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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2014 in all areas

  1. First video of many incoming - Still editing the others but figured I'd post the first one. This video was from the Med-Fast group - Whaler (the POV) does his job as a sweep rider. This is just the video of it. This, by no means, was intended at attacking the rider being isolated, we all started somewhere, and I praise the fact that he was willing to put away his pride for his own safety. Kudos to you for that.
    4 points
  2. Great job Brian. I'm hoping the guy will not take offense and continue to ride. I think he just need some guidance and people to ride with who will help him work on skills and pace. We've all been there.
    3 points
  3. Well said. Its not -what- you ride, but that you ride. I cannot stand the bashing, either way. Riles me quickly. I read what is said here on OR about Harley's and their riders, and I read whats said about sportsbike riders over on a Harley site I go to and it sickens me. There are total tools both places and there I light into them defending sportbike riders. But the difference is here the bashing continues and I believe with a many its a serious feeling but on the other site most HD riders will admit its all about just getting out and riding so, here, I just let the bashing fly without getting involved. Why bother? That's too bad because for those of us who just love to ride there is enough to be wary of. All those 4 wheelers don't pick and choose who they cut off, who they fail to yield to or who they just plain disregard on the road yet the hatred some like to toss out about 'the other style' of bike is ridiculous and unnecessary, imho.
    3 points
  4. The basic answer, if he is there for business with you yes. Happens to just be at your company no. If in doubt, just tell him.
    2 points
  5. on two occasions actually. first i went with my buddy to help him with a boot purchase. He end up finding a set of boots he wanted, but not in his size. Derek was very helpful as usual, and got a pair ordered up for him, which came in at the time he said they would. On top of that, Pony even matched an online price for him. next, i went in to look at intercoms, already kinda decided on the Sena SMH10 dual pack, and wanted to see if they had them in stock. didn't have any on the shelf at the intercom desk area, so i went and talked to derek, he found it in the back and brought them up to the counter. I told him about an email i just got from CompAcc.com and they had them on sale for $249.99, he matched that price and i handed my money over. props to pony for the great information to help my buddy in his boot decision, having something i wanted in stock , and even more so for the price matching. this really changes my buying habits if they keep this up. If they will match online pricing, id rather buy it from Pony. a few bucks difference was never a big deal for me, or the tax, but some items (like the intercoms i bought) were stickered in the store for over $100 more than i found them numerous places online. seeing them match that price makes me happy. I'm sure they will loose less customers by doing this.
    1 point
  6. This weekend is my prep weekend. I'm getting excited to ride some beautiful roads.
    1 point
  7. Concours, NOT Concourse. I'm still shook up. Happened about 2 hours ago.
    1 point
  8. That was my first organized group ride. All of my other rides had been 4 or less riders. (I have been riding for 20+ years, I just never ride in a group).
    1 point
  9. I talked to him after the ride, he said he had a good time. The way he was riding reminded me of my first group ride, way over my head trying to keep up until someone told me to ride my own pace and meet them at the next turn.
    1 point
  10. Two weeks from right now what will you be doing. I think I'll be knocking em back and working over Dieing Shadow's future mother in law. hahaha
    1 point
  11. I always recommend the MSF courses and Twist of the Wrist 2 to beginner riders. It will give them the necessary information. Then it is up to the beginner rider to take that info and practice.
    1 point
  12. Final four for the Republitard National Convention.
    1 point
  13. For your situation(I haven't actually seen you ride)....3 things, 2 have already been mentioned: 1. Counter Steering. You are already doing this, or you wouldn't be able to turn. But be aware of it, and consciously start your turns with counter steering. 2. Look as far ahead as possible. To say it another way, look as far through the corner as possible. As Derek said, this will 'slow things down' and give you more time to react. 3. Turn your head and shoulders in the direction you are turning. Even exaggerate it. This will force you into a 'decent' body position, and eliminate the chances of being 'crossed up.' Go on a solo ride on a nice curvy piece of asphalt. Try all of these 1 at a time. When you feel comfortable with each, do them all together. Focus on smoothly gliding through corners...next thing you know you'll be riding faster & safer. There is obviously more to cornering technique than this, but these 3 things will give you a really good foundation to build on.
