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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2014 in Posts

  1. Yea I have known Jordan for a long time now.. I kno it's dirty but I live in the sticks with a gravel driveway. http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m57/Doug_Szymaniak/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps2790f22a.jpg http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m57/Doug_Szymaniak/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps419dabe3.jpg http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m57/Doug_Szymaniak/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsdfc4a4be.jpg
    2 points
  2. So this is back off the market...for now at least Had a potential buyer come by tonight and I just couldn't bring myself to budge off the price since this one is too close to my heart
    2 points
  3. Raleigh, N.C. – House Speaker Thom Tillis (R-Mecklenburg) and Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) issued a joint statement Wednesday in response to more alarming evidence of voter error and fraud discovered by the North Carolina State Board of Elections. Initial findings from the Board presented to the Joint Legislative Elections Oversight Committee today show: 765 voters with an exact match of first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in N.C. and the other state in the 2012 general election.35,750 voters with the same first and last name and DOB were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in both states in the 2012 general election.155,692 voters with the same first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state – and the latest date of registration or voter activity did not take place within N.C.These findings only take into account data from the 28 states who participated in the 2014 Interstate Crosscheck, leaving out potential voter error and fraud in the 22 states that do not participate in the consortium. Additionally, during an audit of death records from the Department of Health and Human Services, the Board discovered: 50,000 new death records that had not previously been provided to the State Board of Elections.13,416 deceased voters on the voter rolls in October 2013.81 deceased voters that had voter activity after they died. http://www.westernfreepress.com/2014/04/03/new-evidence-of-massive-vote-fraud-where-is-eric-holder/ Tried to find this on a "Big Three" website, but it doesn't seem to be "news".
    1 point
  4. Hello all, my name is Chad, I got my first street bike last October and have since ridden as much as I can weather permitting. Couldn't be happier this long drawn out winter has basically come to an end (fingers crossed). Getting my bike (05 SV650N) right before winter and having a few months of riding did give me a chance to get used to it and also to change up some things on it while it sat in the garage. It got some fresh paint, new rear sets, handle bars, grips, and mirrors. I'm very happy with it now and don't have much else planned in the near future. long term I will do a gsxr front end swap and rear, when the time, funds, and willingness are there. Currently, I have no friends who ride, or even acquainces. So I joined this forum to meet some people and have some good experiences. I wish everyone a happy, safe, and long riding season!
    1 point
  5. http://www.ebay.com/sch/babenotincluded/m.html
    1 point
  6. I currently have a 2010 Evo X GSR. Current mods are Buschur intake, 02 housing, intercooler, upper and lower piping, full exhaust, ID2000's, and double pumper. The car is currently tuned by TPG. With the current set up I am making 333 on 93 and like 385 on e85. I only have my iphone and can't figure out how to post pics or I would.. Really I'm just here to BS with ppl that like cars.
    1 point
  7. I always use a fresh crush washer. Except when I don't.
    1 point
  8. Exactly, have never replaced one of those damn thing on any bike I have owned.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. I can leave work as soon as I finish my four machines. I'm hoping to leave from the Port Columbus area around 10'ish (fingers crossed). Either way, I'm still going down there. I should be there not later than noon at the worst. .
    1 point
  11. I'll sell you my ex-wife, she is one cold ass bitch and as big as a refrigerator. Actually, you can have her for free.
    1 point
  12. LBTS. GLWS. You people are slippin.
    1 point
  13. Yes I can do that, I will make some phone calls today and post an update with what I find out.
    1 point
  14. Fuck April, I have been to way too many days that are in the 20s.
    1 point
  15. Have you ever been to ft hood? I have. I wouldn't let my 5 year old daughter play outside alone in the projects they call housing. There is a deeper issue here. Some of people that were allowed to join the Army after 911 are not people I would want my children around. Not all, some. I love what the military stands for; that's why I am a government DOD civilian (god knows it's not the pay). However, the lower-standards are the reason I got out of the Army after 7+ years active duty and 3 years reserves. Now, how to mitigate... That I am not sure. One of the largest issues while I was in (till 2011) is that soldiers with mental issues were looked down upon. More awareness for PTSD and the like are a good place to start. You want to take a controlled environment where people are put through stresses you cannot imagine and than add the issue of who is armed? Practice how you play... Make them tired, stressed, angry... Then add a gun the NCO doesn't know about all while trying to enforce a standard? Brilliant.
    1 point
  16. i tried the Super T last year and the old vstrom dosnt even come close to it's awsomeness, cant speak for the new Vstrom though.
    1 point
  17. Welcome to a life-long addiction! There's probably more people here on OR that are Cbus-based or farther north, but a small crew based in Cinti. Riding with a group can be a mixed blessing. Ride your own pace and NEVER feel pressure to keep up to a pace you're not comfortable with. You'll quickly find people that your riding style blends well with and those are the ones to hang with. Some other forums that are more geographically located in Cinti are the Assfault Junkies and LocalRiders. AFJ is a younger, pretty active group that has quite a few track addicts, a few squids, and some newbs as well. There seems to be some hard feelings on OR toward the Junkie clan, but it's more representative of the way the group rode years ago; they've toned down the insanity quite a bit over the last few years. Some very good riders and always an active ride list several times a week during the season. Typically ride in NKY on the weekends and a regular bike night gathering on Wed on the east side. LocalRiders is an older (???) much smaller group with a less active membership than AFJ, but those that ride are very experienced and have a wealth of knowledge about routes that follow the twisty ways around NKY and beyond. Watch for posted rides--they'll take you on some awesome roads! I presume you're familiar with the QSL Bike nights at Milford and Colerain--mostly pirate gatherings, but OK to hit once in awhile to be immersed in chrome, loud pipes and leather gear with tassels…. EuroBike night is in downtown Milford the last Tues of every month from 5ish till dark, and the Comet on Hamilton in Northside has Bike night every Tuesday eve--great burritos and an eclectic selection of micro-brews.
    1 point
  18. I'm all about the fun when its some dumb ass wheelie loving, non riding asshole noob but not for someone I advised to post up here
    1 point
  19. Why do we train soldiers for battle, but not let them carry on base? You're not gonna get far when every other trained soldier is carrying too.
    1 point
  20. Of course, they're all hopped up on sugar and caffeine! ;-) +1
    1 point
    1 point
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