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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I would sooo be in for free cookies and pop as well as playing with your toy thing (what is it? any pics??), but i'm outta town right now. I'm guessing you'll be there next quarter... we probably walk past each other once a day...
  2. OsuMj

    sat. nite

    won't we all!!! I'm in pittsburgh at a conference right now, I have to drive back wed night then take another final thursday morning. I need a vacation!!!
  3. I shoulda stopped by and met you... I broke a sample shortly after this and was pissed!! so i left. Good luck with finals this week.
  4. OsuMj

    sat. nite

    Good luck tomorrow!
  5. OsuMj

    Beach in Spain 2008

    I didn't notice specifically that there were naked people there... buuuut, it was spain.
  6. of course i know you're teasin me!!! :) I am studying... take a break every once in a while to see what everyone is up to... and now its time for some sleep.

  7. OsuMj

    sat. nite

    of course I'm studying... I just needed a break... been studying all day. mmmk, bye kids.
  8. OsuMj

    sat. nite

    aww someone remembered I'm a girl!!! Wooot!
  9. OsuMj

    sat. nite

    I'm addicted. Caffeine and OR. someone help!!
  10. OsuMj

    sat. nite

    yeah, i know, I had to take it a day early because I'm leaving for pittsburgh tomorrow afternoon for the APS conference... yikes.
  11. OsuMj

    sat. nite

    I'm here too... studying for a midterm tomorrow. bleh... i'm drinkin a rockstar!!
  12. OsuMj

    junkies shit

    I used to get mad at someone I knew and told them that being drunk isn't an excuse for being a dumbass... I'm not callin names here, but rather just a comment... alcohol isn't an excuse for bad behavior... if it was a lot less of my friends would have gone to jail during their college years. The question is, did you mean it? And if you did, stand by it. If you didn't, you can see that it could be interpreted as mildly offensive, and it never hurts to try to make things right... no?
  13. OsuMj

    junkies shit

    its like high school all over again.
  14. omg kid, you are a creep... i thought it was just a front... hrm...
  15. you put this in the creepy guy in the conference room thread?? I'm here too.
  16. watch salad fingers rusty spoons... my old roommate's sister was 'artistic', so we got to watch these every once in a while, they thought they were hilarious. oh, and your avatar creeps me out waaaaay worse than salad fingers. i was totally serious about avoiding your posts bc it was creepin me out.
  17. woot! these are the best. all you can eat, and a good cause...
  18. reminds me a bit of salad fingers... equally as creepy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuCw5k-Lph0 Also reminds me of my golf midterm last year... that didn't turn out well either. I have a video of it to remind me of the shattering glass that i could hear immediately after my swing...
  19. interesting... so would i inadvertently be threatening to piss on my co-workers? This is mega off topic. Sooo, when are all these fish frys over??
  20. making time=pissing people off ... sad story, right??
  21. mmm, idk if i actually have time... maybe though.
  22. I like your thinking...
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