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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. RIGHT? did she not work out the details before her "favor"?? Now I'm just all kinds of confused because she did the "favor" for getting a ticket? Porn stars must not be very smart.
  2. I just cringed when I read about the sobriety test. If I was asked to do a sobriety test while completely sober, idk if I could control my mouth or not.
  3. totally agree. I was getting super annoyed with hulu plus the other day. I've managed to avoid most of the political BS commercials, I start watching hulu then BAM crammed down my throat.
  4. OsuMj

    Free Kittens!!

    Not to hinder the adoption process, because those are super cute kitties, but I kinda agree. My swollen eyes don't help me like them any more either. I like cats that don't live with me. Though, I have seen cats that play fetch and lay down on command. That's pretty cool.
  5. OsuMj

    Iron Pony

    I tried that jacket on last time I was there!
  6. i say wait for it to get big, then hit it with a golf club.
  7. we have a funny picture thread?
  8. Evel Kneivel BS! not in the parking lot.
  9. From the album: Misc.

  10. I work out at Urban Active (grandview)... I don't find it to be filled with d-bags. Although, I don't pay a lot of attention to other people while i'm there working out. I kinda love watching movies while running/ellipticalling - so thats mostly what I use it for.
  11. I had a dehydrated waitress at a mexican restaurant today. She kept forgetting what she was doing. I almost gave her my water that she brought me.
  12. I've been at work for 12 hours... .its 68 degrees here. Honestly, if facebook didn't keep me updated on the weather, I probably wouldn't have figured it out till dinner time. Last week, our HVAC broke and the building got up to 80 in ~3 hours. It messed with our equipment. I don't get how people did science before AC - especially on days like this.
  13. I didn't blame him either - how often do people take the front end off of a functional bike? I was thinking the same thing about Midwest. Otherwise, Cleave might have gotten a stern look next time I saw him.
  14. nice, those look pretty good. i've been looking for some ladies jeans and I know riding a motorcycle isn't a fashion show, but all of the jeans I've seen look pretty terrible... not just the extra seams, but they are baggy and not fitted... might as well just buy dude pants.
  15. That seems like a concise statistic with lots of details. it must be true and I will choose to believe it.
  16. shit. I might be out of blinker fluid tooo.
  17. sooo, I think you missed the first part of my first post, I lost my key in January. I normally ride year round unless there is ice on the roads, so the whole storing it for winter isn't usually an issue... this time I didn't have a key even to unlock my steering let alone get into the gas tank. If I ever do need to store it for winter, I will definitely do the whole winterizing routine, battery on the tender, fuel stabilizer, etc. believe it or not, I actually went through all the proper procedures for checking the bike (tires and chain after I found it it started, oil before trying to start it!)
  18. check and check! thanks
  19. no, it had some gas in there... maybe there was just stale gas in the line?
  20. Got it! 3 hours of (pouting while) washing my bike with occasional attempts to start it, I shifted it in 1st and N a couple times to try to start it and tried rolling down my driveway too. idk what was wrong, but it works. I'm going riding! *happy dance* thanks for the suggestions!
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