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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2012 in Posts

  1. Aside from lack of aptitudinal development, most toddlers have poor situational awareness and have neither yet developed the fine motor skills nor strength to be effective in mitigating any sort of escalated confrontation. As an aside, you might want to consider seeing a health care professional about your obsession with giving guns to small children. The number of times you've suggested it on this forum alone is cause for alarm.
    4 points
  2. I have been wanting to get in the cbus scene more this year and with my new project coming up, I figured no time like the present. I have started working on this for quite some time, and I cant wait to get the project together. My project car is a '93 Supra. I have built this thing backwards (buying almost all the parts before I even have a car)... I plan to pick up a roller this coming weekend, so hopefully I will have some good roller updates soon! Anyway more of where I came from... I had a saturn sky that I had some simple bolt ons and made some decent power for what it was. The 2.0L turbo (swapped with a garrett 2871) made 350whp and 380lbft. I took this car all over the country, anywhere from SC to Toronto Canada and all across southern ohio with the hills and curves. Here is the dyno vid from when it was tuned in SC: The day I sold the car: http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/255463_10100437063268892_1217441097_n.jpg The last local car show I had the car at with my fathers C6: http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/426605_10100386299090712_1495125553_n.jpg I began to hang out with some of the locals in boardman who had evos and other dsms... some of the 500whp cars made me want more power.. unfortunately the sky has a ton of limitations being a newer DI motor and mostly older owners. I ended up becoming bored with the car and sold it late this year. I finally decided that I want to have a supra. Problem is, living in ohio, Supra's are about as common as finding bigfoot riding a unicorn. So I have started amassing parts and have been looking for a car for a while... more on this later. I knew from the beginning that I would be building it from the ground up. So rather than trying to find a car and mod it from there, I have decided to go the pile o' parts and roller approach... Anyway I have been reading an watching some threads all over the supra forums on what people have been doing with their cars and I made some goals. I want over 600whp on pump and over 1000whp on e85. However I am really not too hung up on the dyno numbers. Overall I just want it to be safe, reliable, street-able, and untouchable on the highway. I did the nimble quick corner hugging with my sky. And so the quest for parts began... I started out pretty strong with a motor, turbo, and a lot of the engine bay components from a car that was being parted out. The motor has zero miles on it and has never been fired since it was built. Unfortunately the motor had a rough start. When I got it, it was unbelievable how much corrosion it had picked up. http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s480x480/424796_10100498280284502_24605923_n.jpg So I got to work sanding and painting the block and making it semi presentable. http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/559076_10100392441356562_97523921_n.jpg After that I mocked up the turbo kit that I got in the motor deal. http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/561106_10100417983035832_712051052_n.jpg http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/296585_10100412017775262_1345314758_n.jpg It is a Garrett 4708 (journal bearing) with a greddy manifold and hks WG. The manifold is a T4 and there was a home-made adapter flange that raised the turbo up to make it stick out of a custom hood. As appealing as it is to have the compressor housing hanging out of the hood, I plan to drive the car on the street... so I dont think it would be the best setup for my purpose. I took it all back off and found a nice T6 manifold w. a tial 60mm wg (thanks Alex) and mocked it up. http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/405093_10100486389279172_2060080027_n.jpg I have modified the water neck to work, and now have to work on the hardware and studs to make it bolt up properly I have a few things to button up on it. After the engine, I need a good trans. I had been watching on the forums, but was unable to find one at a decent price. I was able to work out a deal with a JDM importing company and I took the drive to NY to pick up this little guy: http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/p206x206/404149_10100393880846812_1706707111_n.jpg The OE clutch in this trans looks brand new... So I am hoping that a quick fluid swap, and she will be ready to go. Intake manifold... picked one up from Z-Gad and began working on it to suit my needs. http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/75124_10100439158265502_230617875_n.jpg I have already filled the holes on the plenum and am working to get it polished up... still a work in progress. I got pcs and parts of an NX kit, so I decided to slap those on the bottom of the runners and powdercoat it black. The oil stains were just not appealing, so I figured black runners would be better than the alternative. http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/577124_10100452751065422_312100303_n.jpg I have been picking up odds and ends along the way. CCW's, 4" Exhaust, HKS triple clutch, muffler, some polished valve covers, starter, motor mounts and transmission mount, 6 speed differential, etc. http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/229927_10100459148559792_2132681555_n.jpg http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/17116_10100462462199232_2016346376_n.jpg http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/252205_10100495668728082_911690892_n.jpg Black Friday put a new dimension in the project. I went ahead and got a pair of Tial Q's from the MVP BF sale, and went full out and picked up some FIC 2150s as well as a full pro-efi setup with all the bells and whistles. All of this has lead back to one thing... I still do not have a car to slap all these parts in! Hoping to fix this issue this coming weekend. The goal is to break the motor in and be able to have the car running by spring. Probably get it tuned late spring/early summer and see what it will do. I hope to come down this summer and see what Columbus car scene has to offer. Sorry for the long thread, Thanks if you took the time to read it all!
