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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2014 in all areas
Don't shoot them, that's violent. Just slowly run them over with a steamroller.4 points
Why isn't it legal to just shoot people like this on the spot? I mean honestly there is no place on earth or anywhere for these kinds of scum; http://news.yahoo.com/fla-man-guilty-throwing-baby-car-window-220252692.html2 points
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My name is Brandon. I live in Columbus, OH and heard about this place from a local on G8board. I drive a 2008 G8 GT with a handful of your standard bolt-ons. http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l263/fukaol13/IMAG0183_zpsd7090261.jpg1 point
Adam, I'll kick you square in the nuts if you bought it lol1 point
He quoted what was in the artical, wtf does it matter if he did add it?Its for a man that served in the military, who protected our freedom so we can ride everyday. It should take priority.1 point
Summary execution would lower us to the level of Hamas and Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Not quite human.1 point
What's right ain't always legal and what's legal ain't always right.1 point
Agree, Caution, he'll try to pay with beer and wood, after he gets you to drop the price because its dirty.1 point
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Thanks josh. Definitely a huge deal in the AF. Average time is 16 years to make it. Other services vary, lol.1 point
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I think part of the problem with superintendent pay as it relates to schools is that public schools are so heavily regulated in terms of curriculum, union labor force, etc., that the superintendent isn't really able to move the dial one way or another. It's a commodotized job.. probably the main differentiator is a superintendent's PR skills in keeping up staff morale and community outreach. Teacher pay is the big money sink, though. When you have 200 qualified applicants applying for every public school opening, you know something is out of wack with pay. Unions have done a great job for their incumbent members.1 point
Salary attracts talent, plain and simple. CEO and executives of non-profit hospitals make large 7 figure salaries. Why should a superintentent be any different? People like to shake their fists at something they see as a high salary. Seriously, the superintendents salary is such a small, insignificant % of the district budget...it's not even part the problem. If a shcool district lowers the pay they are willing to offer, they can expect the more talented applicants to look elsewhere. It's just how it is. In the media there has been talk of limiting CEO salaries. If that happened (it won't), talented CEO's would look for more lucritive jobs outside the US and the less talented ones would remain in the US. It would cause more problems that is solves.1 point
Imagine this point of view instead: The average public school superintendent makes $225,000 - $275,000. The average high school football team has 53 players on the roster. If the pay-to-play fee is $500, that's $26,500. If the schools REALLY cared about the sports and the kids, I think they could find places to pull it from. But hey, why make concessions and spend your budget wisely when you can just guilt the public into passing levies and continue making your fat salary? What happened to the days of the football team, band, choir, etc doing fundraisers to pay for their program? We sold wreaths around Christmas, mulch in the spring, and did car washes in the summer. The community willingly gave these programs money. I don't know how it is in most places, but I haven't seem this in years.1 point
Most points have already been made except for one. If you're drinking and drop anchor with the radio running a while, wouldn't hurt to start the boat every hour or so to freshen up the batteries. Years ago a friend and I were night fishing a deep wash at a channel fork. We had a couple onboard lights and the radio going. Huge catfish were hitting hard and had us hopping for hours, so we never moved the boat. At a foggy 3am we hit the key to head in, and nothing. Had to paddle a 24' tunnelhull deck to shore with only a 3ft oar. Battery may have been on it's way out anyway, but just a precaution so you may not have to end up swimming home.1 point
punch it in the face for shedding inconsiderately. what a jerk.1 point
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My heart cath on Tuesday showed no blockages so I should be fine to ride at Mid-O on Tuesday and Wednesday.1 point
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You want talked out of it? Ok here is my 2 cents. Suzuki's awesome quality control and fantastic dealer network with just the absolute best reps ever... Your insurance will sky rocket.1 point
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