the junk, with freezing blue hands while on a ride???
    1 point
  12. that's not audiophile, that's monstercableism
    1 point
  13. girl come with it? GLWS
    0 points
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