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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. PSH Helmets. Who's got time for helmets, racing, traveling and a love life? Not I.
  2. I have 2 Corsair X's already. Need to space out the date's a little bit.
  3. Too cold. Weather is unpredictable that time of year (lets face it, it's ohio it could be 85 tomorrow). That place is miserable in the cold/rain. Not because you're cold and you're wet, because the surface becomes an ice rink. Nelsons Ledges has a much better surface, it was just repaved. If your willing to travel, Pittsburgh International Race Complex (PIRC) is one of the premier tracks on this half of the United States and also has a good surface for pretty much all weather conditions. N2 Trackdays runs at both tracks. https://www.n2td.org/ LEAN Trackdays runs Nelsons much more often than anyone else. https://leantd.com/
  4. First pointer: Wait until June or July.
  5. https://wigle.net/ Have fun.
  6. I mean we talking Motul 300v or Rotella?
  7. With TD's and Racing my schedule is all over the place this year . It'll settle back down next year.
  8. Damn, will be in Pittsburgh getting new tires spooned on and possibly getting a little seat time in before I start the race season in May.
  9. You didn't keep that shit in a jar on your desk at home?
  10. I would totally rock that minus the light bar and bull bar.
  11. I'm about to start punching babies unless I get to ride soon.
  12. If anyone wants to hit a bourbon trail I'm in. I mainly blame @Jester_ for this.
  13. Did you ever go down to the waffle stand in the north market in Columbus for some chicken and waffles?
  14. I actually regretted putting glass on my last .22. It took the fun out of it because I could hit anything I wanted. Looking back it was most likely because I never had room to stretch it's legs.
  15. They are good. But you need to try that shank. Are you? Ask yourself that question next time you ride the hyper.
  16. This has taken years off my life. There was data loss and I'm seemingly the only one that is walking around concerned about it.
  17. I'm still restoring files from a file corruption issue that went on for hours before anyone let me do anything about it. Albeit I didn't know it was corrupting files but I knew something was going on with the file server and I was told to "wait". 😑
  18. We're twinning. I'm still cleaning up the mess that an issue at the end of last week created.
  19. Actually I believe I have your email somewhere. I'll look when I get home.
  20. Anyone know of any companies that have a need for entry level Cyber Security Jobs?
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