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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. found some headphones, and it was worth it... lol. you're right, that is too much extra time.
  2. I wish i weren't in a serious place right now so that I could watch this...
  3. OsuMj

    Dayton in April

    You guys are missing the SE corner of that circle. I thought Dayton was all fancy because they had a circle, but its only 3/4 of a circle... sorry kids. Ok, sounds good. I'll be there at 6
  4. OsuMj

    Dayton in April

    so far, I've noticed: -ridiculous amounts of cables hanging over the street, possibly for some sort of a trolley that i have yet to see -more music and radio stations focused on religion than any other city that i know...
  5. OsuMj

    Dayton in April

    I'm leaving for Dayton... now. If anyone actually wants to go anymore, I will be out of there by 5:30. I think I'm just gonna grab dinner then go home bc I feel better and I would like to keep it that way by not staying out all night Anyway, who is still in? We can go to Marions, just let me know which one is the best?
  6. OsuMj


    hrm, i don't know what i was expecting to see when i googled e-penis, but i was still suprised.
  7. lol, that's my kinda cat, bud light and the remote... i do think its kinda weird he's pawing himself though.
  8. OsuMj


    did you just make that?
  9. OsuMj


    what do you search for to find that pic?? Or is desktop background?
  10. OsuMj

    no it's reeaaallly cute!!!

  11. OsuMj


    ahhh, bunny porn
  12. OsuMj

    i'd like to see that

  13. yes... do it...

  14. OsuMj


    that bunny pic was soooo cute!!! I don't like the thought of bunnies having peni though.
  15. well, you guys have the boobs thread, I gotta post somethin!!! gosh, I love these silly little cat pics...
  16. uh huh. well i'm pretty sure that would get some head turns... lol
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