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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2014 in all areas

  1. Jeff was released yesterday afternoon, and goes back on Tuesday for collar bone surgery.
    2 points
  2. Bike 1 has 15,000+ hard miles, 70-75mph all day long 200-350 mile days, Every weekend! It will be at PIRC this weekend getting the shit ran out of it.Bike 2 had 8,000+ hard miles and I lost the rod bearing earlier this year. This is the first problem I've had with either bike. Both bikes all hard street use. I think the WR 250 would be a fun small track bike, but it wouldn't do it for me on the street. Unless I was running to store to get some tampons for the wife.
    1 point
  3. Paul needs to buy this now that he's a family man
    1 point
  4. Shit forgot about it last week will do today. Be there around 930 for lunch
    1 point
  5. Holy crap. Looks like we got out of dodge just in time. 97 mph winds in souix falls. Storm chaser chasing tornado in Nebraska. Crazy footage on the Weather Channel.
    1 point
  6. Yea I am usually not one to be offended or on guard. But for some reason my vagina decided to bleed out pretty hard that day. I put my tampon in straight and took some midol.
    1 point
  7. Here are all the pics i had on my camera, as usual I didn't take as many as i wanted to. The ones in The Bad Lands for the ones that dont know i had my camera round my neck while rideing and just picked it up and randomly clicked it, they came out better than i thought they would. http://s497.photobucket.com/user/2talltim/slideshow/SoreButtapalooza
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. You mean Bowdog isn't buying this?
    1 point
  10. You need some Anderson Door Racing corporate headquarters support! Our "crew chief" takes care of most of my maintenance The 46 rear helps, but the 48 is not a death-blow. If you and another rider are of equal ability, the top-speed advantage will certainly help that person, but like I mentioned before, JB and I did practice at PIRC before the first round of the year, and we ran the CRP gearing. Managed to turn 1:18's, which is faster than either of us went in last year's race round with the 46... Just ride as fast as you can. You'll be solid. And don't get discouraged if the NJ guys are running away. they destroyed our novices last year. Sand-baggers!
    1 point
  11. I figured that I will try swapping out the plugs, next.
    1 point
  12. Out of the coma! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-27868787
    1 point
  13. Good on ya, Jack. Saw on the other thread you were draggin' peg too. Great weekend of riding.
    1 point
  14. It was good to meet you guys today (actually yesterday, now). I took my own ride into southern Ohio and into WV. It was midnight when I walked into the house. Do you know what an experience it is to ride Wayne National Forest after dark? Yesterday the little GS broke 8000 miles. Now it has almost 8500. I just had two days of riding twisties, and well worth taking off work for. Tomorrow, I'm not even getting out of bed. I don't think I'll be able to move.
    1 point
  15. Send more well wishes his way for me
    1 point
  16. Home. Fargo - Toledo, 955 miles (i took a longer route to avoid Chicago) in 14:45. Thanks again Jim for putting this all together! I had a blast. You guys have a safe ride home tomorrow.
    1 point
  17. No worries Doc. It was dirty through the first couple turns so I don't blame you for taking it easy through the other few corners. I'd prefer you make sure you stayed safe and make it home than get hurt trying to push just because you think others are bored or want to go faster. I'll ride your pace anytime you want to come down. Absolutely! I'll edit the 555 footage first On a serious note, I'll get some actual footage editing here tonight and get some links posted. Doc do you want the original footage? I can let you remote into my computer and yank all that footage that you want. Glad I had someone to ride back with! JackFlash and IP was who I thought would be riding back, but with IP's Ducati deciding it didn't want to continue and JackFlash heading back with Nivin, I was glad you were able to go that direction.
    1 point
  18. Nice ride, minus the buttpucker curve, great weather, met new faces, and no one got hurt, ='S a Great Day My miles ended up being 363 ish. Thanks for putting this ride together ND. I'll hit u up the next time we do a shack ride and u can sleep the night before.
    1 point
  19. So for the folks with no Google-Fooo. It started life as a 2001 Hayabusa, built by Destroyer Customs. Bunch of links with video's. It's supercharged and is pushing 240hp. http://americaloveshorsepower.com/destroyer-customs-supercharged-motorcycle-drifting/ http://www.blackratcustom.com/brc/2716 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Destroyer-Custom/190039034370311
    1 point
  20. Am I the only one who sees this and knows that 100 Proof is only 50% alcohol?????
    1 point
  21. Cleveland 600 rr Columbus 600 rr
    1 point
  22. No, that Rocky Toyota nutswinger
    -1 points
  23. Okay first, if you read above I stated that I will include anyone who wants to make an effort to participate. Second if there can be groups for motorcycles and "trolls" I feel that there should be a group for people who have an interest in specific types of autos. I started this because finding a club for my car "fiero" is impossible in Columbus. I have had no intention in leaving people out. If anyone is offended well my apologies but I refuse to be bullied! I may be new to Columbus racing but I am in no way new to the car scene and forums. I am a nice person and will befriend anyone but do not take kindly to people strong arming me because they feel inferior! If anyone has a direct issue with me please feel free to approach me. I am more than willing to listen to your concern and find middle ground with you.
    -1 points
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