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  1. 7/10/14 On my way back from Maritta on 550W at Amesville 329N toTrimble has new asphalt. ODOT was finishing the painting just one temporary traffic light lane restriction for a short 3 min wait. another note it was 78deg's and 26,800,256,536,550,78 were just 289 miles of fine Brian
    1 point
  2. July 12, 2012, my twin brother passed away in a motorcycle accident. I got him into riding and he was incredibly passionate about it. Although passionate, he was very reckless, and took risks on a bike that many wouldn't even dare. Unfortunately, two years ago, he took one of those risks and paid the ultimate price. When he passed, I sold my first bike to help pay for the funeral. After a year of not riding, I realized this was something my brother wouldn't have wanted. He wanted me to ride. Therefore, I try to ride on the 12th every year in his memory. This 7-12 happens to be on a Saturday, therefore, I want to make it a long ride. Who wants to join me on Saturday 7/12/14 Plan on leaving early in the morning - like Millersburg no later than 9. I'd like to ride down to Marietta and back - 83, 78, 26,800, 7, 26, 550, 13, 78, 83. Here's tentative route: http://tinyurl.com/oar6unq Pace will be brisk, but no one will get left behind. We will wait for everyone at turns and stop signs. My family is holding a little family get together around 8pm so I want to be back by then. I have no problem leading. although my navigation skills sometimes lack, so we may have to double back every now and again. It's not a memorial ride for you guys, it's just something I do on a personal level for myself to remember him my way. It's nothing more than a ride for the rest, and a bit more special for myself, so I hope those who can join will want to. Let me know.
    1 point
  3. I have a special pair of gloves for the Rabbit clan on Monday
    1 point
  4. More importantly, does the carpet match the drapes?
    1 point
  5. Not sure what that was, but better than Miley Cyrus.
    1 point
  6. Funny stuff in this thread. Calling one's self a Juggalo is gay. Never even heard of it before this thread. That being said, CSC is right.... Deadheads/Parrot Heads/Phish people (idk what they go by) put that logo shit all over. I wonder how many Vanigans have been pulled over for the dancing bears.... You know there's some kind bud on board. Juggalo..... Lol... Who comes up with this shit? Are there other gay-ass follower names out there? Snoop-doggolos? Bel Biv Devotees? Marky Mark and the fun fresh followers? Whamsters?
    1 point
  7. They are an army and you don't fuck with an army.
    1 point
  8. if you go around admitting to liking ICP and referring to yourself as a juggalo, yes you deserved to be judged discriminately
    1 point
  9. If we are going to roll like sportbikers we need to gear up like them. Thankfully Kmart has what we need on sale.
    1 point
  10. There is a large black dildo stuck to an electrical transformer in my neighborhood.
    1 point
  11. Out of those 3 groups of fans i'm pretty sure none of them are associated with violent crimes like the juggalos. Every band has it's hard core fan base. In this case the fan base has been shown to have an affinity for committing violent crimes, terrorizing locals and general mayhem. Get over being butt hurt and realize that everytime someone other than a fellow juggalo see's your tat they are going to snicker and laugh inside. It's your life choice, good, bad or indifferent. Oh and the same goes for the Bengals tat, life choices.......
    -1 points
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