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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I workout m-f so I dont have to watch what I eat all the time.
  2. Any day at the track is better than sitting in cold ohio!
  3. Damn, sounds like an eventful couple days. I hope you are able to get the dmax rolling for this weekend. I'm sad I'm not going to be able to make it.
  4. I hope this headache goes away soon.
  5. I wish I had a dirt toy to play with.
  6. Ugh, made the mistake of opening amazon's deals of the day page haha.
  7. Not sure, but I'd be down to camp and watch some racing next year.
  8. The man has to get in the way of everything.
  9. Figured this can be a thread for random track shit that doesn't really deserve in it's own thread. Saw on Instagram a few days ago that PIRC is also doing some curb work along with the re-paving. If only Nelsons could get their process rolling.
  10. Edit: Read through the posts. RIP superhawk.
  11. Rode to work this morning. Chased down a Tiger on the way in. Thats about all the riding I'll be doing today I think.
  12. Just got my work laptop upgraded to 10 yesterday. Then rushed out of the house this morning, forgot it, and have to use a loaner laptop.
  13. Hey that sounds like an adventure, PM me the info! Or post it here doesn't matter.
  14. haha we are flying. Going to my company xmas party saturday then flying out at 5 something a.m. sunday morning for florida. Your wife seems to be pretty ok with all the track/race days! She'd be happier to have a toy hauler to sit in tho!
  15. I've liked the CZ's I've been able to shoot thus far. Free bump.
  16. LOL thats the best thing, not a gf mmm thats a good idea.
  17. I'm going down there next month, and it's been at least a decade since I was in Florida last. Anything cool to do in or around Ft. Lauderdale besides going to da beach?
  18. I just want to be in Florida already.
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