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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2014 in all areas

  1. My father was an overweight black gay woman in a wheelchair you fucking biggot.
    4 points
  2. Uncle just won $1mil in the NY Lottery. Dude's a Vietnam Vet, serving multiple tours so his brother could stay home with his family/kids and stay out of the war. Dude was a Chinook flight engineer, and flew all kinds of crazy missions. Never been able to talk about all of them, but some of his stories were nuts. He was doused with Agent Orange multiple times, never knowing exactly what it would do long term. Found out down the road that it was eating his skin off his body and he used to lose patches constantly. Has multiple other health issues, wears a bag to poop and pee in, has no teeth, diabetic, and had a psycho wife who took as his cash for drugs and left him with 2 kids and nothing else. If anyone deserves to win something like that, it's him. Granted he'll take the lump sum because his health is so bad, so probably net what, 600K at most? But I hope he spends it on hookers, he doesn't drink or do drugs, but dang I'm so happy for him I couldn't sleep last night and am just telling everyone. Talk about Good News.
    4 points
  3. Awareness of Sunburned Scalps....Parade.
    3 points
  4. So are we gonna make this happen or what? Won't be straight for long...If college fraternities and the track day crew around here is any indication, you put enough straight white dudes together, eventually someone's gonna touch a penis.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Wow. You are butt hurt. I get it. You're a shade tree guy and that is totally fine. It does affect me because people like you prey on newer riders like my friend and they end up causing more harm than good. I didn't say you were wrong. Some you can do it to. You are the one that can't be wrong. You "think" you can do it because you are an internet engineer. Cool. I just want new riders to understand there is a right way and a not so smart way to do things and that having a knowledgable person to do your work is the best bet.
    2 points
  7. Passed my 1st class towards my environmental science degree.... 8 yrs to go. Also received my vortex rear sets
    2 points
  8. Perhaps it's cooled off a bit over the years. I attended the pride parade in 2006 or 2007, because I support gay rights, etc. My lasting memory of that event is two dudes in rainbow tutus making out and grinding on each other like the ship was going down while Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl" blasted from the PA system on their float. It was the type of display that would have made me uncomfortable to observe regardless of the participants' sexual orientations. I have no problem accepting gay people being gay. I do take issue with public displays of over-sexualized conduct, and then trying to rationalize it by saying "that's what you should expect at a pride parade." Again, I support equality - that means holding everyone to the same standard. No one would have tolerated a heterosexual couple partaking in the same behavior.
    2 points
  9. I’m more of a classic buffalo sauce(Frank’s, butter, and vinegar) man myself, but I had these recipes for my favorite wings at Buffalo Wings Wings, so I thought I would share. Some of these may seem a little labor intensive, but they definitely taste a lot better with fresh ingredients. Enjoy. updated: November 21st, 2009 Parmesan Garlic 1/2 cup butter, melted1 teaspoon garlic powder1/2 teaspoon onion salt1/4 teaspoon black pepper, freshly ground1/2 cup parmesan cheese, gratedSpicy Garlic 1 Cup Frank’s cayenne pepper sauce1/3 Cup vegetable oil1 Teaspoon granulated sugar1 Teaspoon garlic powder½ teaspoon course ground black pepper½ teaspoon cayenne pepper½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauceMedium Wing Sauce 1 cup Frank’s cayenne pepper sauce1/3 cup vegetable oil1 teaspoon granulated sugar1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce1/8 teaspoon coarse ground black pepperHot Wing Sauce 1 Cup Franks cayenne pepper sauce1/3 Cup