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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. congrats you are ranked in with the postwhores now...
  2. gettin there... i have a shitty beer in my hand... :)

  3. i like the parent ride suggestion. if you feel confident and u genuinely believe u can be safe with a passenger, ask her rents if u could show them... they're just being protective but ultimately it comes down to it being her decision. my dad about flipped when i got my bike... but it was my decision
  4. mmm... so i smashed three of my fingers last night, having a hard time functioning normally ... don't know what time i'll be able to leave. dom't know if u found a meet up spot & people...
  5. I'm pretty picky with my fish too, I like the fish there though... I'm gonna be there early this time!!! woooh.
  6. I'll be heading over from easton too... don't know what time i'm goin yet though bc i'm heading to OU tonight & don't know what time i'll be back tomorrow...
  7. eh, i got bored today.

  8. you like it!!! woah, i feel like i just went color blind now though.

  9. me too. Lots of people out today... low waves happening... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BagSzn3TBD4
  10. I left work early to go riding... errr.. work on my report. I look ridiculous because i can't put my left fairing on... buuuut, still had fun. didn't even notice it was missing.
  11. ewww. i just saw it again. let's quickly get this thread to the second page so that i dont accidently see it again.... man, that dude coulda at least put on a fresh pair... unless that was his fresh pair... gross.
  12. ew ew ew ew ew ew!!!! why???????
  13. suits & bikes!!!! wooooooh.
  14. yeees... just to mingle though.

  15. So who all is gonna be there??
  16. is this really how this thread ended? Whodey calling his mom gay?
  17. OMG there's more... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dptyqVjt1nc&NR=1
  18. that's nice... feel free to connect me to your connections
  19. but seriously, men should wear suits all the time.
  20. mmm, i think platypusses but definitely should be platypi... So I think the conclusion for this thread is that the majority of the people don't want a filter, i don't know if the people that want a filter exist or not because there haven't really been any posts that imply they do, but in general nobody cares if they can turn it off, or have it be off automatically... yeah?? How much work is it to put a filter such as this in anyway?? I have no concept of these things.
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