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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. mmmk.... I'm gonna be here for a while... maybe i should be the creepy chick who is sleeping in the lab. I got my mace so i'm tooooo worried, but tell ya what, I def didn't expect to see some rando chillin there.
  2. OMG!!! I am at the lab right now, by myself... or so I thought. I'm kinda rockin out with my mp3 player and what not, I come around the corner and happen to glance inside of a dark conference room, and I see a hand... yeah, a hand in a dark conference room, then I notice another hand, and legs... there's a person in a chair in a dark conference room in the middle of the freakin night.... whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoido??? i can safely say that I almost had a heart attack. I basically have locked myself in my lab and plan on finishing my experiments and making a mad dash for the elevator, bc i'm creeped out. Who does that??
  3. yeah! violence always seems like the right choice... maybe she wasn't advertising for the shop at all... you could be less disappointed and just pretend that it was a "personal" business card she was trying to hand out.
  4. I think this thread is gonna be relevant tomorrow too... its almost midnight and I have a presentation in 9 hours that i'm not ready for because I accidentally left my computer in my friends car who drove back to cincy last night...
  5. OsuMj

    hrm... cazuelas right? I miiiight be able to attend a lunch this week, but I have class, 2 hws, 2 finals, and a huge presentation to prepare, so it would have to be close. I kinda wanted to go to casuelas and get some margaritas and stuff, but that has to wait till i'm back from pittsburgh.

  6. yes positive thinking... this week (monday - thursday) I told a co-worker to fuck off, f'ed up 3 samples (=12 hours of lost work) had my new fishy die, was late to work twice, slept an average of 4 hours a night... buuuut, this morning, I was on time (ish), found a stellar parking spot, had lots of fun today, decided to blow off work and partay tonight, over all a good day right, so the point is, it always gets better + my sister is dropping off my bike tomoorow woot!!! I can't wait to ride.
  7. that sucks dude. Hope you feel better and your weekend doesn't end up sucking.
  8. Wooh! yeah nice planning. I'll bring spinach dip... I'll make it myself too.
  9. lol, yeah those are not good.
  10. ehh... I had my 3 hours... couldn't sleep.
  11. that's funny because when I read his comment I thought, yeah that sounds about right, then I laughed a little and thought 'no need for the extra convincing there'.
  12. woot!! it's friday!!!! par tay... sorta.
  13. sounds like there's gonna be a healthy group of OR kids here... should be fun. Someone order Moose Juice from moose when you're there... its probably not what you think it is, and I'm pretty certain you won't be disappointed. :D:D
  14. OsuMj

    your avatar creeps me out.

  15. OsuMj

    who goes to osu?

    when did he graduate?
  16. I can't believe how many vids are posted about star wars kid... crazy.. anyway, I think the original miiiiight just be the best one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPPj6viIBmU
  17. lol, i remember watching this with a few friends... just reminded me of this other vid too... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twyAkERgdL0
  18. well, I bet with a little convincing and a little more alcohol, we could probably get him to re-enact it... yeah?
  19. oh... sooooo jealous. I'm skipping work saturday morning to get my bike... errr... study for finals... lol
  20. I saw it. It was hilarious. It started with him saying "there's not enough room on the floor to do the back flip here" and me returning with "I bet if those girls move you'd have room" at which point one yota pulled a creepy dancing grinding motion on random girls... which, surprisingly made them move;). Then backflips ensued... you crazy gymnast.
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