vegetable oil1 Teaspoon granulated sugar1 ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper½ teaspoon garlic powder½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce1/8 Teaspoon coarse ground black pepper2 Teaspoons water2 Teaspoons cornstarchBlazin’ 6 fresh habanero peppers (with seeds)5 lemon drop peppers (or other small hot pepper)8 jalapenos (with seeds)2-3 garlic cloves2 cups white vinegar1/4 teaspoon ground oregano1/4 teaspoon ground cumin1/2 teaspoon onion powder1/2 teaspoon mustard powderfresh ground black peppersaltMango Habanero 2 cups Mango Nectar (found in your local grocery store)Any habenero hot sauce. I recommend El Yucatan. The amount is up to you, depending on how spicy you like your wings.1 Tbsp corn syrup. (sugar works too)1/4 cup Frank’s cayenne pepper sauce1/3 cup melted butterAsian Zing 2 teaspoons cornstarch4 teaspoons rice wine vinegar1/2 cup corn syrup1/3 cup sugar1/4 cup chili-garlic sauce (sriracha!)1 tablespoon soy sauce1 teaspoon lemon juice1/4 teaspoon ground ginger1/4 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon garlic powderCarribean Jerk Tablespoons margarine2 Tablespoons minced onion (white and light green parts only)1 Cup water3/4 Cup ketchup1/2 Cup plus 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar1/4 Cup apple cider vinegar2 Tablespoons white distilled vinegar2 Tablespoons Frank’s cayenne pepper sauce2 Teaspoons ground black pepper2 Teaspoons Worcestershire sauce2 Teaspoons lemon juice1-1/2 Teaspoons cayenne pepper1 Teaspoon dried parsley flakes1 Teaspoon cornstarch1/2 Teaspoon salt1/2 Teaspoon garlic powder1/2 Teaspoon dried thyme1/4 Teaspoon onion powder1/8 Teaspoon ground clove1/8 Teaspoon ground nutmeg1/8 Teaspoon ground allspice1/8 Teaspoon rubbed sageCooking Instructions: Heat shortening in your fryer to 350 degrees F. Fry wings for 10-12 minutes, or until light brown. Remove wings and drain on a rack or paper towels briefly. After draining wings place wings in a plastic container with a lid. Add 1/4-1/3 cup of your sauce of choice to the container. Replace lid and shake well to coat wings. Pour wings out onto a plate and add celery on the side, plus ranch or bleu cheese dressing for dipping.
    1 point
  10. If I put on my Washington DC decoder ring, I'd say that the Obama administration felt it was more likely that they would get they results they desired from the CDC than from the ATF.
    1 point
  11. makes me wonder why the CDC conducted the study instead of said branch aimed at regulating firearms...
    1 point
  12. His family has money Hey I'm not complaining, it's the 4th or 5th amp I've picked up since I moved into the condo complex. The 2nd I've sold to Guitar center, although the last one wasn't for $150. If you want an amp cheap, I'll give you a holler next time I pick one up
    1 point
  13. I'd join that! It would demonstrate a sense of humor at least.
    1 point
  14. I'm excited to go to the fair today for the first time!
    1 point
  15. Yeah my kids get mad when I call it purple juice also!!
    1 point
  16. well that makes my story less fun, but it's still good news for me... I found a guitar practice amp next to the dumpster where the neighbor likes to leaves them, took it in to guitar center to sell, and they gave me $150 for it.
    1 point
  17. The reason it isn't for Ben, is due to the fact I don't want Carie to kick my ass.....because I know she could and would. And, I doubt that A&M could handle me and Ben working together again.
    1 point
  18. You say that about everything the first month you have it. Then you find out it isn't perfect and it doesn't take long before it goes away. The reason Anthony and I have had our f-bodies so long is that when there is an issue we work on it until its right, besides we both really like the car as a whole. Sunday August 3rd (yes I know its the day after the BPG day) I expect to see at least you show up with this car and try autocrossing it before you have a chance for the novelty of the new car to wear off. The August 3rd is the United Ford Owners autocross, it's the easiest one to try, and I'm sure there will be plenty of CR there.