    2 points
  3. I think Mag's has been playing to much Black Ops 2. Noobs always going around shooting RPGs like crazy and shit
    2 points
  4. That's the problem. The people should not fear the government. The government should fear the people.
    2 points
  5. So your point here...? A) People are not killed by cars B) People are less dead when killed by cars C) Not the car's fault D) Cumquat
    2 points
  6. Went to an Armed2Defend all day class in Cbus yesterday and finally got this done after talking about doing it for a few years. There was an interesting mix of people in there (there were 70+) and some of the questions asked (seemed like over and over) by a few people reminded me of this scene from Armed and Dangerous... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yKKhbNnoJQ
    1 point
  7. The largest army in the world. The American public. Nothing even comes close. It's who we are, even if some don't like it. It is freedom. Forever. Don't change it. I want one new federal law. All ex-military must buy their own combat rifle. 7.62 or 5.56.
    1 point
  8. Can you see my shocked face?
    1 point
  9. Oh I figured it out long ago
    1 point
  10. I went fro lunch with a group of work colleagues one time. We were talking about the prevalence of antidepressants and how doctors give them out like like tic-tacs. During that conversation I found out I was the only one at the table, out of 6, who was not taking paxil or zoloft. I don't take mood meds, never have. I deal with my crap with a nice tall glass of quitcherbichin'.
    1 point
  11. +1 I'm in no way enfeebled and would rather go mono e mono with fist blows or cage match style even, but the freaks of nature who seek to harm and kill others and use a firearm to ensure their superiority are not going to win by cheating with me. Magley lives in a world of bliss and that is his choice. I know others like him and their choice in no way effects my decision to concealed carry or if needed to provide my help to defend their freedom. In return I simply ask that they not tie my hands or enfeeble me with laws that only protect would be criminals and those bent of evil deeds.
    1 point
  12. I find the upside down flag quite appropriate for our times. Here's a bit I copied from the web that reflects my feelings. I think we should all fly our flags upside down, at least until the White House is vacated by the current inhabitants. The upside down U.S. flag is an official signal of distress. It is not meant to be, and is not officially recognized as any type of disrespect when so displayed for the right reasons. To the contrary, here is the relevant part of the US Code of Laws regarding how to fly the flag when in distress: THE FLAG CODE Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10 As amended by P.L. 344, 94th Congress Approved July 7, 1976 § 176. Respect for flag: No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor. (a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. Most individuals who have served in the military service of our nation will (or should) recognize this signal. As a result of the many traitors and enemies we as a free people have, both foreign and domestic, as a result of the many unconstitutional acts, legislation and atrocities passed and/or committed against US citizens and their life, liberty and property, and as a result of policies that have allowed (and continue to allow) enemies of this nation to enter in large numbers through a porous border policy, I believe the life, liberty and property of US Citizens are in dire danger and distress. ...that is all. .
