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Everything posted by Lost
The 22 shot to temple will scramble the brain. Seen it a few times. The bullet will penetrate the skull and then bounce around inside the skull. As a young man I watched my grandmother shoot a deer out the kitchen window with grandpa's 22 hog rifle. The deer was in her garden after all. We had venison for dinner as I remember. You can kill with a pellet rifle.
Channel 6 had his dumb ass uneducated POS brother on. He should have kept his mouth shut. Gangsta shit went to his head. Now he is gonna pay.
There is some really bad advice in this thread. Advice if you don't know or think you might know you should just keep going. The advice moose offered would have damaged his multi meter if it was unprotected and possibly got the guy holding the meter hurt. Never ever plug an amp meter hot to neutral without a load or some other way to limit current in line. The purpose of a GFI is to ensure all of the CURRENT going out on the Hot wire is in Balance with the Current returning on the neutral. the currents coming and going must equal otherwise it will trip.
Glad it worked out. Last one I did said let it sit for an hour or so before installing.
He said that he added the acid. As suggested check it with a volt meter. I also believe that the battery may need to sit for a while with the acid in it before installation. Let me know what you find out.
Well took the little man to see it today. I enjoyed it, but again I didn't have any expectations beyond being entertained. He loved it btw.
Well the son's er visit at children's is adding up....... $1799 for the er visit and $276 for a doctor we never even saw. 4 hour vist wow.
I traded in my clunker. 97 ford explorer 4x4. It had the explorer timing chain rattle, and a slipping transmission. To top it off, I bent it last winter on the center concrete barrier on 315 trying to avoid another spinning truck. I bought it 5 years ago for $2800 and it was wrecked at the time. $400 worth of parts from the junk yard and it was great. I traded it in for another truck and got $3500 from the program. I was in the market for a newer vehicle before winter, what this allowed me to do was get new instead of used.
Cici's of hospitals..... No thanks. No malpractice. What if the doctor screws up? you need some compensation. I want World class healthcare at Cici prices. Of course we know that probably can't happen.
In a truly self defense situation. You do not have the opportunity to pull a slide back. I have drawn mine in defense in a kroger parking lot after dark. The guys that were gonna jump me screamed and yelled and said they were calling the cops. I calmly went inside and had the store manager call. Of course the punks didn't. I got the standard lecture from LEO about branishing a firearm. I had about a second to react as I saw the flash of them coming from the passenger side. I had just a split second to react and I drew and backed away from them. Getting space and time. No way I could have pulled the slide or anything else. Thats why I carry a revolver. It is bigger and heavier, IMHO it is more reliable and nothing like someone looking at a Dirty Harry style revolver. A shotgun racking is probably the only thing more intimidating.
My carry is a Tarus Judge yes all cylinders are full. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO0YMPVqw-o
Here is the problem with our current health. My son has asthma, lots of kids have it. We understand it, we know most of the triggers and we can treat him. We were at camp with my son in July and the campfire started an asthma attack. Well we did our routine to deal with it. It didn't work and we ended up in the ER at Childrens Hospital. We were their for 4 hours and they straightened him out. He had 3 breathing treatments. They sent us home. Well to day I got the bill. it is $1799.93 after the insurance company paid their portion. I say Bull shit. I pay $500 a month for family coverage and that doesn't include dental and optical because they are extra and separate. I opened the bill and was immediately pissed beyond speaking. I call the wonderful folks at Humana who told me yep thats the deal. I had hit the out of pocket hole in my coverage. Great, I have about 5 days to pay it before childrens sic the collection agencys on me. For those who haven't experienced it Childrens hospital wants their money now. They misbilled my insurance a couple of years ago and they rebuilded and before it cleared the insurance I was getting calls from a collection agency.
rider 1 had issues with the charger bike mount. Middle of Wisconsin mine failed of course no paper maps with me either. the vibration had enlarged the pins in the cradle and it intermittently had contact. I sold it and got a zumo. I would look at one in person before you buy it and make sure they switched from the pin socket configuration
The zohan was a PG-13. I thought it was a solid R. What do I know.
My 9 year old wants to see it to the point of treating dad......... I told him he can buy the popcorn, I'll get the tickets. To much violence for a 9 year old???? With a 9 year old it is less about story and more about explosions. Wait I am kinda like that too.
I agree with you on that. Our government is pretty screwed up. The income tax needs straightened out for sure. I would like a flat tax, but how much, not a clue. Would you be willing to pay say 35% of your income if it included health care coverage? I saw one estimate that in the next 10 years healthcare will take 70% of our GDP. Which will absolutely destroy our economy.
There is so much lying and false statements on both sides. I would really like to know what is being proposed with out the political spin. Do we agree that our health care system or the way it is paid for needs to change?
Just curious why did my last post just receive negative rep???
Judgmental?????? You fail to understand that there is no free lunch. A homeless guy sprains his ankle and gets a $5k MRI who pays for it? Health care is rapidly becoming a privelage for the rich. As far as family members being sick. My wife had Hodgkin disease about 20 years ago. It is a cancer of the lymph nodes, her exact diagnosis was lymphoma nodular sclerosis. She was treated for 2 years. It included 8 rounds of chemo. 28 visits to the linear accelerator. about 4 months in her red blood cell count crashed and she was in the hospital for three weeks. Then they started the neubogen shots at $900 each, they were new and kinda experimental and not covered. She had 8 rounds of 5 shots each. CT's at $7k a piece just to take a look. She had 3 in 5 days. She is fine but I came out owning the Oncologist $12,247 The hospital $8623 The radiology group $9,000 something. this was after my insurance paid. I was 23 years old just out of college when this happened. It took me 7 years to pay is all off. I have a pretty good understanding of health care and how it works.
Thx for correcting me. For the record I had no idea bruhy was a cop. It still doesn't change my opinion.
I would like to thank all of you who gave me negative rep. I would like to thank the mods for deleting several of my posts. The intent of my post was the it is a really bad idea to confront another driver while on two wheels. Bushy should agree that it could have ended ugly. Officer would you recommend your course of action to the rest of us civilian types here on Ohio rider?
It's all hypothetical at this point. What ever we end up with will be corrupt, cost too much and take too long?
I didn't get this old being stupid. With all the testosterone ladden talk on this board you should know that the next guy you walk up could be one of these gun toting idiots. I would kick his ass, shot him,broke his nose, popped this broke that. Bull.... Internet Bullys. Prepared.... Lets talk could haves He could have seen you racing to catch him. If it was me that is alarming He could have seen you get off your bike. Very alarming to me. He could have seen you approach the car on a back road. My gun is out and cocked You reach for the door your dead. He could have turned you in for road rage. Remember you approached him and he was just driving minding his own business. Your word against his irregardless of who is right. Who is the cop gonna believe? "Well officer he came at so fast it was all I could do to try to get out of his way." Just a thought. DGTL Girl.....you shouldn't encourage this behavior. It does do motorcyclist any good and could quite possibly lead to him getting injured or killed. Like I said, remember the experience, close calls are gods way of educating us. You got off cheap with a good scare and a case of the shakes.