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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. ... I really need to go shooting. Haven't gone in over a year.
  2. Anyone know the shelf life for this 3D ammo I just printed? Just want to know if I have to use it right away.
  3. So when can we get pictures of the monkey humping the football? Not just of the football....
  4. Let me know, because I went out with Kyle two-up in a novice session and we were dicing through people like a hot knife through butter
  5. Did the passenger have green knee pucks?
  6. OR Asian Contingent vs. Also, we from the asian delegation select @TRMN8TR to be an honorary asian this weekend as well. Someone else put together a 3 man team to get punished.
  7. Gamestop will give you a whole $15 for all of that.
  8. Wow, they should've done more to prevent that instead of "take it back".
  9. Gottcha. I just was under the assumption to receive unemployment from the state of Ohio you had to actively be looking for a job.
  10. ... how does one stay on unemployment for 2 years and 8 months? Thats a hell of a lot of "job applications" over those weeks. Over 432 in fact...
  11. Whats up with the R1 guys picking on us twin guys? @Jester_ wheelied my ass too this past weekend. Edit: Multiple times.
  12. I was not the only one to donate for this PIRC day as I paid for the mid ohio cert that was registered but not used. @Jester_ contributed the most for this PIRC day along with myself. You don't have to offer a free track day, I started this to honor a debt to a friend that got me into this. But we certainly do want to keep getting new people out there just for the experience. So let me know and I will contribute some for next year for sure. Even if they don't take it to the level some of us have, I believe it is an eye opening experience that everyone that rides should do at least once.
  13. Well, over this past weekend we were finally able to deliver on our promise. Maybe not at mid Ohio but at PIRC. Hope ya had fun @GSX-Sam
  14. @Pauly I got Jinu and Brandon to come out. I'm sure you haven't seen those two in a while. We will be battling to the death at the cart track.
  15. TimTheAzn

    New Bike

    Still have the rest of them? lol
  16. God damnit, yes. I'll be at PIRC next two weekends. Next next weekend is motoamerica. You should stop up!
  17. I hope you heal quickly, sorry to hear this.
  18. I'd almost argue premeditation based on his previous encounters with other store go-ers. He's been looking for a fight.
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