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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. You also get the customer day as well I think...
  2. You planning on putting it into your accord?
  3. I'll meet anyone anywhere. I never roll alone and never not armed lol. Last bike I sold it was me and 3 other friends strapped up. No issues.
  4. It may have been the fact it was weekly. A weekly state-wide thing seemed like a larger ask. For the record, I didnt start that NEO dinner someone else did.
  5. Is it? I for some reason thought it was Central Ohio people.
  6. I literally cant ride in any of those places listed.
  7. TimTheAzn

    NEO Dinner

    It was pretty good.
  8. Foldable. I don't think it's worth the little extra ridigity. Just make sure you use good plywood.
  9. TimTheAzn

    NEO Dinner

    The Cuban was pretty good.
  10. We need to get a location to set up an endurance race.....
  11. TimTheAzn

    NEO Dinner

    Dan and I will be there.
  12. +/- $20 seems to be the norm. Sometimes less if you buy more than 1 race.
  13. Ughh, I love mine. So happy I bit the bullet and picked it up.
  14. TimTheAzn

    NEO Dinner

    wtf, whos gonna be awkwardly high with me while we eat sammiches?
  15. Probably so late in the season, get everyone as many sessions as they can before the sun goes down.
  16. I'll give you the delayed time. I have to give a chance for my warmers to warm up.
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