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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. Guess it depends if you're a top or a bottom. That would've been nice. That .308 didn't seem to care if my thumb was there or not. The mistake was not repeated.
  2. Ever fired the SCAR-H? It was like the first time I heard the Beatles... (just don't let that fuckin charging handle hit your thumb if you're using the front of the magazine well as a grip, unless you're fairly certain you're not gonna find a need for said thumb anytime soon)
  3. I can only speak for the SCAR-H, but it's major drawback is that the first shot is the only one that can be fired without an erection....
  4. I wouldn't have a problem with it (steel) except that my AR throws a pussy-fit with Tula, and always short-cycles with it. Eats every off-the-shelf and hand-loaded brass round I've jammed down its gullet all day, but I'll be dammed if it doesn't go all princessy with steel... I had always wondered about the burn rate of the powder used in Tula, but since they charted it in that article and noted a difference, that may be my issue. I've noticed an interestingly perceivable difference in chrono speed by changing the powder in my hand-loads to ones with different burn rates, so it wouldn't surprise me if that were the culprit after all. All in all, an entertaining read over my lunch break.
  5. Straight from Merriam-Webster themselves...
  6. jarvismb

    Trapped whales

    I saw the title and was hoping this thread would have a bunch of Hyabusas in it, but I was let down.... :sadjew:
  7. enum HateCrimeTypes { COLOR_BLACK = 0, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BROWN, CREED_GENTILE = 16, CREED_JEW, CREED_ISLAM, CREED_ATHEIST, SEX_MALE = 32, SEX_FEMALE, SEX_CONFUSED }; Color Discriminate = COLOR_YELLOW & SEX_FEMALE; cout << Discriminate; // print hate for Asian women He's right, I looked up the source code for the law....
  8. As a resident ORdN Jew, I can assure you that none of what you hear about us is true. We're far worse than that.
  9. I got a deal when I bought three....
  10. I wear your grandad's clothes. I look incredible.
  11. I see absolutely no porn in that photo.... I remain un-teased, sir.
  12. That's what the deer said.
  13. don't be so hard on yourself, fella.
  14. I just tried to log onto ashleymadison.com and it redirected me here.... weird.
  15. I wanna play! Since I'll never get my chance to hollow out this chic's insides, can I get all brodie and call her a whore too? Also, since Todd talks to her, I assume he is now a raging choad. And the same the rest of you unnamed soggy biscuits. That was fun, thanks.
  16. Gen3 has a 4" hole. EDIT: sorry, didn't read the whole thing, missed the 'saw' part....
  17. jarvismb


    I like listening to mine wind itself when I masturbate. *fap*click*fap*click*fap*click*
  18. jarvismb


    That's actually great for a Grand Carrera. When the new models come out, that's about what a Carrera costs. (at least mine did back when it came out)
  19. A couple of friends and I race at Go Fast RC Track in Batavia during the winter (when we do a lot less shooting than in the summer). We know the owners really well, so we go and watch the races and occasionally enter to get our asses kicked by the pros (we do 1/10 4WD SCT). The track is a huge indoor offroad facility that's heated, so it's pretty entertaining. If anyone from that area wants a place to run the cars, here's the site: http://www.gofastrc.com/
  20. I haven't gotten off work yet.
  21. plus you're just a big softie...
  22. Now that's a jbot's mom joke...
  23. Lemme get my list all checked off: 1.) Welcome (read: What's your number so I can Brett Favre your phone every couple hours until the court order gets pushed through. Yes, that last part is also a euphemism. Get used to it.) 2.) I think you guys all have some good points, and everyone should ride the way that they feel the most comfortable (read: Everyone one of you that doesn't share my opinion is an ignorant twat waffle. This is everyone) 3.) Think of your favorite political figure. I now hate them. And you for thinking about them. (read: for Cheech's derailment pleasure) 4.) Something about jbot's mom. (read: Something about jbots mom)
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