    1 point
  13. On another forum I'm on, this was written as a response to "I am not for taking guns away from people with carry permits and for hunting. My question is why should anyone need an assault rife or automatic weapon that can hold an extended number of bullets. I had a little 22 rifle that I enjoyed shooting and a 12 gauge. Could someone explain to me why assault rifles are sold legally to basically anyone. I can't understand this. I know I may be starting something but I really would like to know why this happens." I think it was very well written and thought it needed to be shared. Take the time to read... We (the citizens) need 'assault rifles' (really, all types of guns), to defend ourselves from 1) criminals, 2) foreign invaders, 3) if criminals takeover the government. # Criminals Criminals could care less about gun laws. What is an extra weapons charge when you've already killed somebody? Some believe that restricting guns in general, will make them harder for criminals to acquire. Consider how that has failed with other banned items in demand. Cocaine has very severe penalties for possession, plus the most law enforcement resources that have ever been mustered to stamp anything out; yet it thrives and anyone who desires it can acquire it. Laws will not prevent criminals from easily acquiring guns. For reason's sake, imagine a world where gun laws eliminated all guns from criminals if that were possible. You do not want that world, because lesser weapons (knives, bats, clubs) are more effective in the hands of ruthless experienced users than normal people. Imagine defending a home invasion with a knife from a invader with a knife (hint= you should feel very discouraged about your prospects). Now imagine defending a home invasion with a gun from a invader who probably has a gun (it's a scary prospect, but your odds are much better having a gun, even if he has a gun too). Guns in citizens hands shifts the balance of power towards the citizen because guns are so easily learned and operated. The principle holds the same with "assault rifles". If criminals have assault rifles, citizens should have access to assault rifles. To address current events, consider that guns are 100% illegal in schools in America. To the naive citizen that makes them feel safe. To the shooting-spree criminals, that attracts them to schools as excellent opportunities for the most deaths with the least worry of being shot back at. The Connecticut shooter had no resistance from an armed citizen for dozens of minutes until the police arrived, and death count was terrible. The Oregon mall shooter's gun jammed, a citizen with a pistol drew his weapon, and the gunman ran away and killed himself (https://www.google.com/search?q=clackamas+mall+ccw). With no armed resistance, that mall shooting could have been much worse. Your question is about assault rifles, not pistols, but the principle is the same: citizens free access to all weapons is a better response to criminals than disarming the citizens. Banning citizens from assault rifles, just emboldens criminals who don't have to fear that their victim might have them. Assault rifles (semi-automatic rifles) are more effective for defending against body-armored criminals, multiple criminals, and criminals attacking a rural property than alternatives (no semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, or semi-automatic pistols). ### Also, gun banning has not worked for two recent examples: Great Britain and Australia. Violent crime __including violent crime with guns__ is up significantly in both. # Foreign invaders I don't know if he actually said it, but a quote attributed to a Japanese admiral is plausible: "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a man with a rifle behind every blade of grass". We today don't think about defending our country from invasion. It's been a long time since that was a pressing threat. But no country can think this way for long. The threat of foreign invasion will arrive, and an armed citizenry is by far our trumping defense. Any country's army is defeatable; but if a country's population is well armed and ready to resist it is undefeatable. Consider the Russian and US Army's experience in Afghanistan-- a fraction of the population with AK-47's and will to fight keeps the world's best armies pinned down, bleeding money, and frustrated. Citizens need free access to 'assault rifles' because it strikes fear from anyone who would contemplate invading us. I hope that can last for another 100 years or more. # Criminals taking over the government. Government has a magnetic attraction to criminals, psychopaths and madmen. Because government is invested with a monopoly on taxing, capital punishment, the military--such power attracts those who have a sick desire to use it to abuse millions of people. The 20th century has a huge pile (100 million+) of dead citizens (=not killed fighting in a war) killed by Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, African dictators and other dictators. These mens' dreams are only possible on a disarmed citizenry. Dictators are scared of citizens with pistols and hunting rifles; and __really__ scared of citizens with 'assault rifles'. To learn more about this, I recommend Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership: http://jpfo.org/. They have great stuff outlining the relationship of Hitler first registering Jewish firearms, then disarming them, then Holocaust. The other murderous dictators followed the same pattern: disarm the class of people you plan to eliminate, then proceed with genocide or enslavement or deportation. Jews and others were exterminated by the Nazis all over occupied Europe, but not in Switzerland. What was different about Switzerland-- it's a very attractive, resource-rich, German speaking country sharing a long border with Germany, but Germany wouldn't enter it and Jews were safe there. Here's the difference: Switzerland defends their country with a mandated militia of all adult males having a 'assault rifle' with ammunition in their home. That is the perfect formula to maximally deter a Hitler and a Stalin (and it did). A reader may not feel that our government would do what Hitler or Stalin did. You don't have to believe that. But once the citizens are disarmed, the stage is now set for a Hitler or Stalin that you didn't see coming when asked Congress to ban guns (and guess what, the new guy won't let you get your guns back now that you want them). # Conclusion If you divide the world into 3 groups: criminals, citizens and government; gun laws only restrict access to citizens. If citizens lose 'assault rifles', they are more defenseless to attack from the armed groups that still have them: criminals, potential invaders, and criminals who enter government.
