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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Let me know if those ducs want to fly together and you only have 1 pilot
  2. mother nature knows the multi is on deck
  3. Welcome, if only @CrazySkullCrusher 's bandit looked like this. Also, investing in more gear is always a good idea! Looks like you rail on that thing decently enough, get the right gear and join us at the track!
  4. I don't have a choice. A lot of people got screwed when our company's insurance changed.
  5. As if I dont get enough looks around here....
  6. This was even before that. But yea definitely wont fly now. I'll learn to live with not being able to concentrate for shit. If only I could focus like I can when I swing my leg over a motorbike.
  7. I have a friend that was just recently complaining about the costs of her epipen. It sucks that our costs go up because of shit like that. Slightly related: I had to straight up stop taking 2 medications that I was taking since the 4th grade because once my insurance changed it would have cost me over $200 a month for 2 scripts that cost me $40 a month previously.
  8. Now dont go chasin.......
  9. With N2, it depends on the track.
  10. Hey, you may just tow me to a bump. Howbowdah? Don't make me pass you on the back straight to only become a rolling road block into turn 10
  11. I guess watching all these Road A videos has got me desensitized to elevation changes
  12. I didnt see elevation change too much watching a few videos of track days there. With that said, it did look fun.
  13. It's ok. I know someone that has gone full fetal position on a bathroom floor before.
  14. Please, I've never seen a gsxr rider with a $700 helmet. Its almost always an icon.
  15. I've put .4 miles on it since I've gotten it. All on the stand baby!
  16. Pretty sure you put down more miles in jeans last year than I did.... squid.
  17. I say create a poll, just because I'll be at Road A that particular weekend and I have really enjoyed the shenanigans since the first NEO meet and greet.
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