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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. OsuMj


    omg... you know the monkey's name??
  2. OsuMj


    kawi, you know you caused this right? Now I'm going to feel compelled to read ever micheal jackson joke that is posted... *frustrated sigh* lol
  3. nice meeting you too! we didn't get to chat that much though... maybe tomorrow!

  4. Final(ish) list... Just in case you were wondering!!! Looking forward to seeing all 57+ of you tomorrow!
  5. OsuMj

    Roping a Deer

    wha???? i know. i was just bein silly... i should have known better, I noticed that the grammar police were out today.
  6. OsuMj

    Roping a Deer

    that's a corn field. you can tell its not a desert because there's a tree... sheesh.
  7. OsuMj

    Roping a Deer

    mmk, so i was snappin photos of a deer and her little deers from half a field away and she started walkin at me, and i was like "oh sweet, good photos", then I look up and realize she's a little two close for comfort... I whisper yell to my friend who is half a corn field away, he looks up and starts running at the darn thing waving his arms like a crazy person and yelling, and the deer took off in the opposite direction... yeah. and here's a real life photo of that day.
  8. OsuMj


    From the album: Misc.

  9. eww. I'd rather have my bank account wiped clean than have to use a mac.
  10. Good stuff today kids! Thanks! We'll have to plan one with margaritas!!
  11. I think that there is on street parking on the east-west street that its on... if not there is street parking on oakland on the east side I think...
  12. mmmk, i added you to "the list".... its in the other thread: http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=24165&page=4
  13. i didnt... i saw down to fuck and doomed to fail...
  14. idk... i don't speak internet very well.
  15. reservations for 6 unless anyone else is in... ????
  16. bummer. well good luck to your son! r u coming??
  17. welll, if you tell me what you want, I could order it for you and your food could be waiting for you when you show up!
  18. you cravin wings again already??
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