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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. for E, they'd drape themselves over anything, be it a '78 Pinto, a John Deere Combine, or even a Kawasaki.....
  2. E's a hot latino mess. bitches love him.
  3. it was my first time, so i was getting swapped around like crazy. I started in 7, then went to 4, then 3, then ended in 2. If I remember correctly didn't you end up in intermediate or something? whatever it was, it was faster than me, so I didn't see much of you, once I figured out which bike I was looking for.
  4. if your first time is supposed to be memorable, then success. these two were awesome to learn from and even as crazy as they insist it was, thay always appeared to have their shit together. Thanks again guys, I'll be sending you the couples counseling bill that's sure to come when I explain to the woman that this will be a regularly occurring thing from now on....
  5. somewhere out there, some big marine is in over his head....
  6. you know you're going to be hounded for those pics tonight E!! there's proof on that camera that i got to stand next to a Desmo RR, I want it! (plus your boots/shorts combo was badass, and the world should know)
  7. There's some good old fashioned anti-semitic humor
  8. i was little spoon, so technically, i was being slept with, i wasn't leading the dance...
  9. My people have been opressed enough, thank you. I wasn't going down without a fight.
  10. you made E sleep in the freakin' fitted sheet to get some covers, I hope you're happy with yourself.
  11. well i don't have any pics, so maybe #12 is a bit off...
  12. Gingerman facts: 1.) It's either sunny, or it's about to flood Thailand again. There is no in between. 2.) Your tent is no match for #1. You will have to sacrifice a blanket to have E take the tent down during this kind of thing, but if you're lucky, it's Jess' blanket and you gain enough cat hair for a sweet weave. 3.) This additional hair will be prevalent for at least two days. This is your new look, get used to it. 4.) Jess hates two things - bugs and lighting. The presence of either of these two things trumps any previously existing situation. 5.) Jess had many 'modes'. They are not all documented, but a sample follows: badass, princess, cursing like a trucker, stoner, Taylor Swift groupie, random southern accent, crappy beer lover, etc.... 6.) It is actually possible to scam the Ducati umbrella girls into free pictures with you and your bike. It takes two days, and only E knows how. 7.) Only E has the luck to drop his bike parking and happen to land right on a set of tires, causing absolutely no damage. 8.) Hamburger buns can be used in emergency situations to clean up spilled Gatorade. 9.) If you're tired enough, three people can sleep upright in full wet leathers in a truck filled to the ceiling with way too much shit. 10.) The above will make anyone drive 30 minutes to a hotel for damn shower. 11.) We all slept in the bed together. Nothing happened. 12.) My ass is sore. This is completely unrelated to #11. I'm pretty sure. 13.) I share this knowledge with you in hopes we all learn a little something and because it's what separates us from the apes.....
  13. it's cool, jess mentioned who you guys were when you pulled up, but there was a group of you, so I didn't quite know who tomato_racing was, so I was hoping it wold just come up in conversation so I didn't look like an ass introducing my self to the wrong person. I got it by the end of the day, but I didn't get a chance to catch up to you (literally) by that time. Hope you guys all had fun too, and I guess you got out before the storm, seeing as we sure as hell didn't.
  14. my legs hurt. that is all for now.
  15. if this is MJ, then yea, totally....
  16. i can assure you, that in the eyes of my jewish people; if it felt good, you've just sinned.
  17. i know, i just really wanted to use a rocky horror pic right then. mission accomplished.
  18. i hope that's not the case, cuz then I'm way low in the game again....
  19. I did have a friend that hauled jet-skis a lot that worried that his old ratchet would flip up and slip, so he just tightened them and duct taped once around the handle so it didn't pop up during long trips. Don't know if that would even apply here, but if it helps I could always do that.
  20. i have four of them, so i'll tie that bitch down double, i guess.
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