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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2012 in all areas

  1. Hello my name is Alan. I am a car guy, I thoroughly enjoy building and talking about cars with anyone who will lend a hand or share interesting stories. I personally have a 2G GSX and a TL1000R which are bone stock at the moment, I'm looking to do a few minor upgrades when I get the funds together. I came to this site looking for other car guys in hopes of getting new Ideas for my future projects. Here's a few pictures of my vehicles, They're nothing special but I'm sure you guys would like to see them anyway. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/alansrice.jpg http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/alanwithrice.jpg http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/2wheelrice.jpg This now concludes my introduction, thanks for reading. You now get a prize. http://www.iheartbucks.com/ember/hosteds/freeones/1/samples/3.jpg
    3 points
  2. hey, camera guy!ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckssssssshhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!
    2 points
  3. So I recently lost my job over very stupid circumstances and have been looking for a new one when yesterday something may have fallen in my lap too good to be true. I was helping my brother car shop when we ended up at a Kia dealership, he really wants a Soul, we found a black one and started talking numbers with the sales person, all his numbers kept coming up $2000 more than what I thought the value should be after looking at KBB and edmonds, so the sales manager comes out to go over the numbers with us again. We ended up talking about what we do for a living and I told him I was Tech Support for a software company. His eyes get big and says "So your THE computer guy huh?" I said yeah I guess and he proceeds to ask me about what kind of work I have done. He then tells me to follow him and leads me up stairs to a place customers are obviously not supposed to be and he shows me this room with a few older servers in it sitting on the floor and asks me if they were any good and if I knew how to set that kind of stuff up. I told him yes and he explains that over the past year or so business has gone from 30-40 cars a month to 130+ a month and they need a staffed call center now that they are doing so much business and asks if I would be interested in setting it up. Heres the kicker, he basically told me I can do whatever the hell I want since there isn't any system in place now and I can bill them with a "really nice commission" added to it or they could put me on payroll if I wanted and probably even an office somewhere in the building. From my understanding, he wants to do this at his dealership first then expand it to the other 12 dealerships they have. Told me I can work whatever hours I want, I could come in at night to work on it if I wanted and basically everything you could want in a job. It sounds like I would basically be my own boss. Since they have ZERO IT on staff right now, I would be help desk at the dealers too. Like I said earlier, this sounds too good to be true for a young guy like me. How should I even go about this? He gave me his home and cell number and told me to think about it and to call him next week. I need input here for if this actually is true. I am going to call Monday to try and set up a time to talk about details but this first system isn't going to be very big, like 15 phones in the room next to the servers. I think it is something I can definitely do after working at Sherwin Williams on their 300+ server environment but I have only limited interaction with phone systems which was a massive Siemens system at Sherwin. Does this sound like the perfect job for a beginning IT career or am I forgetting things and actually in over my head on this? I am not an expert on these things, I know, but I feel like since I am basically building the system from the ground up I will have a more extensive knowledge of how the system works and will learn as I go. Hell, this could even turn into some future jobs for some of you if this goes across all the dealers.
    1 point
  4. Looks like a great bike - good luck. I'd buy this before Exarch's... cleaner.
    1 point
  5. Cute looking bike glws! Im letting a friend know his daughter wants to start riding.
    1 point
  6. Brace yourself, this is probably going to become a novel. The token asian's dead on, as usual. I'll elaborate a bit more, since this isn't that far off from how I got started. My start was doing IT services for a 6 person company however, not for a fully-functional dealership with branch opportunuties. If you and him can hammer out an agreement, you may have just hit on something that will last you a long, long time. First things first: you need to establish a scope of work. It's fine if that scope is simply "everything", but you need to get some sort of vision or idea of what they want to have done. Without that, you're flying into this completely blind and they are taking advantage of the fact that you're a hungry young kid who thinks he can do everything and is willing to work for peanuts to get the experience. GET A SCOPE OF WORK, and have it be as detailed as possible. If it is "everything", what does everything entail? Once you have a scope of work, you should be able to start breaking that down into implementation projects to fit their goals, piece by piece. Once you have those bite-sized projects, you should be able to figure out if you have the chops necessary to take it all down. Here's where the murky waters come in. If you're a quick study, then some working nights (and working mornings before the users show up) will probably be in your future, but you'll get the job done. If you're not, then serious downtime will result and you'll piss off your client. These aren't questions I can answer, only you can. You have to be honest with yourself, any bullshitting will only cause tension between you and your client, and having worked for car dealers before, they don't deal well with that kind of stuff. So now you have a scope of work, a idea of where the client wants to be, and you've broken down the scope into manageable projects that you're pretty confident you can bust out without pissing many people off. Now you need to figure out about how much time is it going to REASONABLY take you to bang these out? I may not be like a lot of other consultants, but if I needed 20 hours to do something that should have reasonably took 10 (because I was using the other 10 to research because I've never done it before), then I, personally, have a hard time charging for the full 20 hours and will probably charge 10-15. These are decisions you need to make for yourself. After that's done, and you have a estimate on how long it's going to take, THEN you can start talking about your hourly rate. If bennies is important to you, then it might behoove you to take a salary position. Again, this is something that you have to decide. If you're going to take salary, however, you better make damn sure you have some built-ins for on-call support. Or, it might be possible to do salary work and have the on-call be a extra hourly rate. With contracting, there aren't a lot of rules other than the ones you and the client draft for yourselves. I will say this on compensation, you don't get many merit raises when you're a contractor/consultant. Plan accordingly. From what you've said already this already sounds like a 25/hr position, and that's factoring in on-call work. All in all, make sure you're protected. Get everything in writing. Enjoy the ride, and work your ass off.
    1 point
  7. Sweet car, but I can't see anyone paying that much for something they plan on driving anywhere except maybe cars&coffee and back to their barn collection of other awkward jap shit
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Maybe? I doubt you would have a problem with it!
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Check my thread "something doesn't look right"
    1 point
  12. new chain time. And id ANY teeth are missing or shark fin shaped new sprocket time. YES a tooth missing will do BAD things!
    1 point
  13. Yeah. Thanks everyone. Wife is trying to give me the talk about the bike. Still trying to figure out what happen.
    1 point
  14. LOL i traded my mini last year for the 30-06 and some monies. Thanks for thinking of it though. Bump for C-bus.
    1 point
  15. It took 3 pages (or 60% of 1 NinjaNick page), but I'm gonna go ahead and ask Cheech to sign below for his delivery from nurkvinny. ____________________________.
    1 point
  16. Think you may be in the wrong place if that's what you're waiting for...
    1 point
  17. but guys... guys... tip touching tip. just think about it.
    1 point
  18. Welcome aboard, Ms Jenna. Tips for you? Don't put your brakes on in a turn, or turn with your brakes on, unless you absolutely have to, and then very lightly. Brake before you enter the turn. If you take the MSF Basic Rider's Course through the state, it will only cost you $25. It will open for sign-up in February. You sign-up online. Don't wait or drag your feet to sign up. Last year it opened on Feb. 6 and I waited until the 8th. It was already booked until June in just those two days. Mark your calender now. There are still some counties that have Basic Rider classes going on now. You can find them on the website where you sign up. You may get in on their walk-in policy, if someone fails to show up on time for the first class, if you are there before class starts. The following is straight off the website for walk-ins. All students (minor and adults) need to complete a registration form provided by the instructor, and pay the non-refundable registration fee. This payment can be paid by check/money order or credit/debit card - American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa. http://www.motorcycle.ohio.gov/ More tips? Okay, stop begging. Never put your helmet in a location where it could fall and hit the ground / floor. See you out there on the road. ~ Jack .
    1 point
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