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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2013 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. You lost me at ice cream amd titties
    4 points
  3. even the kraken part? i mean, i kind of fear the kraken, but i REALLY enjoy calamari and stunting. also, and i promise i'm not ignoring the rest of your post: if we, as a nation and society, have adopted their views, why would those views be considered outside the societal norm? and regarding the rest of your post: yes, they would and should be considered extremist... BY THE BRITISH, in the 18th and 19th century. we are fortunately, not the british. emma watson is hawt, and cal crutchlow is a great rider, but we are americans and the DOD is an American organization. if america became more british-y, then yes, the values of our founding fathers would be again, considered extremist.... are we that far gone? if i have a problem with the core concepts of our nation's values being construed as extremist, then yuuuup, i got a problem acknowledging that widely accepted connotation(s) attached to a word means nothing to you is the first step in working your way back from the land of mag-DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR dun dun dun duh duh duh dunnnnnn MAGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR duh duh dun dun duh duh dun dun magdor was a man I mean, he was a magtard man Or maybe he was just a tard Buthewasstill magdoooooor! maggdooooooooooooor! magdooooooooo00ooor! Burninating the constitution, Burninating the peasants Burninating all the peoples rights And their thatched-roof cottages! Thatched-roof cottages! MAGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR
    4 points
  4. No more laminate flooring!!! This is a clostet Now its the entrance to my 1st floor bathroom The room has a weird design from how it originally was built.
    4 points
  5. Becuase you have to be a "teabagger" to dislike Obama, infringement of the 2nd amendment and bullshit executive orders? Don't ever call yourself a Libertarian again. I find it insulting.
    3 points
  6. It makes no difference what I say back to you. You will take some other tack on some other topic and challenge me to refute it. As you have done this entire thread. I don't have the patience to educate you on your alarming lack of a grasp of how the real world actually works. You have a good day now.
    3 points
  7. Any questions about the RRA (much appreciated nickname as we have quite the name) feel free to ask, like us on facebook or visit our website http://www.renegaderacingassociation.com
    3 points
  8. So to complement the room change I had a custom vanity made!!!! Garage is a little short. But I'm building a 36x54 in the spring so it doesn't matter! Wish I had pictures of what the old fireplace surround looked like it was AWFUL!!! Shitty work, shitty design, fucking ugly flower designs on it. DUMB! I'm fixing that! This is the master bedroom.
    3 points
  9. Lol at weed being a gateway drug... I know plenty of fully functional members of society that smoke weed and pay taxes and aren't meth addicted welfare rats. That's just the bullshit they teach in schools trying to get kids to avoid a completely harmless drug. What else can they argue? Hey kids, don't smoke weed because it'll make you feel good and won't harm anyone at all. Right... Gateway drug... Smdh
    2 points
  10. Did you do all of those calculations while you were collecting unemployment. Get off your high horse bro
    2 points
  11. So much full of shit in this argument. Pot is no more of a gateway than alcohol or tobacco. 750,000 Americans get arrested annually fucking up their lives for a natural drug with no overdose deaths ever recorded. Prescription drugs are abused and kill thousands per year. Alcohol and tobacco kill tens of thousands. I'll chance more people smoking pot and hopefully less drinking. Net positive. Every civilization since the beginning of time has done drugs. Why do we think we can imprison out way out if that. Here's some insight. We can't. As far as the kid argument, regulated drugs are harde to obtain than weed. Ask your preteen and teenagers which is easier to get.
    2 points
  12. can you believe he didn't at least el oh el at it? as if it wasn't bad enough that he constantly goes full magtard, and not understanding basic concepts in communication and indoctrination, he is also humorless to boot. think of tHE THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES, MAGDOOOOOR
    2 points
  13. drug testing for welfare is a waste of money... costs more to administer the tests than it saves by not paying those that fail it.... Not to mention it's easy to cheat a drug test.
    2 points
  14. Weed should be legal. Politicians and all government employees should be tested or no one should be with the exception of a few highly specialized jobs like commercial pilots.
    2 points
  15. 1 point
  16. Pot should be legal....plain and simple. Now it should be no different than alcohol on the job, if you are high you are in trouble. Pot is not a hard drug, it is probably less addictive and harmful than alcohol "hell it grows wild". Now meth, coke, heroin, LSD, crack.......is what many welfare folks are getting high on. THAT IS THE PROBLEM, AND THEY ARE NOT BEING A PRODUCTIVE CITIZEN, plus they are living off of those of us that are. Test way but make mary jane legal damnit!!!!
    1 point
  17. And I'm all for everyone's rights as well, You can do whatever you please to your body, but certain employers and tax payers should have the right to refuse to pay towards people who do illegal activities.
    1 point
  18. Sounds good to me. I've never been a big fan of tax dollars paying for someone's drug habits. But the testing has to be random. I'd be willing to pay a bit more in my taxes to make sure people that are abusing the system don't get to continue to do so. I also have been tested in all job fields I've worked it. Doesn't matter if you don't like the law, if you are caught breaking it, thats enough to get fired. I'm opposed to the idea of drug testing everyone for sure. But turning the prison system into a labor force sounds like a good idea. It would bring back some capital to the system and definately serve as a deterrant. I've never liked the idea that jail isn't a effective punishment anymore.
