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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2015 in all areas

  1. It thought the ones that did the best were Huckabee, Rubio, Carson I thought the worst were: Cruz, Christie, Trump
    1 point
  2. Credit where credit is due. It was a simple thing, but Andrea at IP spent the time with me and I appreciate the little things. My Joe Rocket Phoenix mesh jacket was having issues. Like the forearm/elbow pads were crumbling and no longer protecting my elbows. Looked on line and saw replacements for $25 bucks. Instead of doing the on line thing and since I was riding and wearing the offending jacket that day, I decided to swing by IP and see what they had. Ended up spending close to an hour with Andrea and left with new pads in the jacket for just over 25 bucks. Like I said, it was just a little thing but she took the time to get me what I needed and people need to hear feedback. Thanks!
    1 point
  3. Probably the friendliest employee I have met there.
    1 point
  4. are slide pins bound up causing a caliper to cock sideways instead of press on the pads
    1 point
  5. Rubio and walker are gay for each other Bush is an asshole. Paul is too back and forth. Kasich did ok. Christie needs to change parties already. Trump is a plant. Cruz is an idiot. Huckabee and Carson nailed it.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. If you so called "riders" actually rode, $20 would get you a 3 day pass. snark, snark.
    1 point
  8. Precisely. Like a goddam turducken, only better cause it's cheese.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Big surprise, magdor missed an obvious point. Most likely because he doesn't understand economics. Duane. Try and stay with me here. If people don't buy puppies, there's no incentive for puppy mills to breed them. If there's no incentive, the puppy mills disappear. Read that over and over until it penetrates your thick skull, then go get punched in the nuts.
    1 point
  11. Ok, so the breeder has a bunch of inventory that is not selling. Do you think he will: a) Breed the same number of puppies, then find out where you live and punch you in the balls. b) Breed a shitload more than usual, then find out where you live and punch you in the balls. c) Breed fewer puppies, then find out where you live and punch you in the balls. Pick one, and at this point I really don't care which.
    1 point
  12. That's a hearty heaping wholesome dose of tard logic right thar
    1 point
  13. So that's a 'no, I can't explain my position'? Ok gotcha. Allow me to elaborate on mine. Most animals in shelters are owner surrenders or once-domesticated dogs that were dumped because = lazy fucking people. Most of those dogs are pits or pit mix (that I've seen and fostered). Because pit = popular breed. My current foster is an over bred American bull mix that someone used as a brood bitch to make money selling puppies. She was starved and beaten as a result. I wonder how many of her puppies were bought and then dumped or dropped off at the dog warden when the people realized that a dog is not a fashion accessory and that they are a lot of work....probably a few considering how many pit mix type dogs under 2 years are in the shelters. Are you seeing a pattern emerge? Yes part of the overpopulated pound issue is lazy shitty people but if they had gotten a rescue instead of buying a puppy and returned it to the pound it would be a zero sum equation. The fact that they dont, that people insist upon buying puppies not only prevents the adoption of shelter dogs, but it feeds the for-profit breeding of dogs like my current rescue. Now I understand not all are mistreated but a great many are, and the root cause is people buying puppies.
    1 point
  14. My phone must be from south too [emoji12]
    1 point
  15. Day-um. Yer good. BTW, it's we're…and disregard
    1 point
  16. ^ Good quality vid. This thing is a cafe bike just waiting to happen. http://astraone.com/wp-content/uploads/kawasaki-cafe-racer-parts-kawasaki-k750-cafe-racer-return-of-the-cafe-racers-42504-900x675.jpg
    0 points
  17. Best dog I ever had came from Petland, so I debunk whatever theory or point that is trying to be made.
    -1 points
  18. Bump you guys seemed to have fun little arguments among yourselves all while dragging up the past. Skyy says hi. Anyone actually riding this season ? I want to go out with the newark boys. Also dont need to brag about work, nor was i trying too... I own professional video game teams.
    -1 points
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