    1 point
  14. I legally obtained one of these and lots of ammo from the government at an age where I wouldn't be able to obtain a CHL. WARNING. THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS AWESOMESAUCE!!! http://youtu.be/EM82Vuq3PdM
    1 point
  15. Bet those kids, teachers, mall shoppers all felt the same way.
    1 point
  16. Engage full retard!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  17. You're not missing much. If you want the same effect, go outside, find a nice fresh dog turd, put it in a wrapper and eat.
    1 point
  18. You need to read about the Cold War and Reagan. The reason that countries don't use nuclear weapons is because other countries will nuke them back. It's the same concept with guns. If a criminal knows that I have guns and I'm waiting for him in my house, he is much more likely to rob you instead
    1 point
  19. Tomatoes are awesome!!!!! especially cooked in the oven with mozzarella and basil!
    1 point
  20. If I thought this was a legitimate question and not troll food, I would answer.
    1 point
  21. I think you are exactly right. I had a Doctors appointment the day after I ended a 5 year relationship. The doctor asked me how I was feeling (mentally) and I told her I was feeling a little upset because I had just ended a 5 year relationship. She prescribed me anti-depressants right then. I told her I didn't need them and I'm pretty sure it's normal to be a little upset after ending a long relationship. She insisted I take them and had them sent to my pharmacy. I picked them up along with my Asthma medication and when I got home I threw them in the trash. I never took a single one. I hate taking medications and it almost hurt my pride that I was even prescribed an anti-depressant. I'm a very confident person naturally and I was just down a bit. Not a week later I was perfectly fine. No moping around and in fact I felt much better than I did the last 3 years of the relationship. Shit happens, we deal with it and move on. These doctors over prescribe these medications that can have a profound effect on someone mentally. And now I'm constantly getting mail from my insurance company telling me I need to take these anti-depressants I was prescribed 3 years ago. This is all for profit garbage. I've never considered myself depressed and I'm rarely even upset. I'm one happy dude. I wish they would stop sending me mail.
    1 point
  22. now you're starting to figure it out when you go into all your crazy scenarios I prefer to get semantic
    1 point
  23. I just want the damn lake to freeze so i can ride these 450's again
    1 point
  24. with no intent of dodging I will answer your question: YES, if he can legally obtain it and afford it then I wholeheartedly support Joe Burgerflipper to get an rpg. I can't believe I even typed that because of how ridiculous it even is but just to humor you I figured I would go ahead and not dodge because I have no intention of trickeration
    1 point
  25. [quote name=magley64;939725 A gun's design intent is to destroy a soft target from a given distance. I'm just talking about the reality of the situation' date=' your government isn't afraid of your gun... It will not stop them from doing something they intend to do, it will not even slow them down, it will not affect their decision making one iota...your gun does not scare them. FBI estimations put gun ownership in the united states at around 305 million. Considering of all the US forces combined there are around 1.5 million, that does put the american citizenry on even footing with our military.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. person + bullet(s) + gun = murder = ban the gun person + alcohol + car = murder = not car's fault what's the common factor in both scenarios above? @Mr Magley: You've stated numerous times in this thread that the 2nd amendment does not apply to today's realty vis-a-vis taking on the government and its superior firepower. I would point you to the Heller and McDonald SCOTUS decisions.
    1 point
  28. How about Thread Control? There's 3 threads now prompted by the Sandy Hook shootings. There is no "Right to Bear Threads" amendment when this has already been
    1 point
  29. Bring on the snow! The more the better!
    1 point
  30. snow can GTFO. My only reason for hating it is that 90% of people dont know how to fucking drive in snow and it infuriates me
    1 point
  31. Yeah but I think what MJ was saying why not 6 hours of classroom and 6 hours of gun handling/shooting?
    1 point
  32. If I may indulge in wild speculation, I'd say she's been doing it since they were a young age, because she enjoyed the hobby and to instill respect for the weapon to her children, just as a responsible gun owner would and many on this forum already do. His mental condition may not have developed until he got older, but who knows. I think you're right, we will (or at least, should) hear more about this as things develop.
    1 point
  33. That's funny because I took a new shooter to the range this weekend and got him behind a pistol for the first time. His target was an 18"x30" cardboard with a 5" circle and a 9" circle from 21 feet. The first two mags he never hit the cardboard once. After some instruction from me on proper grip stance and trigger control it got better but not effective enough for for self defense So tell me again how you are going to upload matrix style info and destroy shit.
