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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. @JustinNck1 Had a setback last night though. Gonna end up having to fix my explorer more so that what I was planning. Exhaust manifold passenger side went last night.
  2. No. That is incorrect. I pretty much started a street bike fund when I sold the daytona.
  3. I've run 2CT's and Pilot Road 3's both will last longer, but like I said, I didnt care how long the Q's lasted because of how well I meshed with the tire. You may end up in the same boat where you like em so much you wont care. Sorry I coudn't give you exact numbers.
  4. Son of a bitch......... Just did a quick route down to athens and sent directions to my phone and that worked on the test run I just did. Thanks Dave! Now I have to buy another street bike so I can run some routes without relying on someone else's knowledge of the area.
  5. It's a sign that it should've been a motorcycle.
  6. I remember holding a spinning bicycle wheel by the axles at the Great Lakes science center (I think) and I remember that it was difficult to hold besides straight up and down because of the gyroscopic force. I just think of a spinning motorcycle wheel and tire (that had a lot more mass therefore harder to get it to move) acting the same way, except I'm no longer holding it by the axles, I have leverage now with the clip-on and forks. This is why they say the bike always wants to "right" itself and is why you shouldn't try to fight the bike. It is actually explained way better in that twist of the wrist two at some point. You counter steer because that's the most efficient way of getting that spinning gyroscope to "drop" into a turn. It's only a temporary input because after you stop counter steering the wheels right themselves again. Thats how I think of it at least.
  7. I'm not exactly sure to be honest. I loved the tire and really never bothered to compare it or switch to anything else once I landed on it. So I never payed real attention to milage. For me, the confidence I had on that tire was worth the cost. I replaced when the center got "close" but never ever completely worn flat. On the track I had a tendency to replace before some people would. I put 4 days on the front and swapped two rears between in that time. I was only gonna replace the front at the beginning of this year so I had a baseline but I sold the bike. The first rear and the front had the deals gap trip on them before any of the track days. I was gonna sell the rear as a take off. It still had good meat in the middle and decent tread on the sides. Since you have a 1000, and you ride at a good clip, you may wear a rear faster than my little daytona would have. I say worst you can do it try em. They are pretty cheap for what they are. Very good bang for buck. But if you are looking for good performance on the street but some longevity I heard the Angel GT was great. Others can chime in on that tire as I've never ridden it but I can attest that it'll go faster than I am lol. *cough* @Tpoppa *cough*
  8. I live up in Cleveland now. It's a hike to get down there, typically when I rode on the street down there breaks were during gas stops, enough time to chug a water and eat a granola bar and we were off again. Not saying when I get a street bike again I wont be open to the idea. I did try to plan out a route on my own to get down to Court Street diner (used to work there) and back for a day trip for lunch. But I couldnt figure out how to get it onto my phone.
  9. Welcome! I went to school in Athens. Love that place.
  10. That'll be even better. I ran Q3's last year with no warmers. I didnt run into any moments that I wasnt already asking for lol. I have a pretty good feel for those tires though with as many street miles I've put on them. Looking forward to slicks and warmers this year, I'm going to win every track day.
  11. And thats what I'll say about next next saturday.
  12. Cant wait for Saturday so I can silence this no bike thing.
  13. Just because you arent going doesnt make it silly!
  14. I up voted it back up because I hate you.
  15. He got knee down........ as well as elbow, thigh, shoulder, hand...
  16. I didnt try, it's a simple screenshot.
  17. "Look at the guy on the Repsol, he's not smooth with the gas!" - Little Kid Love that part.
  18. It's possible I suppose, if you arent hitting real corners.
  19. This, is there another way to steer the bike over 5mph?
  20. We'll in that case you'll be really happy that it's got a 4k camera
  21. Wasnt sure if that was the moonshine talking I'm learning to be more aggressive with my inputs. But the first 5% or so of any of my inputs are still the same.
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