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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2020 in all areas

  1. Great ADV ride yesterday down in Southern Ohio. 235 Miles and 6Hrs of riding time.
    2 points
  2. I’m really enjoying riding the bicycle. Got a quick 10 mile spin yesterday morning, then took the motorcycle out for a ride as well. Ended up ditching the Fiancé’s Walmart bike and bought her a Giant Sedona. She is much better at pedaling up the hills now.
    1 point
  3. Hey, we ride NCBike Nivin, I'm glad we got together last year and got to ride with you on track. You have been one that I've considered instrumental to my riding and my mindset towards riding. I do not think I would be the rider I am today if it weren't for your guidance. Good luck on the move, may your family stay happy and healthy. And maybe you can join us down at NCBike when things get opened back up again. Also, YOLO posting these pics because you wont be around to kick my ass. Nivin got his knee down this day gentleman, and I was fortunate enough to be behind him and watch it scare him.
    1 point
  4. I guess I would upset most of you. I go out without a mask. I try to respect others space but if you come into mine I don’t mind. TootallTim’s post about what you should and shouldn’t do sums up the understanding of this virus. I don’t disinfect everything, I don’t go around licking door knobs either. I try to use common sense and try to limit my trips out. If I need something, however, I go get it. I wash my hands and call it good.
    1 point
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