    1 point
  19. Im with robin hood on this one. I don't feel like he was showing disrespect of "certified techs" but rather bringing to light that not everyone can afford the cost of such a specialized mechanic. I don't think he should have been ridiculed in the first place for working out of his own garage, if people choose to take their bike to him for work, its going to be pretty obvious they won't get a dealership experience, but you know what as long as someone has a good reputation and actually takes pride in their work plus they're aren't charging premium rates, I don't see why there is anything dishonorable about that. His methods are his business, if he gets the job done, doesn't do any harm, and has satisfied customers then all the power to him. I will always champion a good side-job-mechanic, especially one as seemingly well experienced and qualified as this guy.
    1 point
  20. That kind of pisses me off. You didn't spend the money on the training (to be a specialized motorcycle technician such as a Ducati certified technician). You also didn't spring for the special tools required to do every job on the bike. You don't pay for the monthly subscription to the information database. You also don't pay for the monthly fee for technical assistance. You have no insurance, and no real customer satisfaction to worry about. That's where $90+/hour comes from. Just because you have a 200 piece mechanics tool set and a floor jack, doesn't mean you're a professional technician.
    1 point
  21. i find highly biased articles on controversial topics incredibly non-productive. next.
    1 point
  22. Isn't that the juxtaposition of this discussion. It isn't acceptable to be white strait and proud. But anything else needs to be sung from the roof tops. The way I see it if you can promote your lifestyle I can promote mine. So ride a motorcycle, listen to metal, support local music and don't be a fuckwit. Also be kind to one another, don't hate anyone it is a waste of energy. This life is short and only temporary.
    1 point
  23. But I should say, I'd love to go somewhere without much of a winter where I could ride year round. Plus, working with you again would be awesome. Although, it's probably not safe for anyone involved.
    1 point
  24. Everyone plays dirty when there is something to lose.
    1 point
  25. Ridersdiscount had the best price, they were out of the ones the bought in bulk. I bought the brake light switch too.
    1 point
  26. After 5 years, $35,000 in student loan debt, 4 jobs and countless other hoops to jump through my wife finally makes $0.28 a hour more than me(part time). Baby steps i guess. Just hired on with Ohio Health
    1 point
  27. Baby girl was 6 months yesterday. Pictures in the park went well :-)
    1 point
  28. Start a new job Monday. Dayshift so I get to have a life and not walk around in a fog on the weekends.
    1 point
  29. nope. You learn more on the track than in the library.
    1 point
  30. They won't have to lower the urinals like they do for JuneTeenth.
    1 point
  31. That's just not fair. Accurate maybe, but totally racist, you insensitive clod. Now where's that Kenny G album I had on...
    1 point
  32. All straight white guys? Hmmm.... Doesn't sound like much fun. Black people have better music and, let's be honest.... have the dance moves. Gay dudes usually bring a level of entertainment not typical of the rest of us. Chicks.... Chicks are nice to have too. I don't think I'll go.
    1 point
  33. My cracker rights are not to be infringed upon.
    1 point
  34. There's lots of struggles for straight white guys! One very obvious one being that they apparently can't even have a festival without upsetting people.
    1 point
  35. Whatever their particular reasonings might be, the trend usually results in a price increase. Very seldom if ever do you see prices go back down once a particular 'reason' goes away.
    1 point
  36. My point exactly, which I don't think is what you intended. He can't fix it, and neither could Bush, but the media was ALL OVER Bush about the short spike in gas prices. And not a peep about Der Fuhrer in over three consecutive years. I don't go to the grocery very often, but when I do is when I realize the impact that high gas prices can have. Food is sooo much higher in such a short time, largely (I assume) because of transportation and other related costs. And still, no griping from the left.
    1 point
  37. 65% more drama here than the average movie. Great thread.
    1 point
  38. i rub motor oil on my chain. and my cock.
    1 point
  39. You should both be thanking me that it's American and not Swiss.
    1 point
  40. You are my holy shit I'm old moment now. I remember working on programming code on an Apple II E...doh.
    1 point
  41. How many people are going to admit to wasting time playing this? I have never wasted any time playing. Always play at work so I get paid.
    1 point
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