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Everything posted by copperhead

  1. Wow, that's about spot on to what I said here
  2. Have you actually fired that monstrosity yet? You won't be doing much skeet shooting with it, I promise
  3. They would if they actually did anything. Which they didn't.
  4. My take on it: They don't already do this? Tossing HIPAA, along with personal privacy, out the window. Currently health care people can only share information with the police if its for something they are required to, like gun shot wounds. I'm guessing this is a gray area that's dependent on local law. Of course, nobody is being required to answer any doctor's questions and if I personally were to have a doctor start asking me about anything not directly related to why I'm there I would certainly not go back to that doctor. Again, they don't already do that? Sounds like they couldn't come up with a way to force the issue, either. Weakness on their end. The Attorney General certainly handled Fast and Furious well, so let's try it again. Ohio law specifically prohibits this in the case of CCW. Sounds like a back door way to "forget" to return lawful people's guns. They already know how to do this :dumb: The NRA took care of that back in 1988, A+ for effort though. http://eddieeagle.nra.org/ Ok, I can't argue too much over this considering gun locks that are required to be given with new guns are all junk that get thrown out because they don't work, and because Stack-on safes have inherent flaws that allow them to be opened quite easily without the key (search youtube) And then what? Eric Holder, here's your homework assignment. It won't be graded though, so don't worry too much. Why didn't they bother doing this 4 years ago when the spot opened up? Why wasn't this done after Columbine? Oh wait, gun free zones, that's right. Because gun crimes are more important than any other violent crimes. The CDC is currently banned from doing this by law. Also, are they trying to say gun ownership is a disease? I don't see why the CDC would have anything to do with gun owners. Eric Holder, here's your next homework assignment. This one will be passed out to the public so it will be graded. Also, no incentive for the public sector to follow through on this one. If the money isn't there they won't give a shit. It also doesn't prohibit patients from telling the doctors to go fuck themselves. It's starting to sound more like this stuff is geared towards psychiatrists. Here we go, this is aimed straight at the guy in Aurora. He was saying all kinds of shit to his psychiatrist about killing people and she thought HIPAA prevented her from reporting it. As above, this is HIPAA grey area but they are probably correct. My issue is that once a person who needs mental help is reported to the police for this, they get tossed into the criminal system and forgotten about when they most likely could get some real help and eventually reintegrate into society. Wrong approach here. Too little, too late. Will be totally underfunded and under implemented within a year. Shouldn't this be devised before a building is in use? They don't already know what they cover? Or are they not following procedure? And how many ACA exchanges have actually been set up? To my knowledge, none in Ohio. More promotion of Obamacare. Let's finish what we started nearly 4 years ago! U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and U.S. Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan. Let's get on Oprah and talk this through. Maybe if we talk about things some more, people will start to feel better and there will be less mental health issues. Cliffs: Nothing plus nothing equals nothing. At the Federal level there will be no assault weapons ban. There will be no magazine capacity ban. There may be a push for "universal background checks" aka "gun show loophole" closure, but this will be unenforceable because it would only work with a national registry which won't happen. Nothing to see here folks, move along...
  5. Riddle me this - how do you enforce "universal background checks" and "closing the gun show loophole" without a national gun registry? Either its an unenforceable law or there will be a registry Here's the dog and pony show:
  6. I would expect 6 month backorders on any major brand stuff, unless people start canceling orders. Back on topic though, Illinois and New York are shoving through gun bans. NY is restricting mags to 7 rounds, dunno what's happening in IL. I sincerely hope the gun manufacturers in those states jump ship and move to a friendly state, and offer their loyal employees relocation help to go with them. That's a lot of tax money those states are collected from businesses they are trying to destroy.
  7. Harry Reid has already come out and said he's not going to push any anti gun legislation, blaming the Republican led house of not wanting to play ball. He's forgetting to mention the part where the NRA has been lining his pockets, so either way we are safe on the Congressional front. This leaves us with the Biden taskforce, and Obama's threats of executive order. Obama doesn't really want to deal with it. He knows that the next Senate election is going to be ugly on his end and he really really really doesn't want to lose the only support he's got in the Legislative branch. Besides, if he were to co-opt the legislative process, along with the checks and balances built into the Constitution to prevent a rogue branch of government (just like he's threatening to do) then the Democrats would be downright stupid to allow such a precedent to go through by not voting to impeach his ass. They know that if they allow him to follow through with creating his own law then that opens the door for the next Republican president to order all abortion clinics shut down, or whatever else they are most scared of. Obama knows this. He either truly doesn't give a flying fuck (doubt it) or he's got something else up his sleeve. It's increasingly looking like he's throwing out his gun ban EO threats because the GOP led house currently has the advantage on something that he needs - the debt ceiling. If the debt ceiling doesn't get raised then the government can't keep paying the bills and it shuts down. The credit rating sinks, interest rates go up, people don't get paychecks (and may decide to riot), etc etc. Obviously its something that everyone wants to avoid. However, the GOP is arguing that in return, there needs to be budget cuts (sadly, they aren't even asking for a balanced budget) so that we're not borrowing so much money. Obama already got his tax increases (on everyone, nice trick there). The GOP doesn't want to move on the debt ceiling until there are serious budget cuts set in stone. Obama is saying he refuses to negotiate on the debt ceiling, it just has to pass. Now, he has the threat of a gun ban to dangle over their heads, and say if he doesn't get his debt ceiling increase, they will get to see new gun bans. THIS totally unrelated issue will determine our Constitutional freedoms for the foreseeable future. 'Merica, fuck yeah.
  8. copperhead