    1 point
  34. That boy is so retarded about the real world he should be a college professor.
    1 point
  35. Problem solved the gruberment should ban mental illness.
    1 point
  36. again, so eager to jump from conclusion to conclusion remember that i never made a comment about whether an AWB would help in situations like what happened in Connecticut. Only as a response to you saying that if we were to be attacked by a foreign or domestic military, we, the people, would be woefully lacking in fire power. i responded to your point by saying, that a AWB would be counter productive, considering that we are so under equipped as it is. in short, i actually made that reply as a tongue in cheek, cheeky response like i am want to do, and you went full retard in response. on what you're asking: the reason i didn't make a vast, over reaching statement at the onset is because i'm not a playing pompous, know it all, over reacting, nut bar who thinks he knows everything. as it pertains to the most recent tragedy, the proposed and previous "assault weapons (lol)" ban would probably have failed to prevent the shooter from obtaining the guns he used because he just used/had (at the scene) guns that would have been legal to own (hand guns) or rifles that were already owned and would have been grand fathered by prior and current AWBs. every time a AWB is even hinted at, the massholes go out and buy a shit ton of guns. it's kind of counter productive in that way (i'm not saying that that is ALL it is). as those who do not abide by the law always do, he got access to the guns he used by illegal means. believe it or not, the currently existing laws PREVENTED him from buying a gun via legal channels. an AWB primarily affects law abiding citizens (for obvious reasons). law abiding citizens, statistically, do not commit mass media feeding frenzy murder-sprees... the mentally ill/depraved/handicapped do. current procedures do an ok job of filtering out those with felonies and have a review process for other "less serious" criminal history (although, those fail sometimes, and are generally too broad, in my opinion... i also think they do not focus enough on violence/intent to physically harm versus just classifying things b ). they do not have a very good way to filter out mental illness because not everyone gets treated and documented... they just go on and on until they snap and do awful things. i have no answer for that particular gaping hole in the system without seriously breaching personal privacy and other issues that I find just as important as having access to equipment for self defense. generally, if i had to take a stab at it: education that was more readily available, and very much encouraged for any new and current gun owner (kind of like the MSF). i wouldn't go as far as saying require it by law, but i think it would help. advertising campaign targeted towards gun owners to be more aware of central causes of how perpetrators of shootings get access to guns, and how they can take precautions against likely occurrences. again, ad campaign should be thoroughly linked to education resources that are readily available. here's where we get "us vs them" and start infringing on personal privacy, but again, wild ass guessing/reaching for possible solutions. a flagging system for mental health professionals that is accessed when the NICS check is conducted. this is distasteful to me because i abhor the patriot act, but i dunno... it's a real problem. perhaps they can "opt out" of it when they go in for psychological/psychiatric treatment (depending on what they are diagnosed with) but while the specifics of what diagnosis wont be filed but they agree to be automatically excluded from being able to purchase fire arms. all these ideas are flawed, but i still think it's better than infringing on 2A while not horribly infringing on personal property and privacy.
    1 point
  37. expanded mental health care...DONE as Tpoppa noted earlier its not the problem of the choice of weapon, the problem lies within the brain of those who use them for wrong
    1 point
  38. Here is the problem with your simplistic understanding of the world around you... On paper, I think that the government does have the peoples best interest in mind. In practice, however, the bloated, argumentitive bureacracy that is going to wait till the very last minute (if we're lucky) to resolve this fiscal cliff bullshit isn't always capable of making great decisions or effectively enforcing policy. You are making the arguement that giving up the right to bear arms will make us safer. From the perspective of the FBI, CIA, and other super-secret government agencies that are protecting us...we could be safer if we gave up rights regarding: Illegal search and seizure Trial by jury Cruel and unusual punishments Rather than typing, here is a link to the rest http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/billofrights The Bill of Rights wasn't random. It is a well thought out document written by very smart people who previously lived under a government that supposedly had their best interest in mind. Every ammendment wasn't written to address paranoid theories, they were written to prevent ACTUAL government infringement on rights of it's citizens.
    1 point
  39. dammit, was gonna blast the crap outta you...
