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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2014 in all areas

  1. Thanks for all who showed up and made the event a success. Was nice meeting all of you that i haven't before, and great seeing folks i haven't seen in a while. Sorry if i was not the social butterfly, as most probably saw i was working my ass off from 10 a.m. and didn't close the shop doors till around 7. Thanks to JackFlash for manning the grill.
    6 points
  2. as an aside, a 5x8 enclosed trailer may cost marginally more than a shed, and also have more uses beyond simply keeping your bike out of the elements. Stick it in the back yard with the wheels chocked and leveled with jacks, and it's a shed.
    2 points
  3. Pictures I just took. Shutter speed way too slow on this one.
    1 point
  4. Bill is awesome. Also a great guy and beautiful and friendly wife. We stopped by a while back to hang out and chat along with dropping off some work. He also sails and does his own sail repairs, etc. I have a strong desire to sail when I get too old to ride fast so I appreciated the talk.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Rollnhot, any pics you can post or send? I might be interested in that to store winter stuff in summer and vice versa.
    1 point
  7. We have a local guy that builds a rock solid 8x12x8ft high barn for $950. Fabs it up at his place and assembles on you site in 3 hours. I love mine.
    1 point
  8. Hey Pauly, when we were living out in California, I would ride the Ortega Highway a lot - worth checking out if your going to be in Anaheim. Take the I-5 South to State route 74 and ride it into Lake Elsinore. Be sure to stop at the Lookout Roadhouse for some lunch, iced tea, or to just check out the view of the Lake. Other suggestions would be the Mulholland Hwy (check out the Rock Store) in the Santa Monica Mountains and the Angeles Crest Hwy (Rt 2) in the San Gabriel Mountains.
    1 point
  9. ...I thought this was going to be about the Nissan GT-R
    1 point
  10. I think Hollywood should stop remaking/f'ing up classics and come up with some original ideas. Godzilla always attacks Tokyo, not New York. The world does not revolve around New York.
    1 point
  11. If you're going to be where you are for a while - like, say, a decade - this is the way to go. I built my own about 15 years ago the same way - 10x12 with vinyl siding for about $1,300 all in. Today ~$1,600 sounds about right. If your living status is likely to change in a few years, then go vinyl as long as it doesn't look like crap. I'd stay away from the Home Depot/Lowe's kits unless you buy some extra lumber to beef it up.
    1 point
  12. Silly sheet heads, drifting is for Asians.
    1 point
  13. Between harley and goldwing, I'd have to take the wing... I cannot stand listening to harleys, let alone riding one
    1 point
  14. I have a mullet wig is that close enough?
    1 point
  15. And gear! :-) I know Len in real life, and helped him pick out the VLX600 this winter. He took the BRC last summer and we've been getting out into lots for slow-speed handling practice and some riding around Hoover Reservoir. He's doing a great job picking things up and taking a "pilot mentality" to risk reduction.
    1 point
  16. You work in a good school I imagine. Westerville's district is pretty good as well, especially their strong International Baccalaureate (IB) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) tracks and fellowship with Otterbein University. Gifted kids at schools like those have to learn the standard-test basics AND get to specialize on what fires them up. I love good schools.
    1 point
  17. Aliens vs predators. It was carnage and there were no winners.
    1 point
  18. Lol. I have a fresh hemorrhoid from all that slabbing. That construction was some bullshit. 71 was a damn parking lot. Luckily cooler heads prevailed and I led our merry band on a highly illegal 10 mile trip in the breakdown lane....otherwise we would probably still be on 71 talking about how big of a shame it was that Ali ' s bike overheated and blew up.