    1 point
  14. No spelling nazi here... just reciprocating some of the online hate...
    1 point
  15. If it invloves more track time, I'm in!
    1 point
  16. Derek is a huge asset to that place. He is always my go to guy for any questions and the kid has grown up in the business so he knows what he's talking about.
    1 point
  17. I informed him. He had no issue and even seemed surprised I mentioned it at all I asked since I'd rather know the right thing to do instead of claim ignorance and have to deal with anymore bullshit today
    1 point
  18. That sounds like a good plan Scott!!!
    1 point
  19. How about a list of the good sales folks to look up if and when the time comes?
    1 point
  20. If you just want dragged around a field i have a truck and rope is cheap.
    1 point
  21. will it come with the gloves?
    1 point
  22. That article has an electric cruiser. I guess I never thought about it before, but I can't see a silent motorcycle catching on with cruiser crowd. The battery would also need to power amps and speakers to make exhaust sounds, right?
    1 point
  23. What good does it do to lock the guy up behind bars and make the taxpayers pay to keep him there? I think something like an indefinite license suspension (since he's proven he can't be behind the wheel without being a danger to others lives) and then making him attend weekly/monthly meetings at local high schools speaking about the dangers of driving while texting/eating/operating gps/otherwise driving distracted for some number of years. Mean while, let him continue his life and work so he can pay restitution to the family, and contribute to society instead of being a burden on it?
    1 point
  24. I bet you could get a few wingmen on that trip.
    1 point
  25. To me, there's not really a difference. NE Ohio is Cleveland. Sorry to hear you're moving. Wish we'd had time to hang out while you were here. Got time this weekend for a drink?
    1 point
  26. Heard and experienced rider bashing some new ones and it got me to thinking. After 45 years in the saddle, if I was sitting on a barstool next to you here is what I would tell you: 1. Glad you took up riding! Changed my life way back when and hope you get a passion for it too. 2. Forget the image thing. Popular culture is kind of like music you know. From swing to twist to disco to pop to whatever the hell you kids do these days! A rider in Boot Hill Saloon on Main Street in 1975 would probably be incarcerated pretty quickly today. In the old days, if you rode a Harley in the wrong part of town, you were an automatic hoodlum. Now most Harley customers probably live in better sections of towns to be able to afford them. 3. Get great gear that lasts. It will be cheaper and more functional in the long run. A great leather jacket that will last you 40 years is worth $600. If it serves a purpose, wear it. If it doesn't, its extra gear to carry. 4. Its ok to be an idiot. We've all been there. Just learn to be safe. If you want to sit at a stop light and blip your throttle, you'll get over it eventually. Of course, these days you might get a ticket. 5. It’s not a horsepower competition. Unless you've really been taught, your ability will never come close to matching a newer bikes capability. So don't waste your money on "mods" unless something really bugs you. 6. Last, go on road trips. Longer the better. I don't mean on a trailer. Become a motorcycle enthusiast. The road is really what being a biker is about. New places, new roads, new friends. Won’t matter if they ride Bmw, Honda or Harley. People who ride for the road appreciate motorcycles regardless of the brand and will strike up friendships and share experiences.
    1 point
  27. Videos: DerekClouser- Epic Ride 2014 - What Makes a Good Sweep? DerekClouser- Epic Ride - Spring 2014 - Part 1 - Route OH-93 Hocking Hills DerekClouser- Epic Ride 2014 Spring - Part 2 - Route 56 DerekClouser- Epic Ride - Spring 2014 POV: Dizzledan Part 1 DerekClouser- Epic Ride - Spring 2014 - POV: Dizzledan - Part 2 Dizzledan- Supercars on the Epic Ride Spring 2014 Dizzledan- Epic Ride Spring 2014 Teaser
    1 point
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