    1 point
  40. Before I get started, I think some definitions are in order. For purposes of my reply, I'm defining "assault weapons" as any semi-auto rifle with a removable magazine of more than 10 rounds. Rifles like the SKS would not be considered an assault rifle (unless you manually convert to removable mag). In all that exposition above, you only have one sentence delineating "assault rifles" from regular firearms. Body-armor: Sandy Hook shooter had it, Aurora theater shooter had it. For the VAST majority of instances where you have a home invasion or other threat to your person, those shooters aren't going to have it. In order to penetrate Level III or above body armor, you have to be using a caliber round like a 5.56/.223 or above, shotgun slugs aren't going to do it. So what happens if you have a home invasion where you're coming at the bad guy with a fully locked and loaded AR-15? You're going to open fire on him, I'd imagine firing off at least half the magazine due to the adrenaline. Some of your shots will hit, the rest won't. Since you're using a rifle round, those rounds are now going to sail through every wall in your house, and assuming you're shooting at a exterior wall, sail through your wall, into the house next door, and through THEIR wall(s). Don't worry, I'll get to the "rural property" point soon. Multiple criminals: Unless the criminals are attacking you in a orderly line ala the Revolutionary War, this is going to be a problem no matter what gun you're using. If your argument is a matter of round capacity, then I think the risk of unintented penetration to someone else's home outweighs your desire to tote around 30 rounds so you can hunt down the other guy in your house without having to reload. If you want more capacity, bring another magazine. At least at that point you have to stop and reload, and in that pause you have time to think about what's going on instead of instinctively pulling the trigger due to adrenaline overload. Rural area: This ties back to the last two points. You don't have any risk of hitting another home, but what will a .223 round do that a 9mm or a .45 won't, besides go through the body armor that the perp isn't wearing? Australia never had a constitutional right to own guns, nor did Britain. I will agree that Britain's gun crime is up, and that is largely localized in the gang sections of town. I seem to remember a huge problem with gun-related gang violence in Chicago in recent memory as well, and Detroit, and elsewhere that hasn't made front-page news, so it seems that not having gun control is about as effective as having gun control. It might have something to do with the fact that we are at least in the top 2 of standing armies in the world, and most likely number 1 when you factor in active/reserve/paramilitary/police/etc, and definitely number 1 when it comes to technology and readiness. Possible foreign invaders aren't concerned about you clutching your 10/22, they are concerned about the local police force and their well-stocked armory of full-auto, military grade weapons, and the speed in which active and reserve forces can be deployed state-side. This is so preposterous I can barely respond. First off, my guess is the Germans didn't invade Switzerland because the Nazis were using Swiss banks to move all the gold and spoils they were collecting from their activities to places that are neutral, stable, and are guaranteed to be there after the war is over. Second, if there was a dictator to assume power in the US, do you really think that you and your merry band with whatever weapons you have to bear can stop it? You'd be going up against the entirety of the US government, with seemingly endless levels from the local police, county sheriff, state police, ATF, and FBI, all with VASTLY superior firepower and training. No, no, and hell no.
    1 point
  41. Wow that's a huge class. Bout everyone in Ohio going to be a CC in the near future at this rate
    1 point
  42. these are not the droids you're looking for :dumb:
    0 points
  43. "legally obtained" is the part we're discussing here. the arbitrary line where the government says "no, that's not legal"
    -1 points
  44. -1 points
  45. QUIET! Adults are talking!
    -1 points
  46. So according to you everything we have is a gift from the almighty government and if they should so choose we should all rollover and die?
    -1 points
  47. This is NOT my truck. Contact me through PM for the owner contact info. This Apache has not run in 14+ years and it's been sitting in the garage as pictured. It's located in Powell, OH. Price is sixteen million dollar. http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk247/2003BlackZ06/1959%20Chevy%20Apache/Photo0679.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk247/2003BlackZ06/1959%20Chevy%20Apache/Photo0680.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk247/2003BlackZ06/1959%20Chevy%20Apache/Photo0686.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk247/2003BlackZ06/1959%20Chevy%20Apache/Photo0682.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk247/2003BlackZ06/1959%20Chevy%20Apache/Photo0681.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk247/2003BlackZ06/1959%20Chevy%20Apache/Photo0685.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk247/2003BlackZ06/1959%20Chevy%20Apache/Photo0683.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk247/2003BlackZ06/1959%20Chevy%20Apache/Photo0684.jpg
    -1 points
  48. hello cr guys and girls. newbie here from baltimore (east of pickerington). my name is kevin and i love wrenching on anything. currently i'm getting back in the sport bike world and have a few projects in the garage. i've know of cr forum for many years, and tried joining a few times with no luck. so here i am, if anyone is from around baltimore drop me a line.
    -1 points
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