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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. jarvismb


    i know you're right jess, but it's like going to the zoo; you know the monkeys can't understand you, but you still poke the glass anyway.
  2. jarvismb


    and an attempt at rebuttal has failed.... stick to the monosyllabic comments, you were all doing much better with those.
  3. and humor is found amidst the calamity....
  4. jarvismb


    they don't teach sarcasm in the south. actually, they really don't teach anything. this guy is really excited, he really feels like Art slipped or something.
  5. jarvismb

    Duff <

    but even my dogs don't say 'yall......soooo, we got that going for us.
  6. if they refund me, i'll go wherever, i'm easy.
  7. well i'm in, obviously in since my ticket is already purchased, and just like E, I'll need to find a trailer spot by the time the 11th rolls around. Jess if you have a spot, or if you know of someone else who does (say if E goes with you), let me know so I can beg accordingly....
  8. it's the guy I made right after I made my first one. He's a beast. You want no part of him. (as an aside, it's also what everyone called officer Ramathorn in Super Troopers)
  9. wow, another matt from springboro. this could get interesting.
  10. jarvismb


    desperate times call for desperate measures
  11. jarvismb


    these cleveland guys are all so quick on the trigger..... what's in the water up there? I mean besides what makes it catch on fire....
  12. Thorny had another great day - 3/3 he's 60/63 overall....
  13. whodey's version of internet speak will never cease to amaze me.
  14. I forgot about the vag discount. Hopefully, once they see me ride, they'll give it to me too.... and as for you, good sir, no one has ever earned their +rep more....evar....mazel tov
  15. i'll never escape this crap.....E, don't encourage them.
  16. i did just the one day (11th) - it was $185. I'm in the Novice group, as if that needed to be said....
  17. jbot's post revival reminded me to bump this thread and see if any peeps in the area are thinking of doing this. (fusion you still thinking about it?)
  18. i posted a thread about this a bit ago, I'm going and fusion might go. I'm already signed up.
  19. what kind of world are we living in where expensive personal property can't even be left around convicts?
  20. (It's vid from a turn at the Isle of Mann TT from '09.) Yes, they're fast. No, I do not want.
  21. i rode today, but completely forgot that it was something i was supposed to do. oddly enough, the bike lot was completely empty today, when it normal has at least a few in it.
  22. something with Honda in the name would be nice.....
  23. i no longer crave McNuggets.... thanks for that Nick, I'll add that to the list of foods you've ruined for me. 1.) Eggs 2.) McNuggets
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