    1 point
  19. Thanks everyone! Feels good getting it done each step of the way, but boy is it stressful! Can't wait till its done!!
    1 point
  20. Done. Gave you neg rep just to be sure it all balanced out.
    1 point
  21. I'm not even shocked at your response. Rather the knee jerk reaction was expected.
    1 point
  22. would give a whole new meaning to the term "dick skinners"...
    1 point
  23. I'm all for testing welfare slugs for drugs, however, with no exceptions - test all of them. As for gov employees, they're public servants, should be held to a higher standard, and yes, tested. We test in my industry and it weeds out the one's who don't belong, no pun intended.
    1 point
  24. Drug tests for government employees? Fuck you very much. It never ceases to amaze me how people are so quick to give up other people's rights. That it's what got us in this NSA mess. First it was just overseas, now the NSA it's giving info on domestics selling drugs to the DEA. Why government employees? Is it because you think you have some special rights because you pay my salary? Well guess what, I pay yours somehow. I pay it off you work at a motorcycle dealer, or maybe you are the one that makes the f'd up Big Macs I keep getting. Whatever you do I pay for it. Last big thing for us was forced background checks. New state law about four years ago. We had a 57 year old bus driver, perfect record at work her entire career. No tickets, no accidents....nothing. law passes, she fails because 35 years ago she got tagged for misdemeanor pot. Bam fired and retirement shot to hell. All because some politician made some feel good law to get re-elected. Same with welfare drug testing. Stupid feel good law so a politician can get his sheep to vote for him again.
    1 point
  25. just start at 1:30... http://youtu.be/yRr6rTbUcs0
    1 point
  26. He meant you, dipshit. You're the scum bag he speaks of.
    1 point
  27. you are a brave brave man for making Taco Bell a road trip stop!
    1 point
  28. oh no, i get it. i really REALLY understand the difference between literal definition and what a word means to a society, and i generally don't get stuck on any subject unless it's titties and/or ice cream. it's fine to be literally proper. it's NOT fine to be a traitorous scum bag, ESPECIALLY in an educational setting. i can't believe you ignored trogdor-ifying of your name. now i know you are dead deep inside.
    1 point
  29. Here's my last session of the day ( thanx again Andy ), my corner speed had picked up some as well as my drive onto the front straight ( most laps ) so I actually got to hit 4th gear for a second or 2, but linework is still needing some attention. I caught up to Streetfighterkz about 14:25, he was doing well on the ol kawazuki
    1 point
  30. I'm sorry but must agree with Mags on this. Just because we adopted thier views doesn't make them any less of an extremist. 1 Sail the treacherous ocean in fear of the Kraken for religious freedom is extreme. 2 Resorting to terrorist activities (Boston Tea Party) a bit extreme. 3 Taking land from natives by bauble or by force is way extreme. Also bringing our beliefs as a better way. Manifest Destiny. I am thankfull they did all these things. Gave us the greatest country on the planet. But yes they should be considered extremists. They were our feeedom fighters.
    1 point
  31. You bubbys are the only thing I miss from Ohio lol
    1 point
  32. Had to replace the Furnace, Ac unit, water heater, water softener. I'll get pics of all it later. They had a cluster fuck of water lines/shut offs in the basement all cpvc. I've replace it with copper lines. Got a pretty sweet water softener too!
    1 point
  33. Sanding all the trim to paint it white and to re-do the stairs. GOD DAMN THERE IS A LOT OF TRIM!!! Upstairs bathroom
    1 point
  34. http://www.snopes.com/photos/technology/fukushima.asp
    1 point
  35. I do like the idea that if you're one of those fucks who drop off an animal at a "shelter" you MUST pay a fee, and donate three hours working there. Sadly the asshats who would drop off an animal like a used appliance are not the ones reading this. It should be posted at pet shops, breeders should be licensed and inspected
    1 point
  36. Thanx for the offer Derek, but granda080 already put one up for me and working on the other.....in fact, here is one from my bike. Once we're on the grid, Oldschool is on the left and snot on the right.
    1 point
  37. Agreed. How much money is about to be spent in Syria instead of finding a solution to this mess?
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Because it draws attention away from the NSA domestic spying program, and our shitty economy.
    1 point
  40. it wouldn't look so bad if that ass hole would put his foot down and get the fucking beer out of his hand. that guy looks like he has no business on a bike
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. who said "founding father" considered "bad"? this say "founding father" fit definition of "extremist" You infer "extremist" considered "bad" durdahurrdahurr
    1 point
  43. They believed what they believed with great vigor, and advocated for the use of violence to get their way... regardless of what they believed, that alone made them extremists... Regardless of what negative connotation you have with the word extremist, it doesn't change the definition.
    1 point
  44. I'm somewhat glad I'm no longer in the military at my age and place in life with respect to valuing liberty and smaller federal footprint in our Republic. For anyone with even half of a brain and wants to call themselves an American, to even think that our founding fathers and the colonists were extremists reveals a totally fucked up worldview that is simply beyond the pale and comprehension of normal people with a functioning mental capacity. I'm in with the conservatives, Christians, and anyone else who values the rule of law, the Constitution, and living as free men owing nothing to anyone and more importantly, the Fed's.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. If only we could tap into the power of opinions on the Internet... I agree Casper, this is way not good.
    1 point
  47. why do i have the feeling that if i was interested i would end up being the pack mule?
    1 point
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