    Schools should never feel like prisons. Terrorists winning, and all that.
  9. In a world of compromises, some people put the bullets in the magazine backwards…But it doesn’t matter, because our gun is on the cover of the Rainbow Six video games. Look how cool that SEAL coming out of the water looks… If you buy a $2,000 SOCOM, you will be that cool of an operator too. And chicks will dig you. At HK, we stuck a piston on an AR15, just like a bunch of other companies have done, dating back to about 1969. However ours is better, because we refuse to sell it to civilians. Because you suck, and we hate you. Our XM8 is the greatest rifle ever developed. It may melt, and it doesn’t fit any accessories known to man, but that is your fault. If you were a real operator, you would love it. Once again, look at Rainbow Six, that G36 sure is cool isn’t it? Yeah, you know you want one.And by the way, check out our new HK45. We decided that humans don’t need to release the magazine with their thumbs. If you were a really manly teutonic operator, you would be able to reach the controls. Plus we’ve fired 100,000,000 rounds through one with zero malfunctions, and that was while it was buried in a lake of molten lava, on the moon. If you don’t believe us, it is because you aren’t a real operator. By the way, our cheap, mass-produced, stamped sheet metal guns like the G3 and MP5 are the bestest things ever, and totally worth asinine scalpers prices, but note that cheap, mass-produced, stamped sheet metal guns from other countries are commie garbage. Not that it matters, because you’re civilians, so we won’t sell them to you anyway. Because you suck, and we hate you, but we know you’ll be back. We can beat you down like a trailer park wife, but you’ll come back, you always do. Buy our stuff. Sincerely, HK Marketing Department HK. Because you suck. And we hate you. http://i412.photobucket.com/albums/pp201/copperhead035/badHKbrochuresmall_zpsfc39e43f.jpg
  10. ITT: This gun owning felon FILL
  11. copperhead

    What if?

    No, they understand them perfectly. They simply choose to include only the stats that help their cause. Because the average person who thinks the daily show is news will believe whatever shit they are spoon fed.
  12. That's what happens when well funded lobbyists are writing legislation
  13. Piers knew exactly what was going to happen. Brilliant move on his part, to invite Alex Jones on the show. Jones couldn't even fly there without almost getting arrested.
  14. Damn good advice here. My girlfriend's father passed away a week ago last friday. She's 23, so needless to say its been a tough week. I hadn't seen him for two years (Christmas), and I believe she had only seen him once since then. He caused a lot of fights and tension, which we think his girlfriend was mostly instigating. The way he went out was a large mix of issues that smashed him all at once. He was a heavy drug user when he was younger, and had (hereditary) Diverticulitis that had nearly killed him about a decade ago. Well, he thought he had the flu and was ignoring it, finally he went to the hospital to find out he had pneumonia, which was followed by I believe two heart attacks. Come to find out he had heart disease as well so they would have had to do serious surgery to get him fixed up had he been otherwise healthy. Needless to say, he couldn't be revived. He was only 54. Anyway, my point is when he died he went out having left horrible relationships with all three of his children and his grandchildren being young enough that they won't remember what little they saw of him. My girlfriend had always hoped she would some day be able to salvage their relationship and tries to hang on to her happy memories of him from when she was a child because those are the only happy memories she has of him. Don't leave feelings in the shadows, especially now. Make peace so that when he is gone it will be easy to forget the bad times and only remember the good.
  15. Yeah......this isn't the place to be talking about illegal steroids. Locked.
  16. yup, only reason to pay for lodging is if you want to go somewhere special. Airfare can be discounted or free if you are willing to put in some effort. My goal is Hawaii in 5 years, only paying for food and entertainment.
  17. Not sure which I dislike more, Hi Point or Mossberg.
  18. HMR stands for Hornady magnum rifle. So yeah, they make the ammo
  19. Protip: all plastic tip .17 hmr is made by hornady in their plant. The tip color is changed depending on how its packaged. Get the cheapest you can find
  20. does this also work for early 2000's dodge or fords?
  21. And as a reminder http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109128
  22. This requires your full 9 digit zip code. That can be looked up here: https://tools.usps.com/go/ZipLookupAction!input.action
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