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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2013 in Posts

  1. you talk about osu not being in the best area of columbus. I lived there at 11th and summit amd didnt feel the need to wear a flak jacket even though im kinda just a good ol redneck from nowhere. Also I dont see too many gang bangers using improvised explosive devices or carrying around rpg7s in columbus
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Dang, I keep agreeing with you on things. I am wondering what's wrong with me lately.
    2 points
  4. Sounds like you're talking about concentrated manbearpig farts.
    2 points
  5. After 8 years in 2 wheeled withdraw, I traded an old jeep for a 06 buell xb12x uly and I'm lovin it. Found the site just surfing the net. Will start checking in regularly and hopefully getting involved in the Ohio motorcycle community. I'm new to the sport bike and adventure end of things, always had cruisers and bar hoppers before the kids. I'm always looking for good people to ride with and looking to make some long rides in the future. Thanks.
    1 point
  6. Better! She's pretty...the photographer/editor went a little heavy handed on the skin smoothing but she got my vote.
    1 point
  7. Trust me, you want to get some of these, I had the 1/2 ton x2, gave one to dad and had one for long time, but had to toss it at a concert to go in Nationwide. Just bought 2 of these to pick up hopefully today when I go get a bulldog safe for wifes car. They are also on sale in store for 19.99 http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/104500/cabelas---kershaw-34-ton-folding-knife
    1 point
  8. I hate you, you made me go look and the warranty on mine expired a month ago, Now I'm going to worry about it.
    1 point
  9. Voted. If she wins, we deserve tittie pics.
    1 point
  10. For me it brings up the mobile FB site and nothing about the pageant, only my news feed.
    1 point
  11. All the usual stuff to follow. - Identify the gun he used,(vilify it). - Identify the process he obtained the gun whether it be direct purchase/straw/stolen/parents (vilify it). - Identify the types of people who use the same kind of gun (vilify them). - Identify any person who thinks that a human being might actually have a valid reason to own a gun (vilify him/her). - Find some rabid/vehemently/militantly pro-gun frothing-at-the-mouth nutjob who says it is his right as a "Yoo-night-ted-stites citizen" to arm kindergarten kids with gatling guns then have Piers Morgan scoff at him on CNN as an example of what all gun owners are like (thereby vilifying them). As long as we are careful to avoid any discussion on real solutions, we should be fine.
    1 point
  12. so I bought my bike about a year ago, after taking a decade off riding. I probably bit off more than I should buying a big heavy bike first but it was shown to me and I kept gravitating back to it. its been a great bike and a great entertainment, it came with new tires and new windshield, I took off the passenger pegs and pillion seat last month and recently put on a driver backrest and HD cargo rack. I like this look, may look for some hardbags to go with it. Anyway, thanks for looking, not really my first post, but I figured might as well get it out of the way.
    1 point
  13. And the debate gets some more fuel... Right: Arm the dogs... Left: Outlaw more crimes... This is just part of the reality we live in. As long as we have freedom, we will have conflict.
    1 point
  14. I'd would think money would be the deciding factor. Sure it was cheap enough to obtain, but maintenance on it would seem to be astronomical as would keeping fuel in it if and when it was used. The actual 'need' is so ridiculous I just cannot see any real justification.
    1 point
  15. Using that logic, wouldn't it have made more sense to issue potassium iodide to the student body and police forces? You know, just incase of a nuclear attack or fallout from a complete meltdown at Fukushima? Rather have it and not need it, right? And, it'd protect a lot more people than the number that can fit in that armored vehicle.
    1 point
  16. To play devil's advocate... Does "I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it" only apply to firearms? How many officers should be killed before you would find this to be a rational purchase? How many explosive attacks should there be before it's necessary? Plus I think it would be totally badass to watch that thing drag some cars out of illegal spots on game day. The crown-vics, Impalas, Chargers, Explorers, and even the expeditions (if they still have those) aren't going to get that done!
    1 point
  17. Still makes absolutely zero sense. How many OSU cops have been killed by IEDs or land mines? Even during the riots, how many officers were killed or even wounded? How is this justified? Are people just so brainwashed at this point that everyone sees it as acceptable to have an armored military vehicle owned by a university police department?
    1 point
  18. Excede. We build their ground antennas, and a few other items for the parent company Viasat. I have no experience with them. Just trying to stay employed.
    1 point
  19. The hilarious part of this is that I can not view the image due to work filters but it has the image name that is simply "porn.jpg"
    1 point
  20. Dish will be Hughes Internet, it blows dead goats. So go for the DSL if you can get it. Tell your neighbor to show you the bill, so you know who to call. Does not surprise me that you can get DSL, phone companies are ahead of the game in the rural areas.
    1 point
  21. I would introduce them to the http://www.internetisbiggerthanyou.com/suckit Seriously. You can find just about anything anywhere. My Mazda originated local, but the rest have been brought in from elsewhere.
    1 point
  22. It all boils down to this for me.........when our end finally comes, we are either right in what we believe or we are wrong.
    1 point
  23. "Hey, uh, you gonna eat that?"
    1 point
  24. Not so much afraid, just would rather not. I've worked outside for years in any and all weather conditions, except level 3 snow emergency's.
    1 point
  25. Hit a turkey at about 70 mph - little bastage flew up out of a ditch and hit me in the shoulder. Spun me around in the saddle and I damned near fell off. Hurt like Hell, but I came out of it better than the turkey did...
    1 point
  26. I bet ya will keep it for a year tops. Nice bike by the way, that is one cruiser I would own.
    1 point
  27. No ridicule untill the bleeding stops. Oh and try to keep the blood off the bike, thanks
    1 point
  28. Live down south have a 88mustang coupe like to cruise an run at track. Look forward getn it going this spring after winter upgrades an a tune.
    -1 points
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