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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. ... is it bad if i burst into laughter in the middle of class?? maybe I shouldn't read OR during math.
  2. OsuMj

    1000 posts

    McD's has a snack wrap for $1.69... hometown buffet has a 2 for 1 special $4 a peice... taco bell has decent deals... applebee's used to have a mean happy hour with half price appetizers... just gotta know when/where
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2KmzFABujM
  4. OsuMj

    1000 posts

    no food in freezer = eating dinner at restaurants every day... def no diet involved!
  5. OsuMj

    bear fucker

    I see this pic scroll by every once in a while, i think its funny, then I see the total serious look on your face and I get confused as to whether i think its hilarious or creeeeeepy.
  6. I'm gonna miss this one too My conference is on Monday and I just found out I have to test two more samples!!! ahhhh!! Ok its not that bad... and I might actually just put the work off till tomorrow and show up for some fishy.
  7. OsuMj

    1000 posts

    I once had a long span of time (maybe 8 months) pass where the only thing in my freezer was a box of thin mints.
  8. OsuMj

    Skyline Fan?

    ... you're so random.
  9. OsuMj

    1000 posts

    I was just joking... but here's the story: When I was 5 my mom made me join girl scouts and I was there for a week and they were passing out patches for knowing that song (koombya?) and I didn't know it, so I was the only one that didn't get a patch. Those little girl scout a-holes made me feel like crap. ... that was the "bad memory"
  10. OsuMj

    1000 posts

    you just brought back some bad memories!!!
  11. Oh shit, I better call and make sure
  12. OsuMj

    1000 posts

    I think that was the first time i've poked at you... eh, looks like you handled it well
  13. OsuMj

    1000 posts

    Sound track to dude's post http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZjoYxBc8RI
  14. haha, half my home town is probably on this site!
  15. did you guys notice the comments below calling people who found this funny less mature than 12 year olds? now that's funny...
  16. These were the ~ quotes I got last year for same coverage from each: Progressive: ~$850/yr Geico: ~$950/year State Farm: ~$200/year guess which one i chose.
  17. There must be a market for it, or they probably wouldn't have made it. . . but it's kinda ugly.
  18. what would you have to do to accumulate dust in your twat??? lol.
  19. OsuMj


    facebook has recently become just as creepy/weird as my space...
  20. wow, that was ridiculous... I actually think that some of the people posted genuinely believe that it is from compressed air though...
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