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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. hey, thanks for the wishes of good luck... everything went well. woot!

  2. I might be up in that area next weekend, maybe we could get a few of the mansfield locals together for lunch or something
  3. right across from limited. I make my way to new albany area, got some relatives there, and I looooove Hoggys...
  4. rephrase of previous comments: Those are sweet pics. Looks like it was a nice day to ride. good thing you're a good sport
  5. I live in your area(ish) I'm kinda near easton...
  6. you're calling me crazy so that you have an excuse why your photos aren't "cute" whatever helps you sleep at night.
  7. yep, your bikes are sitting there next to each other and you're taking all kinds of pics from different angles sitting in front of a bridge... like bike senior photos... cute.
  8. and I got weak before I left and bought 4 cases.
  9. idk, i just think a "power sex toy" might be something that you consider leaving to the professionals to make...
  10. omg, our grandparents used to live like a mile away from each other!!!! lol
  11. Hey. I'm in that area a lot... the carport things look like ones that are about a block from where my gramma lives... maybe you're neighbors lol
  12. woah. The funny thing is that half the people who have posted already are like - man, they shoulda removed the blade first... not - woah, they made a power sex toy.
  13. my mom used to start the water fights - in the house.
  14. Had my first yuengling today... yummmmy.
  15. I'm thinking more along the lines of the southern tip of florida... yeah.
  16. I'm pretty sure that was a law in most counties anyway. I remember learning that it was a law when I was in driver school. They probably just made it common.
  17. I miiiiight be in, buuut I'm also considering taking a vacation and possibly going south for a bit... I would be leaving thursday night.
  18. I've struggled with the same problem. If I don't know the material 100% I panic and usually end up with something under 50%... even if i know the material like 90%... its weird. If I end up with a bad feeling after the midterm, thats when I tell the professor whats up. Most of them ( the ones that aren't total dicks) pretty much drill me on the material, figure out that i understand most of it, and take that slightly into consideration with the final grade... I think the only thing you can do at this point is tell him your situation, tell him that you would be willing to talk to him about the material, if he would like to test your knowledge, and hope for the best. Good luck!
  19. That sucks. Be as safe as possible... I'll be back thursday (final from 11:30-1:30), maybe we could see who all would be up for a late lunch?
  20. wtf... they were all doing some sorta penguin dance in the street!!! weird.
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