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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2021 in all areas

  1. So this happened last night as I climbed the face of 1 of my doubles on my track. Thankfully I cleared the double and stopped before running into the electric fence. Anybody interested in a slightly used Kfx450r? It’s never been raced. Just ridden primarily by a 44yr old on my own property.
    1 point
  2. Even some track guys use it instead of the tech air race. Because the a*'s are having production issues with getting enough tech air race's produced due to microchips (or so I've heard). STG offered to do a swap with my tech air race (ordered in December) to the tech air 5. But considering I spent $1600+ on a suit I want my LED's to work and have my 2 deployments.
    1 point
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