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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2020 in all areas

  1. Turned the tracker on 40 miles in..
    4 points
  2. So if your saying the outdoor events are not the cause of the uptick in cases, why are we not reopening state and national parks for people to go hiking by themselves. beaches are still considered a death sentence to anyone at them and Mid-Ohio Vintage needs to be put back on the schedule because dammit I want to see motorcycle racing again if the outdoor events are safer than eating my dinner while sitting in a restaurant. 😷
    2 points
  3. ha, I'm old enough to remember a national outcry against Randy Newman's song "Short People". For a month or two everything "short" was verboten, per the thought police. People got over it, and went back to normal (whatever normal is). Whatever is going on now will pass too. But it's going to leave a bad taste for quite a while. Wondering if 2020 is going to be a "never forget" moment in time. Regardless, try not to buy into the media's "fear and loathing". Stick to reality, which is what you see around you.
    2 points
  4. Honda with a bowl of spaghetti?
    2 points
  5. Wonder what the stats and charts showed for the first flu, or the measles, or scarlet fever... Or even syphilis? At some point we will all be exposed and we need a vaccine now. I think the increase is for multiple reasons. A couple of the reasons... I do think protesters help spread it, and so did everyone at the local bars. Both sides are responsible for helping the spread. They were not wearing mask and not distant while looting and screaming. More testing is also to blame. You can't tell me to wear a mask in public because I could get it and then say protesters did not spread it when they clearly did not follow CDC guildlines or other laws. Even the protesters that were nonviolent were not following CDC. Just my .02. I really don't believe the numbers, everyone lies and fudges them, especially the media. We will never know the true numbers or reasons. No need to argue about what we can't control or prove (not enough accurate, reliable and published data). ....back to sammiches
    1 point
  6. After living 7/10ths of a century: gut feelings = established science with research-based factual data with a p=0.05 statistical significance.
    1 point
  7. Get your faggy science out of here, pal.
    1 point
  8. I'm neither a doctor nor an epidemiologist, but my gut is telling me the cause of the spike we're seeing is two-fold: 1) a major factor is the broad re-opening and resultant increased social contact, and 2) I believe the virus has mutated and the viral count is increasing because the most prevalent variant worldwide is now about 10x more contagious. Hopefully, the same mutation won't also be far more deadly, but that remains to be seen over the next month or two. https://www.complex.com/life/2020/06/researchers-covid-19-mutation-made-virus-more-contagious
    1 point
  9. Correlation does not equal causation. The reopening, indoor gatherings and idiots not wearing masks caused it. The protests were outside, MUCH safer than what the freedom crowd is doing. Stop making excuses for dumbasses. https://www.google.com/search?biw=412&bih=645&tbm=nws&sxsrf=ALeKk01voEnJ7k9HKzWAYJoLnVDCz36_-Q%3A1593966773548&ei=tQACX5WUIe-uytMP0LO36Aw&q=did+protests+raise+covid+infection&oq=did+protests+raise+covid+infection&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3...32108.34160.0.34927.
    1 point
  10. To be fair, things were on the mend for a good bit before this new spike. What was happening 2 weeks before the uptick 2 weeks into June I wonder? Literally the dumbest thing anybody could do during a pandemic that was showing signs of abating. The blame for the current situation lands squarely on the backs of everyone who went out en mass to protest and/or riot. If they were aware of the risk and decided that the protesting was more important, that's fine - but to turn around and blame other people for the (very apparent) consequences of their actions, I really don't have words.
    1 point
  11. I made burgers on the grill today. Due to covid we had to eat them all... Tomorrow is steaks... Again we will eat them all...alone. Well, with some grill veggies, so not alone.
    1 point
  12. 300 miles today, only 2 miles of interstate. It was fucking hot. The wifey did awesome only stopped 4 times mostly for the little tank Scout and for us to hydrate. 180 miles tomorrow to Pigeon Forge for the week.
    1 point
  13. I was not in my right mind the other evening, but I stand by my rant. I had some shit to say, apparently. I will do more to social distance from politics on this forum and more to further the sport I love. Stay tuned... Speed safe. Happy 4th.
    1 point
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