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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. i'm ok with the EoC. buuut, i dont think they throw their shells on the floor at RH anymore.
  2. I like road house up near cedar point... i think it could accommodate a crowd too.
  3. OMG:eek: glad i have a good post count.
  4. omg, i want some freakin dippin dots!!! They're like $8 at CP, but i'm cool with that. I went on the top thrill, and it got to the top and didn't make it over, so we shot back to the station so fast, i couldn't even hold my head up!! hope that happens again.
  5. just to even up the bikini contest thing... just trying to be fair and stuff...
  6. Alright, you got me... i've never had an almond joy...
  7. me too... that takes a ton of patience and creativity.
  8. aww, kawi, did you just add that to your spank bank??
  9. Thank you!!! What makes someone want to 1. put that on 2. pose for that picture 3. post it on the net ???
  10. topic of my homework?? or a new topic so you guys don't need to talk about speedos??
  11. mmmk, as much as i want to dwell on the balls that were.. *puke*.. hanging... ewww... ugh... I need to do some homework lol.
  12. oh... kawi, you quoted man, you're spreading the ewwww
  13. oh come on, you should be happy, you weren't holding a whip... lol
  14. my goodness it does... hahaha moose, you got one that looks like me??
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