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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. well obviously I wasn't implying IUDs' date=' goof... but birth control methods. I agree with you that if you're in a situation where you're recieving assistance you shouldn't be making babies, but there is something fundamentally wrong with forcing someone to get an IUD. If I was ever in the situation where I needed to get assistance, I would be appalled by being forced to do it. .. maybe we need to have some scientific focus on male contraceptives...
  2. I want a shirt! small please! I might be able to show up (just to hang out & chat with everyone... if that's ok)
  3. I'm with ya, last time I did the Alum Creek trail, I hit the brakes a little late, lost the bike a little down the hill, hit my (helmeted) head against a tree, and ended up in a pile of leaves, dirt, and pine needles. The best part was that a couple hours later, I discovered leaves in my pants... idk how they got there... must have been a hard hit. But, I'd be up for going back.
  4. I agree completely. There seems to be an increasing number of people (unfortunately) with extra time on their hands now, so why not spend some time doing things that need done anyway.
  5. that's really sad. The one I saw had some propeller scars on it too...
  6. sorry to disappoint ya. I went on a dolphin cruise in virginia beach once. It was great. Unfortunately I'm heading home tomorrow and didn't work it in... but seeing a manatee was exciting!! wha??? somebody needs to go to the zoo.
  7. they're sooo cute... the one swam right under my kayak.
  8. omg that's such a sad story... were we all just more easily entertained??
  9. yeah, it hasn't been too bad. I was in pittsburgh last week... definitely better than pittsburgh!! I'm glad to see that everyone has been out riding though, gives me a reason to want to come home.
  10. haha, sorta ... I tried to get a bmx but my mom said i'd break something and I wouldn't be able to twirl anymore... haha. To be honest, if i still had a sit n spin, i'd probably spin around a few times a day...
  11. no no no, definitely the first one. I used to have fire batons too... those were fun.
  12. I saw a manatee and now I'm excited.
  13. OsuMj

    100 9702

    From the album: Misc.

  14. mine was sit and spin too, those were so ridiculous. Then my barbie car, then my baton, & the gaming systems
  15. That's interesting. We had a school bus driver that was "allergic to deodorant" and therefor unable to wear it. I dreaded school field trips.
  16. you must have a private profile or something, i don't see you...

  17. lol, i was about to respond that i wanted to go... i don't even know what day it is...
  18. I'd be up for a hoggy's dinner, say on friday???
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