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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. THAT is the drone to have from what I've read. I follow a few people that got the drone before it came out and have been testing it. They love it. And the sumbitch folds up small. Seems like the interface is simple and its not too hard to fly. Nice man, Nice. Edit: If i see that thing flying over my house, I'll shoot it down.
  2. I can attest you can square corners off with your limited lean angle with the best of them. I'm still trying to figure it out, actually.
  3. Sweet, normally I have to pay @Isaac's Papa to do that.
  4. Ohhhhhhh man. Details man, details. Pictures are even better.
  5. I'll be at Road A as well. Gettin downnnnnnnnn.
  6. Y'all bubbys should come north and get your butt's handed to you....
  7. Ron and I spoke last night. I think it's going down this weekend. I believe we are going to meet half-way since it'll be easier on my truck since I still dont have all the parts to fix it yet.
  8. You should let me get a payment plan for that lap timer
  9. I dont think you'll be able to get in the day I go. I know some people that work at dealerships that are getting me in.
  10. I'm going. But I'll be going the one of the days it's vendor only.
  11. Welcome!! I'm in Lakewood.
  12. I had to look up what FWIW. You darn kids and your acronyms.
  13. I really need to buy the N2 membership before I buy any more toys Plus work is cutting my hours, thats gonna be fun.
  14. Gonna double up with the air vest?
  15. Are you hauling the 675arrrrrrrrrr?
  16. Looks like I was scheduled to be on call this weekend.... HAHAHAHA like that's happening.
  17. I was gonna give it a little more time to make sure all of those interested had an opportunity to vote. It's looking like Aug.
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