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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I do most of my shitting at work, where it should be done. Helps conserve TP.
  2. Went out early this AM to get some stuff I've been needing, laundry detergent and got more groceries right when giant eagle opened. I shouldnt have to go anywhere but work and home for the next 2 weeks, Maybe the occasional mtb trail.
  3. Going down to OECR to ride it after work.
  4. "You can milk anything with nipples", Jim.
  5. I bought some cookies to help with this problem.
  6. Bought more mags this weekend (online) for the impending zombie apocalypse that is bound to happen with a rushed vaccine.
  7. Ever seen iRobot? I'm gonna be Will Smith minus the Chucks.
  8. Idk, the kids these days suck pretty bad already... Maybe its me getting old but I'm pretty sure my generation didnt suck as much as these GenZ-ers
  9. If you aren't burning dead dinosaurs are you really having fun? Yea yea I get the benefits to an electric motor. I've spent time behind the wheel of a tesla and it was fun with immediate torque. I'll still have something that burns fossil fuels in my garage for funzies, personally.
  10. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5717
  11. He isnt touring the world on it right now is he?
  12. I found TP this morning! Only had 3 rolls left. Was getting a little worried.
  13. In the office today and forgot the following items: ID Badge, Lunch, Snacks. Remembered: To disinfect my door knobs and locks.
  14. If this is really a concern then don't ride.
  15. Idk, they still believe I need to be physically in the office when I can do my entire job remotely. So I'm a little skeptical. Only reason I might need to be in the office if there was a power outage.... and even then I'd have time to come in while everything was down.
  16. Pretty much business owners are still given latitude on if they deem their business essential. I'm sitting at work because one of our divisions makes screw drivers.... apparently they help build medical stuff... or so the president says.
  17. I am. And I agree. Idk how I went from being able to manage large 12 international datacenters remotely to managing one thats smaller than 1/6 of 1 of the aforementioned datacenters and I can only get 2 days a week at home starting next week. That among other reason is why I'm trying to leave this place. It's just not what I'm looking for in a place where I want to stay for 10+ years.
  18. Every time I get annoyed that I'm still having to go into the office I think of my friends that have lost their jobs already. Makes me feel a bit better. Then I remember my boss is working from home and then I'm mad again.
  19. I love the bike, just make the pic like 1/2 to 1/4 of the size like mine is. I have that bike's sporty brother sitting in my garage.
  20. Cant you admins edit his signature?
  21. He is literally the only member with a signature that is that big that posts on any kind of regular basis. It's like in office space... why do I have to change? He's the one that sucks.....
  22. Dude you need to shrink your signature picture lol.
  23. Just sitting here waiting for the national guard to show up at this month's food distribution at the cleveland food bank...
  24. Never know what's in @Tpoppa's personal inventory. @MidgetTodd Is a class 3 dealer
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