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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. We'd make the perfect couple, you can get shit off the tall shelves and I can clean under the furniture.
  2. They make step-stools for a reason Tracy! Edit: And calculators!
  3. I resent this statement....
  4. Uhhh, IOMTT is on my bucket list. If you dont want to go alone, lmk, I'll start saving lol.
  5. Yea, same. I'm still pretty shocked. I still think shes lying. We need to see a birth certificate. You know what helps those! Jim's Apple Pie and another motorcycle purchase! But really, I too have that feeling/ "pressure" (since most all of my friends are in serious relationships/ getting married/ buying houses/ having babies, and I'm always the 3rd, 5th, 7th, any odd numbered wheel wherever we go) that I "need" to find somebody like right now. Even my parents, particularly my mom are like, "when are you going to find a nice girl" that has nothing to do with motorcycling (she HATES motorcycles and literally thinks every motorcyclist falls under the Starboy's or Pirate-hooker category, yea its frustrating as shit.) But I keep telling myself everything happens for a reason, and every time I've been patient and waited, I've always ended up in a good or better spot that I would have if I rushed in. Without making it sound like I'm hitting on you, from my limited interactions with you, you seem like a cool, down to earth, honest person that is attractive to boot. Add the fact that you ride motorcycles makes you a "unicorn" . Any guy that isn't completely retarded should see these qualities and know that those kinds of people dont come around often in a lifetime. Especially the unicorn part! But then again, it is 2017 and no one has their head on straight in terms of what they truly want out of a relationship. Sounds like you do but "they" don't, that's a them problem not a you problem.
  6. wait, you are 40? I'm calling bullshit right now.
  7. I'm 5'8" and 1/2 thank you very much.
  8. Absolutely different. Guys are less picky that also helps. Also less generalizations about asian women vs. asian men.
  9. I understand 0. Also, only insecure men will say tall girls are intimidating.
  10. Everything happens for a reason. I'm a strong believer in that. Also a strong believer in nothing good is ever easy or quick. At least you arent an asian male living in cleveland, then you'd be totally fucked. Can't wait to move back to somewhere more diverse where interracial dating doesnt seem like taboo. And only insecure men will say tall girls are intimidating. Last two girls I dated were taller than me I love me some long legs
  11. TimTheAzn

    Fork oil

    Flush it. I know that Ron flushes his track bike forks every season, comes out grey/black, and that bike isnt doing the kind of miles you guys are doing.
  12. If those forks are anywhere like my gsxr's, I dont suggest going in without the special tools. My track bike forks leaked a bit after there were rebuilt because we did not have the tool to properly spin the fork tube into the casting. When I sent them to racetech, the tech said we had about 5 turns to go to properly seat the fork tube to the seal at the bottom of the casting.
  13. Hm, never heard of the HRV. Looks nice. Only 1500lb towing cap... may work for now. hmmmmm #thankstrump
  14. Just sittin here gaining experience so hopefully one day I feel confident applying for this kind of gig.
  15. easier to wheelie through the akron streetz bro
  16. Could have been handled better.
  17. Idk, I have 6 people on the NOC with plans to hire more people onto my team this year. But we've got more than a handful of datacenters across the world at this point with lots of things going on.
  18. lol did you not know I dont have a street bike anymore?
  19. That was Jacob totally taking a shot at me for not having a street bike.
  20. It should be something the teams know and look at.
  21. Eh, ends up being more work for you, more storage hardware more drives to fail lol.
  22. We just changed ours about a year ago. We dont keep emails for more than 2 years. If you want to keep keep them better save em local. But for what we do, we typically dont need to save email threads from two years ago.
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