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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Wow, if someone raises a gun to me in a situation like that and I think my life is in dager. They better fire shots off first or they are gonna be on the ground in approx 2 seconds depending on the situation and where I am carrying. At least they took away his guns.
  2. And a VFR you need to buy back?
  3. I may be down. I gotta see what my friends from out of town plan on doing on saturday morning/afternoon. Would be nice to ride with you again Nivin. I also would dip out early.
  4. Hahahahaha Sent from my iPhone.
  5. Looks good! Problem I have with my tank bag is it prevents me from getting in a comfortable cornering position lol. Sent from my iPhone.
  6. It was perfect. Let me work on what I wanted to work on.
  7. That Friday Morning I had 129, 28, and the skyway to myself. It was weird.
  8. He's offered that deal to everyone here. He just needs to man up.
  9. Looks clean. Priced well. I know what Jon's bottom dollar he would take for Brian's old viffer. Although it is slightly higher milage, I know Jon's has all the mods you would want for the vfr already done. I could ask him if you are ready to buy. It's got 13k on it though.
  10. I'm a firm believer in "if it's not too soon it's too late". Sent from my iPhone.
  11. Your VFR? It's more mine than yours at this point. And neither of us own it.
  12. I dont want to drive it, I want to have it drive me. jk. Will it do burnouts?
  13. VFR1200 I say will get a podium spot. But if Tonik bans me, I know where he lives.
  14. Hopefully to fund something youll come out on group rides on
  15. Oh he doesnt have any problem with those on his current ride. You can take my word for it.
  16. Damn you bean pole. And you are taller than I. Did I mention just you considering a ST has made my day?
  17. I think the suspension is set pretty well even for me. I am 180-185. Given I havent taken it down to SEO. @Isaac's Papa's and I spoke of while we were down at the gap, we are afraid of how quick you'll be on something other than that couch! haha. Buy the vfr.
  18. I have an 06 VFR in the garage. Its really nice! and welcome. Although you arent officially welcome until you come buy this VFR.
  19. Glad we never had to put that to the test on the Gap trip.
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