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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2014 in all areas

  1. I know I've posted it before, but I've got to again after this comment. Lol
    2 points
  2. So if a man is passed out but fully erect and the woman mounts the man and finishes until orgasm. Is she raping both the man and herself?
    2 points
  3. Used to own this shirt. It was awesome.
    2 points
  4. post price as per rules. until then, my offer is tree fitty.
    1 point
  5. Just left Walmart in Alcoa and the rain starts. Tim must have made it to the Gap.
    1 point
  6. Bah! We have arrived. Raining. All To realIze my jacket is hanging in my garage at home. Any moto shop around sell gear?
    1 point
  7. If you guys weren't trailering you could blow the shoulder. Payback for sissies!
    1 point
  8. I'll have a bunch of them when I can think more, but these couple jump out at me: - while I was roofing (friend's dad owned the company. I just helped out every so often, because it paid more than my regular summer gig), these idiots named Cedric and Ronulous were at journeyman status. They were paid members of the crew, but admittedly there to be taught. Knew more about roofing than me though. Anyway, we're on a job site, hardhat zone, all that jazz. We're carrying rolls of felt paper, edge guard, etc. up the ladder, and because it's a ROLL of felt, you have to lay down a bundle of shingles to keep it from rolling right off the roof. Well Cedric and Ron decided they could safely set the rolls perpendicular to the edge of the roof, and that would be okay. It wasn't. an 80 lbs. roll of felt paper rolled off the side of the roof, and fell 40 or 50 feet to the ground. Had anyone been under it, they would have been badly hurt. That is just the kind of thing that cannot happen. Ever. It was not their first act of stupidity, and they were fired on the spot. This was their second week of work. - my other job had "mandatory" overtime on Saturday mornings. It was an assembly line outfitting empty Ford Econoline vans with tool boxes and bulkheads, like your cable guy drives. So I show up at 7:00 on Saturday, but half our line, plus the forklift driver aren't there. Then one of them walks in and says, "hey, the other guys aren't going to make it today. We were all riding together, and got pulled over. 3 of the guys have warrants for nonpayment of child support, and one got a DUI." The guy telling the story also had a warrant, but the cops didn't have enough people to respond to arrest them all!
    1 point
  9. I think this video applies to this thread.
    1 point
  10. LOL, yea Obama is going to beat up Putin, or hold him accountable for anything. That is some funny shit there Mag's.
    1 point
  11. I kinda feel like going back to bed
    1 point
  12. That Adam's apple is also impressive.
    1 point
  13. I've yet to ever hear of a successful intervention among my extended circle of friends over the years. People that kick an actual dangerous habit (read: not just a party phase their girlfriend is worried about) seem to have to hit rock bottom on their own, and ideally find jesus while they're down there at the nadir. That's really the only combo I've seen work. Good luck with whatever you're dealing with.
    1 point
  14. Thanks for the update. See everyone sometime this weekend hopefully.
    1 point
  15. You are over thinking this. She is batshit insane. It's that simple. But great post, far above our usual standards.
    1 point
  16. "If you tasted something and it tasted disgusting, why on earth would you force yourself to eat or drink it again and again until your taste buds are so numbed you no longer feel the disgust, and come to believe you enjoy it? This is pure torture. So is PIV." This is by far the worst comparison to bad sex, or to not enjoying it in general. I think what she meant here is like asking, "why is everyone else having sex all the time like it's their favorite food?" hmmm... Probably because most people do not share this insane point of view, clearly she thinks her experiences and beliefs are absolute and universal for all regardless of ones own personal feelings. While the rest of us are off enjoying the sweet foods of life, this lady is working on unloading this theory (sorry, FACT) that recreational sex is again human nature. bullshit. Im not even defending men here, im just annoyed how our society is producing more and more people with ridiculous beliefs who try to force it upon others like religion. No body can be right just because they want to be. I bet she doesn't like chocolate either.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Based on this logic the human race would die out relatively quickly.
    1 point
  19. If you don't like sex, fine. You don't have to try to ruin it for the rest of us. As a big-time proponent of gender related rights myself, I groan to see this sort of thing. It's deleterious to the cause of women because all it does is make people think we're all hate-filled bitches. That's a lot, that's exactly how I want people to view me...
    1 point
  20. This is great news. Coming from someone that was there during the FUSA years and seeing the unlimited bikes racing for a few years before it went away, this should be a great time for road racing in this country. The only issue I see is that the factories will still be doing AMA. However, I see factory riders coming around at times. But, that's not the important side of it. It will attract the young guns that will be racing 600 and 1000 level bikes and using this series as a stepping stone or seat time for keeping that edge IF - IF the purses and contingencies are there. Basically, WERA has a National series, but is missing the TV element and money aspect. Plenty of the up and coming kids have and still use WERA for that seat time and competition. However, they leave and do not return. I think this promotes return and some really cool possibilities for teams like EBR, KTM, Ducati, and speed shops and satellite teams to build true Superbikes for racing. A quick story of why the FUSA stuff was so bad ass... We were racing during the years that a speed shop in Texas had two twin brother racing CBR900RRs with TURBOS attached. They were so strong in power, they would wheelie every lap coming out of turn 10 until the flag station. Every lap. During Rider's Meeting, Jim stated that they would black flag racers doing wheelies out of 10. One of the brothers spoke up and said that Jim was welcome to try and keep the wheel down on their race bikes. Jim responded with he recognized that some of the racers were racing some very powerful bikes and asked for them to try as hard as they can. Awesomeness. That and the 500 GP bikes at Road Atlanta. Great racing. Run whatcha brung is always great to see.
    1 point
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