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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2014 in all areas

  1. just came home safe, except my mind and hand is numb from the 10000 mile slab
    5 points
  2. Home. I peeled off the route early...had to get home to do grandpa crap. Had a great time, especially the part where I got to hate all of you in person.
    4 points
  3. Yes, but I've already received monies from people who want to see you ride like a newb. I smell a bidding war.
    2 points
  4. Uh... Do you accept bribes to delete parts of the film where I ride like a newb?
    2 points
  5. Glad to hear you are ok. To be honest, I was worried about you man. Now go get some damn tires.
    2 points
  6. Very good day on lots of different fronts. Thanks to everyone. Great lead Cdub and organization Derek. Hope all get home safe. Look forward to the next event.
    2 points
  7. Thanks Dan for taking the group pictures. Thank you leads and sweeps, and thank you tonik for the sammiches. Thanks to all that was at the ride and those that helped organized it all.
    1 point
  8. Sucks, but still cheaper than a track day
    1 point
  9. It was a great day for riding. (Except for the $90 toll bridge in New Concord on the way home) Thanks everyone.
    1 point
  10. It was a beautiful riding day. Thanks to all the organizers, leads, and sweeps.
    1 point
  11. Mad enough to pose his wife in a selfie and start a hashtag on the twitter website?
    1 point
  12. In th house 409 miles had a great time, a few new faces some old friends good to see all of you.
    1 point
  13. +1000 Thanks to all. I hate big group rides with people I've never ridden with before. Bit this changes my mentality. It was that good. It would be nice to know who was all in the med-fast group. I didn't catch everyone's screen name.... .... If we only had name tags... ;-)
    1 point
  14. Will he be putting "the full weight of his office behind it?"
    1 point
  15. Good ride,! Thank you to all who participated in organizing this, and of course, the leads and sweeps, great job!
    1 point
  16. Had fun. Took pictures. Took video. Standby for media. Maybe if I publicly shame you this time, you won't forget to bring your SD card next time...
    1 point
  17. Had a great time on this ride today! I've met some pretty cool people, although I'm not too sure how many I met are actually on this forum. Sorry, if I didn't come up and introduce myself; I'm one of those socially awkward, introverted people. I'm working on that. I've never really ridden in a group, so this event not only helped to improve some skills, but has also helped me see the areas that I need to work on. Thank you to everyone involved in the organization of this ride!
    1 point
  18. Well I didn't have a tire beat me down the hill lol still had a great time Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. Did tough mudder today in Mansfield. Sooo awesome! (I'm on far left) boring video for personal use will be up soon.
    1 point
  20. Nothing personal, I hate everyone. I'm of the opinion that you tell Snot what to do based upon what she tells you is ok.
    1 point
  21. Damnit Jim....hope you're happy with yourself.....took me years to coerce this woman into believing there's no such thing as days off, and here you are telling her there actually is a "Santa Claus"
    1 point
  22. Ok, sammichs it is. I have modified the parking map and added 'The Island of Hate and Sammichs'. I will be in that general area.
    1 point
  23. you guys are such internet assholes. Good thing (most of) you are nice® in person.
    1 point
  24. I'll just adjust the knob on my heated gear as necessary.
    1 point
  25. Posers...drunken Harley show, the very essence of "Bike Night". You will rarely find real bikers at "Bike Night". Every night is bike night for us. Bring the heat, ladies. It's all been said (and done). JB
    1 point
  26. Autozone and Advance Auto Parts both would've checked the code for free. Double derp.
    1 point
  27. What's your most embarrassing moment on two-wheels? . . I'll start...although probably not my most embarrassing, it's the most recent. I just got back from a shakedown ride on the RR...mostly consisting of cruising up and down the freeway burning off the stickers on the new tires and getting something to eat. I decided I would cruise through Mt. Adams area (one of the busier bar scenes in Cincinnati). While rolling through town in first gear, enjoying all the attention, I decide to flip my visor up to show off my striking good looks (lol)....CLUNK....I stalled out in front of a crowd of people. Let's hear some embarrassing stories!
    1 point
  28. Summer of 2003: At a gas station, park the bike next to the pump, get off to put my credit card in the pump and fuel up, bike rolls off stand and pins me against the pump. From left to right, fuel pump, me hugging the fuel pump, Hayabusa on the back of my leg. Can't push hard enough against the pump and can't straighten out my leg. Another biker rolled in to fuel up, saw me embracing the pump passionately and came to my rescue and lifted the bike off my leg. Actually ended up tearing my ACL because of that and had to have it repaired so I think that also counts as the most severe motorbike injury without actually riding the motorbike!
    1 point
  29. First time. Bringing my bike up to the house. My neighbor comes outside and while I'm staring at her nice ass... Boom, too much front brake and down it goes. And then, riding around town showing off.. I get in a group of cars. Go to take off and show my ass.. Clunk. Stalled out right in front of everyone.
    1 point
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