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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. @Tonik @Isaac's Papa @OsuMj @Casper Come on mods, do yer job lock er up!
  2. TimTheAzn

    Ride 4 Record

    But if you bring your jump box ill be fine!
  3. My buddy has a 1200 something. He wanted to roll race in 1st gear. I gave him the hit, waited 2 more seconds and then reeled him in like I was Usain Bolt and he was Steven Hawking, without his wheelchair.
  4. I bolded why this statement is not valid.
  5. The cover goes on the trumpet...er is supposed to, if I ever stop riding the damn thing.
  6. He pursued. He failed. I wont be riding in the metro parks anymore though. It just tempts me....and I rarely say no to my motorcycle. lol.
  7. Have you been to my new house? Someone needs to liberate the damn thing. It's so dusty right now sitting in my garage.
  8. I had a Metroparks Ranger flip a 3 point turn after I passed him. He went into the bike path and cut off some bicyclists and pedestrians to make it a quick turn around.
  9. We should start calling you Bad325......
  10. Well, if you are worried about any kind of concussion, thats like the worst thing you could do. Glad to hear you guys are ok.
  11. Yup just a single up front and a single out back. It was a sportster I think. 887? It was cool to cruise around lakewood on, not going to lie. First time on real forward controls, felt so weird.
  12. I did ride a Harley over this past weekend a little bit. The brakes SUCKED HUGE COCK. Fun otherwise I suppose, didnt feel the need to rev it excessively, or accelerate hard making a lot of racket. Thats about the time I realized Harleys arent for me. Fun to cruise on though.
  13. I made a statement, I wasnt intentionally ignoring information, simply stating that if situation was reversed, and the cop ended up passing and the civilian lived, the civilian would almost certainly be living out their days in a prison cell. Has nothing to do with license suspensions, following distances, or rider speed. That stuff will only come into play to defend the officer in this case to try to put blame on the rider instead of the officer making a (most likely) illegal u-turn.
  14. None of my friends would do that. Maybe you should rethink your whole relationship with this guy.
  15. Not related to this incident, BUT the point is related: http://www.vox.com/2016/7/6/12109884/alton-sterling-police-shooting-peter-rosenberg-radio
  16. Thats the problem today. Police dont hold other police accountable.
  17. That's fair. But if the situation was reversed the guy in the car that pulls out and kills a motorcycle cop is going away forever.
  18. Welcome. 500 to 1000 is a giant leap. I dont know your level of experience though.
  19. Running up to intermediate it says on N2's website that you dont have to drain coolant. For me on my bike it'll be easier to pull my headlight fuse than to just unplug them lol.
  20. RIP... gotta love the double standard when it comes to cops breaking the law.
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