    1 point
  19. I'm sorry, but the squirrel community prefers "special needs" squirrels. Your cooperation would be appreciated.
    1 point
  20. Thanks to Dice for putting in the work to get this rolling every spring. We had a great turnout in the morning--13 bikes with members from LR, AFJ, and an OR rider who came down from Dayton! The day didn't start auspiciously, with a farm dog making an illegal cut-block tackle on one of the mid-pack riders early in the ride on 824/Racetrack Lane. Dog fared far better than the rider, who high-sided when he hit the dog, throwing him and his pristine Z1000 down the road. Injuries weren't life-threatening, but he's gonna feel like he pulled a flying Superman impression this morning…. After cleaning up the body and bike parts and waving adieu to the po-po and ambulance and dropping a few riders to look after the bike, nine of us rolled south to Willow and took the short route to Williamstown across 22 to meet up with other riders at the Red Carpet restaurant--World's Best Burger!!! We had to endure a rolling road block in the form of a red crew cab pickup that made sure we did at least 10 under the limit all the way from Falmouth to the Williamstown city limit. I believe he was taking it on as his personal mission to ensure we obeyed the speed limit and had zero fun on 22. We picked up two more riders after lunch and continued south and west, heading down 227 to Stamping Ground. Had a great run and did the entire length without being blocked by any red pickup drivers. More back roads on the return to our last gas stop at about 200 miles back in Falmouth again, where 5 riders headed east for home and the others rolled on toward Rabbit Hash. We dropped two off in Dry Ridge as they rode 75 north toward home and just Dice, Chris Nicoloff--aboard his brand new 2012 Pikes Peak edition Multistrada--and I rolled to the Hash. I did take a picture of his bike and would'a posted it except that it didn't turn out from the drool on the lens…. All in all, a fairly successful day with no loss of life and minimal carnage. I got about 320 miles door-to-door, and I can feel it in my shoulders today. Good riding!
    1 point
  21. Just to follow up, I did get a guitar. I looked at the Fender stratocaster, then the squire line, and the Ibenez RG series. I ended up getting an ESP LTD model M10 with gig bag, Mustang V2 amp, cable, stand and headphones for $400 at Sam Ash in Mayfield. You can pre-order your tickets now for my world tour that will start in 2019.
    1 point
  22. I like having sex Sent from my iPhone.
    1 point
  23. I could watch that shit all day long, I love watching those idiots flying out the windows.
    1 point
  24. Made a holster for my girlfriend and got her a new Volund gearworks belt. I should have washed the holster before taking pictures lol.
    1 point
  25. Ok, went to San Ash Music on Mayfield. Whole different "vibe" in this store. So i told the sales guy Looking for first guitar, and I think I want a Fender strat. Because I like the feel of it. He ask about my budget and type of music I like to play. Long story short, I think I will be getting an Ibanez RG32 ($249 ) and a Fender Mustang V2 amp ( on sale for $99 ) The amp has a built in tuner, and 15 effects. Add in a guitar stand, cable, head phones and a guitar bag, plus a hand full of picks for about $400 out the door. I will pick all this up on Friday night. I would have got all this tonight, but I wanted a blue guitar. Sales guy Mike siad he should be able to get on Friday. If not, I will "settle" for a black guitar, Thanks for all the replies.
    1 point
  26. I believe that any Kaw that doesn't make weird noises like that is broke.
    1 point
  27. I wont make fun of him... I dont care what you ride, what gear you wear. Its your choice. I dont judge anyone.. i will bond with you about riding. I wear a jacket, and sometimes i wear a helmet... but its my choice... i know i should wear one.. giving my background as a cop ( worked many bike accidents and now as a nurse) but its MY choice.. so welcome cruiser brother.. lets ride
    1 point
  28. seeing as i don't do this as a business anymore, there is no tax anymore. I'm thinking of doing a spring tire mounting meet and greet. a one day deal $15 a tire off the bike, $30 on the bike (sport bike)
    1 point
  29. More capable than any Harley, I would take one in a heartbeat over any model Hog.
    0 points
  30. Let me know I am up by Cleveland, I have a bunch of pictures
    -1 points
  31. Dont have my old fz 600 any more. I am still trying to sell my carb rack thoe. Know any takers of anyone selling plastic for a 95 fzr
    -1 points
  32. Bumping this up for Rob. I know that a lot of OR peeps are in Dayton, C-bus and points north, so that'd be lots of miles to ride just to get to/from the route. If you live in the SW portion of OH or SE IN (but then I suppose you would be an IR peep???) and have the day free for being irresponsible, it promises to be a fun route with LOTS of twisty smooth roads. Think WV/TN/NC/GA only with smaller hill'n'valleys and closer to home. I got in 240 yesterday in the same area and its a great ride!!!
    -1 points
  33. I have a brand new upper and both lowers and front fender pieces in blue and white. they are brand new in OEM box. One lower has never even been taken out of the box. I want these to go to a person who appreciates vintage superbikes.
    -1 points
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