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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. well that kept me entertained for 35 seconds.
  2. i know this was meant for guys... but i'd last a year. lol.
  3. someone help me... is this yes or no??
  4. so you're gonna eat tacos with us ??
  5. Sweet, i'm glad to see a few people can make it... the place is small, so I'm gonna try to reserve a table for us all... let me know who else is in!
  6. Here's the list so far... 1. Cmoosego ---Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Utensils, etc. 2. ninjachk08 ---Chips/Pretzels 3. Dollface ---Cookies & Angel food cake 4. EvilTwin ---Pudding 5. Balaormiga(+1) ---Macaroni Salad 6. progrmr ---Macaroni Salad ... we got two... 7. CBRzach ---Baked Beans 8. OsuMj ---Spinach Dip & Pasta Salad 9. stove00 ---Desserts 10. Kosmo(+2) ---3 kinds of deliciousness ->Unique Pasta/Beef Casserole Type Dish & 7 Layer Dip & sausages 11. FocusDave01(+2) - maybe... 12. DubGuy85(+2) 13. Kuenker 14. cbrjess0815 ---cheesy potatoes fo shizzle 15. fireman_343(+1) - maybe 16. jbot - maybe 17. yotaman88210(+1)---pie 18. vroddave---homemade mac & cheese 19. Fonzie - maybe 20. Isaac's Papa - maybe 21. progrmr 22. Schmuckingham - maybe 23. kawikid --- dessert 24. Vulcan_Rider - maybe 25. that dude - maybe 26. NightViper19 - maybe 27. 1dtfgsxr - maybe 28. Cdubyah - salami roll ups 29. V4junkie - maybe 30. jagr --- dessert 31. ZRader95K - maybe 32. thegame - maybe 33. Lost1888 - maybe 34. Artmageddon 35. QueenBee(+1) 36. BornSinner 37. 2wheels>4 - maybe (if there is mulch to pass out in at KofC) 38. ReconRat 39. Casper 40. CbrGirl 41. crobo_us 42. wrillo ---potato dish or guacamole dip 43. everoblivion2005 44. cavscout73 ---brownies 45. WhoDey 46. Reimbrandt - maybe 47. Ousley --- flavored weenies 48. madcat6183(+2) --- veggie tray & maybe shrimp tray 49. cmb - maybe 50. justin0469 ---salad or muffins or meat snack tray thingy 51. Speed ---a vegetable 52. Muska (?) 53. danballa ---rice crispy treats 54. Harb67 ---maybe chips & specially formulated dip 55. mrbret(+1) 56. aracnid007 57. RC51 John 58. skulls(+1) 59. Hondajt Anyone on the list that wants to confirm whether they're coming or not, post it up! Also, if you don't know what to bring, here's some food suggestions... I noticed some people are struggling Potential foods to be brought: salad cheese & crackers green bean casserole pie shrimp tray cake muffins corn casserole cheesy potatoes mashed potatoes rice crispy treats corn bread pigs in a blanket oooor, be creative!!
  7. I know, i'm pretty much famous right.... :lol: jk

  8. did i mention margaritas could be involved - for the kids who don't have anything to do on thursday afternoons...
  9. interesting... i like it. 3 posts and a good idea... nice.
  10. http://www.mexicanrestaurantfinder.com/columbus-mexican-restaurants/cazuelas-grill-coupons that's right.
  11. maybe we could meet there at 11:30... wooh, i was afraid i was gonna have to eat tacos by myself.
  12. Who wants to get lunch at Cazuelas on Thursday?? 10 so far... osumj ross701 Harb67 Paddy O Furniture TGrose WhoDey (+1) shittygsxr Benyen Soljax DTM Brian
  13. you boys have sensitive skin.
  14. someone from mason should bring butcher bills chicken salad... yeah I'll bring some spinach dip and tortilla chips... & some other miscellaneous stuff. Do we need cheese for the burgers or buns and stuff??
  15. yeppers... a little too much maybe... :)

  16. miller lite... ew. i've moved on to red bull & rum

  17. yes lots of fun thanks to everyone who put it together.
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