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Everything posted by Lost

  1. In the Netherlands it is just like court. A panel of peers judge your worthiness and cost verses benefit. a 90 year old will not get a bunch of expensive treatment. An crack addict won't get much either. Socially diseases....Wrap that rascal is all I have to say. At least with a panel of your peers you have a fighting chance. The idots in goberment and the insurance company refer to the chart and then deny your claim or precertification.
  2. I wonder what the rest of the story is. I bet it is pretty terrible. The end with the mass grave of humans was pretty telling. They could be practicing scorched earth. dead animals in the water sources, removing all possible food sources. To be honest, animals being killed doesn't bother me. Some of the footage looks like guys trying to feed their families. Other segments don't look like subsistence hunting. I would like to know more about the clip before passing judgement. when and where and why. It is easy to judge with a full belly and a roof over your head.
  3. Round about are new to columbus. Not only are they a challenge to navigate but they present a challenge to the cages also. Watch out for the cars and trucks. they cannot see you. They turn from the wrong lanes and turn into the wrong lanes.
  4. Everyone one needs to realize things cannot keep going the way they are. Premature babys receiving 100's of thousands of dollars of care. 90 year olds receiving hip replacements. 50 year olds receiving their 3rd by pass surgery MRI's for sprained ankles and twisted knees Wake up people it has gotta stop. If you want the best care in the world your gonna pay for it. Personally I don't have a problem with a committee deciding on health care. Drug or alcohol addicts have diseases caused by their addiction denied. 3rd bypass denied, you can't change your lifestyle enough to correct it then you don't deserve it. Have another wing and beer. I have a guy I work with that gets MRI's 3-4 times a year cause he gets a little dizzy. Please that's $20k for his test and I am paying for it. Take into account standing in the community, arrest record, health record and family history. Netherlands they do it. They will tell patience flat out no. If you want care you pay for it out of your own pocket. I live a healthy active lifestyle. I get my annual physical and blood work. Even with my sons ahsma we haven't spent $500 this year.
  5. Glad you missed him or he missed you. Get over it. There is only one person who is responsible for your safety. YOU. I commute 315 every day. I have close calls daily, you trust no one, don't think anyone is going to do anything but not see you. You are invisible, drive and act like it. You did the correct thing by slowing down and maneuvering to avoid him. The incorrect thing by chasing and confronting him. He could have blown you away because he was in fear of his life. If your dead it is his side of the story verses yours, well your dead you don't have one. Everyone of us need to remember that if we are luck we will all be old blue heads. Beating an old man????? please.
  6. So in addition to to a cell antenna it has a gps antenna too???????? I doubt it.
  7. My curiosity has peaked, I just gotta ask. If it loses signal then tell me how the GPS continues to work. Exactly It can't. Isheep bahhhhh bahhhhhhh
  8. So hoblick whats up with your link http://www.detailedperformance.com Did you lose ownership?
  9. Probably a couple of grand too
  10. Let me tell you a story about coverage and the sister in law. It was January 2009 she drove from Tennessee to see the wife and kids. Sunday evening comes she heads for home. Well, Somewhere between Lexington and Berea Ky her new mazda stops on the side of the rode. No biggy she pulls out her cell phone to call and no signal, can't even text. Now it is 10 pm in the dead of winter on an interstate in ky. So after an hour of sitting in the car she starts to walk. Finally someone picks her up and gets her too a Walmart where she calls us. Take a guess what kinda Phone?????? Iphone and att. In a metro area coverage isn't an issue, but when your in the sticks coverage is a huge issue. I have Verizon, Major highways coverage is good, but on two lanes in the country I lose coverage just like everyone else. With what happened to my sister in law, coverage is more important to me than the electronic bobble that will be out dated in 12 months.
  11. So my curious george on ether avatar was offensive????
  12. That was part of the spirit of the website. As a red blooded american male, I admittedly love the female form, Clothed, nude, semi nude. I love them all. So we are gonna neuter the it. It used to be the virtual garage, complete with the calendar girl on the wall.
  13. In vegas vacation didn't the card dealer tell Mr Griswold to rent a gun and buy a bullet
  14. I started with a 5hp rupp minibike. My first street bike was a 68 honda s90. 89cc of pure power. There is no right answer. I suggest buying and inexpensive used 250 to start. That way with the inevitable bumps and bangs that happen when learning don't happen to at 10k bike. There are guys that learn on liter bikes. but they miss somethings. The working the gears on a low horsepower bike to get were you need to go, understanding the true sweet spot in the power band. In my book having a liter bike for your first bike is like your first car being a ferrari. As you age you appreciate the Jaguar or Rolls but you have already been to the top of the mountain. Ridden the ton, had more horsepower than you can safely use on the street. Like I said, there is no right or wrong, I know guys who have done both and done fine.
  15. Baron Von Buell, I play a bit of everything, Earth defense force, Blazing angels, force unleashed, Halo1,2, and 3. Bioshock 1&2
  16. Go ahead and do it, then when you sell it, just check the box on the title that says the speedo isn't accurate. This the the point when it becomes illegal.
  17. sounds like a great ride. Far as damperners go, need them, don't need them. Like most everything else you can add to the bike MOST of US will never ride these bikes to the point of needing them.
  18. I am not saying he right. I believe he should not lose his job, but if he loses his license then he cannot perform his job, reassignment at least. He was doing exactly what every member of this board has done. Seeing what his bike could do, speeding. It isn't like he was robbing banks or beating his wife.
  19. Far as the traffic cameras go. You can go on line and view the video of what happened and why you got the ticket. Most people see it and just pay it.
  20. He needs to be treated the same as everyone else. If he gets off, I call bullshit. Even on a technicality. He was going that fast plain and simple, he needs to pay the price.
  21. I have buried a number of riding friends. Nothing anyone is gonna say is gonna make it easier. Some were accidents Some were stupidity Some were testosterone Some were only god knows. Riding is a dangerous past time. If you don't want to attend any funerals a good start would be to not to have any motorcyclist as friends. I understand your loss, and it will get easier as the days pass. Remember him as how you would like to be remembered. Shed the guilt as it does no good.
  22. Lost

    Movie Theater

    Arena grand Bar no kids
  23. Lost

    Cops on 315

    No police in the construction zone all weekend. Week days they are sitting on the southbound side directly in front of the hospital and right at the hospital exit, olentangy riverside.
  24. Health care is way out of control. Hospitals buying million dollar robots to perform surgery with that they never ever will recoup the cost on. Why do they do it? To keep up with the Jones's. Magnetic steerable cath systems cool million, Ridicules. A waste of money. How many cases does it take to pay for one of those???? Never will they ever get their money out of it. Egos of Physicians and CEO's drive what is purchased. Drug eluding cath's for angioplasty.........those bad boys are $7k each. Unbelievable. Hospitals have a little to do with cost of health care. Drug companys, My sons ashma meds are $500 for 90 days. I have co workers that pay $500 a month. Suppliers...... All of the pumps, disposable devices, laundry cost a fortune, Lawers......mistakes happen, Doctors insurance coverage is unbelievable. Insurance companys......How many people does a physican office need to file and track insurance claims. 3 or 4. The consumer.......... They demand and expect only the best when it comes to health care. The best cost, don't smoke, exercise, watch what you eat. Pray for good genes. Everyone is too blame for our current problems. Everyone needs to compromise.
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