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OsuMj last won the day on June 10 2017

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About OsuMj

  • Birthday April 23

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2002 Honda f4i
    1987 Kawasaki EX500

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  1. OsuMj

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I'm taking a 2 week trip to japan... I dont think I have enough vacation days to go to the gap this year. 😕
  2. I'm good whenever no rafting for me this year though. I'm still pissed that I didn't even get to open my soda when we went 😂
  3. It's practically winter... drinking is about the only thing to do in Ohio
  4. Yeah... Maybe I should start doing lunch meetups again.
  5. I was thinking about this post today and thinking that I really didn't meet him from OR and that I didn't even know that he was on here (must have made quite the online impression)… but to be fair, the first time I met him was at an Applebee's lunch that was for OR peeps. I guess it counts.
  6. Foot is good. Leg is sore. Should be a gnarly bruise in a few weeks. hope everyone else is healing up good!
  7. Got home about an hour ago. Great trip everyone!
  8. We fought the river and we lost. Thanks everyone for helping me out! Snickers bar, ice, Tylenol, ride back to the hotel and personal crutch. This is a great group. I still had fun.
  9. Thinking about going tubing soon. Anyone else coming?
  10. Getting ready to head out for a short hike soon. Anyone who wants to join is welcome.
  11. This is where the conversation goes after a few beers.
  12. Spent some time riding in the rain today. We might pick alternate activities tomorrow if it's raining.
  13. I've still got my '87 ex500. I've been slowly tearing it apart and plan to powder coat the frame and personalize the bike a bit. It's been put down quite a bit and it's pretty messed up, but fixable. I've had it since 2009 when I started riding.
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